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» TwistedBrush

Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 03.06.2007 00:33

Графический редактор, но не совсем обычный. В отличие от большинства подобных программ, TwistedBrush оптимизирован не на редактирование уже имеющейся графики, а на создание новой, т.е. главная его возможность - рисование.
Характерный штрих: в программе всего один рисующий инструмент — кисточки, зато их количество (более 360), а также многообразие форм и отличная регулируемость размеров и цветовой гаммы позволяют любому человеку буквально за несколько минут изобразить то, что профессионал, использующий другой редактор, создавал бы, наверное, не один час.
Несмотря на значительно меньшее, чем, к примеру, в Фотошопе, количество эффектов, TwistedBrush тоже кое-что позволяет. Например, доступны такие эффекты, как "дым", "огонь", "ветер", "туман", "вода"; можно смешивать масляные краски, использовать распылитель, рисовать эскизы и даже воспользоваться такой возможностью, как создание трехмерных объектов с тенями или фракталов футиристического вида. Удобству работы не помешает имеющаяся система Undo/Redo (до 50 уровней), поддержка скриптов, более 50 фильтров, ZOOM, многочисленные текстуры и т.п.
Поддерживается большинство популярных графических форматов, включая JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, PSD, BMP, PCD, WMF и EMF.

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Автор: Tnav
Дата сообщения: 18.06.2007 09:07
TwistedBrush 13.3
Автор: Tnav
Дата сообщения: 24.06.2007 21:15
TwistedBrush 13.4
Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 10.09.2007 08:42
TwistedBrush 13.82
Автор: simens007
Дата сообщения: 23.09.2007 20:17
TwistedBrush 13.83
Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 24.09.2007 12:13
TwistedBrush 13.84
Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 01.10.2007 11:51
TwistedBrush 13.9
Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 15.10.2007 02:09
TwistedBrush 14.0
Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 28.10.2007 02:48
TwistedBrush 14.1

Автор: NMN777
Дата сообщения: 13.12.2007 13:17
TwistedBrush Studio Pro 15
Автор: simens007
Дата сообщения: 14.01.2008 11:42
TwistedBrush 15.06

Fixed - Lua Script Filters were clipping the bottom and right edge of the image.
Автор: simens007
Дата сообщения: 21.01.2008 22:31
TwistedBrush 15.07

Added - Anti-Alias filter. found in the menu Filter > Blur > Anti Alias.
Added - Adpative Blur filter. Found in the menu Filter > Blur > Adaptive Blur.
Added - Detail Blur filter. Found in the menu Filter > Blur > Detail Blur.
Added - Detail Blur filter. Found in the menu Filter > Blur > Value Blur.
Added - Line Art Cleaner filter. Found in the menu Filter > Color > Line Art Cleaner.
Added - Basic Threshold filter. Found in the menu Filter > Color > Basic Threshold.
Added - Adjust HSL filter. Found in the menu Filter > Color > Adjust HSL.
Added - Adjust Lab filter. Found in the menu Filter > Color > Adjust Lab.
Added - Flag (checkbox) user control directive to the Lua script filter language.
Added - message_box() function added to the lua script filter language.
Added - single_buffer() function added. This will result in both gets and sets working from the same buffer.
Fixed - Deleting the last script in the Lua script filter list would result in a program crash.
Fixed - Gradient support masks and paper textures again. 15.05 broke this when true alpha overlays were added. Now all combinations work together!
Fixed - The ellipse tool could result in invalid data being drawning.
Fixed - When using the Lua Editor the main windows was not disabled when returning to the Filter dialog.
Fixed - Using Alt + click with an image brush on a large page could result in a program crash.
Автор: simens007
Дата сообщения: 22.01.2008 22:04
TwistedBrush 15.08

Changed - Show the Hue color slider at full saturation and normal luminance rather than reflecting the current saturation and luminance settings.
Fixed - Selecting About from the Help menu resulted in a crash.
Автор: simens007
Дата сообщения: 04.02.2008 12:14
TwistedBrush 15.10

Added - Hue wheel Lua Filter. Thanks RJP74
Added - Lua filter method get_cmyk(x,y) and set_cmyk(x,y,c,m,y,k)
Added - Brush effect envelope b-ang2. More predictable dynamic brush rotation than b-ang.
Improved - Brush Effects panel - complete overhaul. Combo boxes are gone. Effects and envelopes are split into catgories with a popup tree view. Effect rows and be reordered by dragging them and effect rows can be disabled and reenabled with a single click.
Improved - Minor performance improvement for the Value Blur filter.
Improved - Brush effect envelope b-ang. Allows the stroke to start painting earlier even when the freq setting is set high.
Improved - The position of icons in the the menu bar to put Undo and Redo in closer position to the page and moved the page navigation icons to the left to reduce the chance of them accidently being pressed.
Improved - The Horizontal Mirror Lua filter now supports an adjustable slider for setting the mirror horizon.
Fixed - The Value Blur filter had no fall-off which means the entire page was blurred a small amount.
Fixed - Case where the buttons on the Quick Command panel would stay depressed.
Автор: simens007
Дата сообщения: 07.04.2008 08:28
TwistedBrush 15.34

Improved - Crash protection if unable to access the registry to check for license information.
Changed - The create palette from image features now only work off the visible portion of the image.
Fixed - Non-blending brushes that are turned into blending brushes via brush effects did not properly capture the underlaying image data on the first stroke after selecting the brush. This has never been correct.
Fixed - When using the stylus eraser if a different brush was selected the resulting brush when done erasing was incorrect.
Fixed - Create palette from image did not work properly when zoomed in or out.
Fixed - Brushes with a blending attribute were not working properly with the line tool. This has been an issue for a long time.
Автор: Dr_Mihelson
Дата сообщения: 23.03.2009 02:28
TwistedBrush 15.73
Автор: Scooterist1
Дата сообщения: 23.03.2009 09:28

в программе всего один рисующий инструмент — кисточки, зато их количество (более 360)

360 - это в бесплатной версии? Про платнуюна офсайте пишут, что их 5.000.
Автор: Descloix
Дата сообщения: 10.07.2009 07:36
TwistedBrush Open Studio 15.77
Автор: neZlodey
Дата сообщения: 20.04.2010 16:21
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 16.24
TwistedBrush Open Studio 16.24

- Added - Added the Lay Transparency brush effect. This allows for proper transparency of brushes that make use of lay effects.
- Added - Two new modes added to the Contrast Mask filter and the Photo Detailer filter.
- Added - Detail Enhance solution added to the Special Effects category.
- Added - Solutions Recover Detail Clean, Recover Detail Neutral and Recover Detail Vivid added to the Image Enhancement category of solutions.
- Added - Solution Extreme Detail Neutral and Extreme Detail Vivid added to the Special Effects category of solutions.
- Improved - The Hyper Contrast filter has some performance improvements. This helps a number of other filters that internally use this filter.
- Improved - The Search feature of the Select Brush dialog will now also match against brush effects.
- Changed - The brush effect Alpha Lay has been removed since it no longer is needed. Brushes that used it have been updated.
- Fixed - The Pro Watercolor brushes could lead to incorrect results on other layers if the other layer had an Lay Alpha mix mode.
- Fixed - A number of brushes from different ArtSets were not functioning properly due to changes introduced 2 releases back.

- Added - Two new modes added to the Contrast Mask filter and the Photo Detailer filter.
- Improved - The Hyper Contrast filter has some performance improvements. This helps a number of other filters that internally use this filter.
- Improved - The Search feature of the Select Brush dialog will now also match against brush effects.
Автор: nalsjn
Дата сообщения: 20.08.2010 09:07
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.15
Автор: nalsjn
Дата сообщения: 31.08.2010 14:49
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.16

* Added - Art Pro - Cloner ArtSet added.
* Added - Art Pro - Seamless ArtSet added.
* Added - Brush effect pFix Color Trace added.
* Added - 4 brushes added to the Art Pro - Photo Edit ArtSet
* Added - Brush effect envelope "peak slow" added.
* Improved - Retain the canvas position information (set with Pan tool) when zooming in and out.
* Improved - The Fractal and Infinity brushes have been improved in the Art Pro - Mandala ArtSet.
* Improved - The Fractal brushes have been improved in the Art Pro - Design ArtSet.
* Improved - The Infinity brush has been improved in the Art Pro - Effects ArtSet.
* Fixed - On new installations the default brush size and colors were not being set correctly.
* Fixed - The brush rotation indicator on the cursor was not drawing at the correct location.
* Fixed - The db-ang and db-ang2 brush effect envelopes were not handling the first dab well.
* Fixed - The Repeat control for the Line tool was not working.
Автор: nalsjn
Дата сообщения: 08.09.2010 10:46
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.17

* Added - Pro Clip Array, Pro Image Brush Array and Pro Image Shape Array brushes added.
* Added - Brushes Pro Nu Infinity Paint, Pro Design Infinity Paint and Pro Mandala Infinity Paint.
* Added - Brush effect "Select Clip". Selects a clip from the current clip bank.
* Added - Brush effect envelopes "clip rnd" and "clip next" added.
* Improved - Major speed increase for the Pro Fractal, Pro Infinity and Pro Infinity Paint brushes.
* Improved - The Pro Cloner Dabs 1 and Pro Cloner Dabs 2 brushes now offer and option for Dab Luminance Variance.
* Improved - The pFix Color Trace brush effect now uses a brush strength for controlling the color luminance variance.
* Improved - Added a visual indicator when selecting a clip.
* Fixed - The Pro Image Brush Spray brush was not working correctly with brush rotation.
* Fixed - The Center Page option was not working.
Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 20.12.2010 10:14
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.23

* Added - Two perspective brushes added to the Pro Clips ArtSet and the Pro Image Brush ArtSet.
* Added - Brush effect envelop added. Dst h.perspc. This will give a value tied to the perspective drawing guides.
* Fixed - When using the Time-Lapse Painting feature changing the page size with the Crop or Border features could result in a crash. Now recording will be stopped.
* Fixed - The brush Fractal Paint 028 was not painting anything.
* Fixed - The Pro Image Brush Stamper brush was defaulting to tiled when it should not.
* Fixed - Bld Tint now smoothly supports the range from no tinting to full tinting.
* Fixed - The Pro Image Brush brushes that support tinting now smoothly supports the full range from no tinting to full tinting.
Автор: quickquick
Дата сообщения: 16.01.2011 23:36
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.24

* Added - 3 Scribbler brushes added Pro Nu Scribbler 1, Pro Nu Scribbler 2 and Pro Nu Scribbler 3. Found in the Pro Nu Media ArtSet.
* Added - The options for Horizontal Flip and Vertical Flip to the Quick Command panel.
* Added - Added brush effects Scribbler 1, Scribbler 2, Scribbler 3 and Scribbler 4.
* Improved - Don't automatically stop Time-Lapse Recording when switching pages or changing page sizes. However, recording will only resume when the page size matches the original page size used when the recording started.
* Improved - Added controls (buttons) to the Time-Lapse Recording dialog to allow manually forcing frames to record in 1, 5, 10 and 20 frame groups.
* Improved - Constrain the Line tool to straight lines when holding down the Shift key.
* Fixed - The Color Contrast filter was not honoring masks.
* Fixed - The Gallery link in the Help menu was not linking directly to the gallery anymore.
* Fixed - The Auto Clean tool (turned off) was not working correctly.
* Fixed - After scanning an image (with Acquire) the page was not being re-drawn.
Автор: quickquick
Дата сообщения: 30.01.2011 09:44
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.25

* Added - New ArtSet added. Art Pro - Scribblers with a total of 11 brushes.
* Added - 4 new layer mix modes. HSL Hue, HSL, Sat, HSL Lum and HSL Color
* Added - 4 new brush effects. Lay HSL Hue, Lay HSL Sat, Lay HSL Lum and Lay HSL Color.
* Added - 4 new brushes added to the Art Pro - Photo Edit ArtSet. Pro HSL Colorize, Pro HSL Hue, Pro HSL Sat and Pro HSL Lum.
* Added - A new brush was added to the Art Pro - Natural Media ArtSet. Pro Pen Sketch.
* Added - A new option was added to hide the circle cursor when the precision cursor is active.
* Added - A new brush effect added Fill. Fills the page evenly with dabs.
* Added - Pro Clip Fill brush added to the Art Pro - Clips ArtSet.
* Added - Pro Image Brush Fill brush added to the Art Pro - Image Brush ArtSet.
* Added - Pro Image Shape Fill brush added to the Art Pro - Image Shape ArtSet.
* Added - Horizontal Flip and Vertical Flip options added to the Clip Panel. Access from the right click pop-up menu.
* Changed - The scribbler brushes have been moved from the Art Pro - Nu Media ArtSet to the new Art Pro - Scribblers ArtSet.
* Improved - The Art Pro - Natural Media, Pro Artist Pen has been improved with smoother edges.
* Improved - Most clip brushes have received a significant performance improvement.
* Improved - Camera RAW file reading improvements.
* Fixed - Art Tools - Pens, Velvety Smooth Pen, Thick Smooth Pen, Flowing Pen 3 and Flowing Pen 4 were not working properly.
* Fixed - The Tile X and Tile Y brush effects were not always properly distributing the dabs on the page.
Автор: quickquick
Дата сообщения: 31.01.2011 09:15
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.26

* Improvement - Hide the Density slider when a brush is selected that does not make use of the density values.
* Change - The Pro HSL Sat brush is changed to not save the color information.
* Fixed - Smooth Felt Brush in the Markers ArtSet was not working properly.
* Fixed - The Surface Blur and Noise Reduction 2 filters were not working in 17.25. Additionally many solutions use those filters and therefore didn't work also.
Автор: quickquick
Дата сообщения: 05.02.2011 22:31
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.27

* Added - Option to create a reference image from a Clip was added. Located in the pop-up menu on the clip panel.
* Added - The Paste tool now supports Transform Size and Transform Rotate modes. Allow isolated transformations of size or rotation.
* Added - The Paste tool now has a Centered option to place the pasted image into the center of the page.
* Added - New filter added. Adjust RGBA in the Color category.
* Added - Two new Edge filters added. Edge4 and Edge5. Very fine edge filters in the Stylize filter category.
* Improvement - The Paste tool now supports rotation precision to 100th of a degree!
* Improvement - The Glow filter now includes a Burn option for a more intense effect.
* Changed - The Paste tool Transform Mode is now call Transform Size and Rotate.
Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 28.02.2011 08:35
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 17.28

* Added - New advanced filters Cartoon, Painted and Illustrated added to the Artistic filter category.
* Added - New advanced filter Frame Maker added to the Generate filter category.
* Added - Buffer commands added to the Lua Filter scripts in the paint category. Up to 32 buffers can be used. New commands include paint_buffer_from_layer, paint_buffer_to_layer, paint_buffer_copy, paint_buffer_clear, paint_buffer_merge_layer, paint_mask_to_buffer, paint_mask_from_buffer. This is very powerful addition.
* Added - Numerous commands add to the Lua Filter scripts in the paint category. paint_flip_horizontal, paint_flip_vertical, paint_clear_page, paint_fill_page, paint_mask_on, paint_mask_clear, paint_mask_invert, paint_create_from_mask, paint_alpha_create_from_mask, paint_mask_create_from_image, paint_mask_create_from_image_luma, paint_mask_create_from_alpha, paint_flood_fill, paint_rectangle, paint_ellipse, paint_text, paint_gradient, paint_mask_ellipse, paint_mask_rectangle, paint_mask_wand, paint_copy, paint_paste, paint_warp, paint_rotate_brush
* Improved - The Edge4 and Edge5 filters have been improved with new options.
* Improved - Indicate "Density not used for this brush" when appropriate.
* Changed - Shortcut keys Ctrl + F1 - Ctrl + F12 no longer activate the quick command buttons.
* Changed - Links to forum content have been undated.
* Fixed - When using the Copy to Shortcut feature in the ArtSet Editor dialog the current brush was not being update for the new ArtSet.
* Fixed - Added the layer merge types HSL_HUE, HSL_SAT, HSL_LUM and HSL_COLOR to Lua scripting.
* Fixed - The Tile X and Tile Y brush effects were placing dabs incorrectly. This was broken in release 17.25 and impacted the Seamless brushes and many other brushes that use the Tile_X and Tile_Y brush effects.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 12.05.2011 19:34
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 18.00

* Added - A new Polygon Mask tool has been added.
* Added - A new Lasso Mask tool has been added.
* Added - The Filter dialog now includes an option to select a rectangle area for previews. This is useful for very large pages.
* Added - The Lua filter scripts now support a variant slider type. This allows for a greater range of values.
* Added - New preference, Dialog Visible Adjustment. Allows during off the automatic movement of dialog boxes and panels. Useful for those with duel monitors.
* Added - Special Layer added. Mask Edit Layer allows quick and easy highly refined mask editing.
* Added - The three special layers (30, 31, and 32) now are shown with icons. P - Paper Layer, S - Scratch Layer, M - Mask Layer. Selecting one of these special layers from the layer mini bar will immediately enter the edit mode for that special layer.
* Added - Brush Code Import and Brush Code Export menus added to the Brush Shortcut pop-up menu.
* Improved - The Rectangle Mask tool now includes options for Replace, Add, and Subtract as well as an inverted rectangle option.
* Improved - The Ellipse Mask tool now includes options for Replace, Add, and Subtract as well as an inverted ellipse option.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: Editing mode of the scratch layer is now persistent so that it is no longer required to hold the A key to remain on the scratch layer.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: Textual indicator at the top of the page when editing the scratch layer was added.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: Switching to and from the scratch layer can now be done view the A key, layer menu, or Quick Command button.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: When exiting the scratch layer a Reference Image titled Scratch Layer Reference is automatically created / updated! Allows for easy color selections.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: The scratch layer's zoom and page position is remembered the next time you go to edit the scratch layer.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: The scratch layer is automatically named Scratch layer.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: The visibility of the scratch layer is now always turned off when exiting the scratch layer.
* Improved - Scratch Layer: When creating the scratch layer via toggling into the scratch layer edit mode the layer is automatically filled with fully opaque white. If desired the layer can be cleared for transparency.
* Improved - The Frame Maker filter now allows for a much great range of variations.
* Improved - The Quick Command panel buttons are now color coded to make it easier to quick find the desired button.
* Improved - The Layer Panel Launcher has been replaced with a more general Panel Launcher. This is the little bar that appears under the color palette area.
* Improved - The Paper Layer (previously called Texture Layer) now can more easily be manually edited in addition to the paper select dialog.
* Improved - Non-blending brushes work more logically with soft mask edges.
* Improved - Up to 256 layers can now be created. This is increased from the previous maximum of 32 layers.
* Improved - In the Layers panel the Click to Create Layer text now includes the layer number for reference.
* Changed - The Filter dialog no longer supports the Apply and Continue option.
* Changed - Hot keys for changing pages in a book are now Page Up and Page Down keys instead of the Left and Right arrow keys.
* Removed - The Unmask Grid Cell tool has been removed.
* Removed - The menu Mask > Mask Filter has been removed since it is now easier and more powerful to use the special Mask Edit layer.
* Removed - The menu Layer > Set Scratch Layer has been remove. The scratch layer will always be at layer position 31.
* Removed - Removed the hot keys Up and Down arrows for changing books. It was too easy to accidentally press these.
* Fixed - The Quick Command panel was not always properly sized.
* Fixed - The Move tool was not working correctly when ESC was used to cancel the Move action.
* Fixed - Don't remove the Scratch Layer when flattening a page.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 13.05.2011 10:44
TwistedBrush Pro Studio 18.02

* Fixed - Using the Page Exploring when the special layer (Paper, Scratch or Mask) was selected could result in a crash.
* Fixed - The Paper Select dialog was creating the paper layer at the wrong layer location.

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