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» Perl + MySQL

Автор: mox1987
Дата сообщения: 06.02.2009 16:53
Авторство скрипта не мое.
Скрипт используется в качестве плагина для Nagios`а (система мониторинга) для проверки кол-ва соединений и запросов в секунду к MySQL.

Скрипт работает с MySQL 4 и 5. Но вот с тройкой (3) не возвращает значение кол-ва запросов в секунду. Может быть он вообще не будет работать с MySQL 3?

Подскажите, пожалуйста, что делать.

bash-2.05b# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mysql_stats -H localhost -U root -P password -w 200 -c 300 -C
OK: Quantity of Connection used is 1 | quantity_used=1;200;300;0;100
bash-2.05b# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mysql_stats -H localhost -U root -P password -w 200 -c 300 -q
Cannot get value from database at /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_mysql_stats line 75.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use Getopt::Std;
use DBI;
use Cache::SharedMemoryCache;
use Getopt::Long;

use lib "third-party/";
use lib qw ( /usr/local/nagios/libexec );
use utils qw(%ERRORS);

use vars qw/ %opt /;

# globals
my $o_help        =    undef; # Help
my $o_hostname         =     undef; # Hostname
my $o_username         =     undef; # Username
my $o_password         =     undef; # Password
my $o_bufferpool     =     undef; # Bufferpool Check
my $o_qps         =    undef; # Queries per second Check
my $o_pagecache        =     undef; # Page cache Check
my $o_threadcache    =     undef; # Thread Cache Check
my $o_querycache    =     undef; # Query Cache Check
my $o_connections    =    undef; # Percent connections in use
my $o_warn        =    undef; # Warning value
my $o_crit        =    undef; # Critical value
my $results        =    undef; # Results
my $n_status        =    undef; # Status
my $n_perfdata        =    undef; # Performance data
my $n_output        =    undef; # Output
my $cache        =    undef; # Cache object
my $maxcon        =    undef;

sub connect {
    my($dbh) = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:host=$o_hostname",$o_username,$o_password)
        or die "Can't connect to database\n";
    return $dbh;

sub check_cache {
    my($getvars) = "SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ VARIABLES";
    my($testcache) = $cache->get ( 'version' );
        return 1;
        my($dbh) = &connect;
        my($sth) = $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ VARIABLES');
        while(my(@settings) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
            $cache->set ( $settings[0], $settings[1], "10 minutes" )
                or die "Cannot populate cache";
        return 1;

sub get_cached_value {
    if( &check_cache ) {
        my($cachedval)= $cache->get($param);
        return $cachedval;
        die "Could not get value from cache\n";

sub get_live_value {
    my($dbh) = &connect;
    my($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS LIKE '$param'");
    my(@livevals) = $sth->fetchrow_array()
        or die "Cannot get value from database";
    return $livevals[1];

sub connection_use {
    return sprintf($current_connections);

sub connection_max {
return sprintf($max_connections);

sub qcache_hit_ratio {
    # Original query I created
    #my($hit_ratio)=($qcache_hits/($qcache_hits + $com_select))*100;
    # Innotop logic
    #my($hit_ratio)=(( $qcache_hits||0 )/( ( ($com_select||0) + ($qcache_hits||0) )||1) ) * 100;
    # logic
    # This was the only one I could get to match the same results I was seeing in innotop so I'm using it.
    my($hit_ratio) = ($qcache_hits / ($qcache_hits + $qcache_inserts + $qcache_not_cached)) * 100;
    return sprintf("%.2f", $hit_ratio);

sub tcache_hit_ratio {
    my($hit_ratio)=100 - (($threads_created / $connections) * 100);
    return sprintf("%.2f", $hit_ratio);

sub innodb_page_cache_usage {
    my($page_cache_usage) = $innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free * 100 / $innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total;
    return sprintf("%.2f", $page_cache_usage);

sub innodb_bp_hit_ratio {
    my($hit_ratio) = 100 - ($innodb_buffer_pool_reads * 100 / $innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests);
    return sprintf("%.2f", $hit_ratio);

sub tmp_table_ratio {
    my($ratio) = $created_tmp_disk_tables * 100 / $created_tmp_tables;
    return sprintf("%.2f", $ratio);

sub qps {
    # per
    # The following is a more accurate representation of "useful" or application
    # queries per second
    my($total_questions) = $com_select + $qcache_hits + $com_insert + $com_update + $com_delete + $com_replace;
    my $qps = $total_questions / $uptime;
    return sprintf("%.2f", $qps);

sub print_usage {
    print "Usage: $0 -H <host> -U <username> -P <password> -w <warn level> -c <crit level> [-i|-q|-p|-t|-Q]\n"

sub help {
    print "\nMySQL Performance Monitor Script for Nagios\n";
    print <<EOT;
-h, --help
    print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
    name or IP address of host to check
-U, --username=USERNAME
    username to connect to the database
    * MUST have permissions to execute "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES" and "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS"
-P, --password=PASSWORD
    password of username connecting to the database
-i, --innodbbp
    check InnoDB bufferpool hit ratio
    - Returns percentage value
-q, --qps
    check queries per second
    - Returns single value
-p, --innodbpc
    check InnoDB page cache usage
    - Returns percentage value
-t, --threadcache
    check thread cache hit ratio
    - Returns percentage value
-Q, --querycache
    check query cache hit ratio
    - Returns percentage value
-C, --connections
    check percentage of max connections in use
    - Returns integer value
-c, --crit
    critical value
        (<= for options i,t,Q)
        (>= for options q,C,p)
-w, --warn
    warning value
        (<= for options i,t,Q)
        (>= for options q,C,p)

For options [i,p,t,Q], warning and critical are lowest values acceptable i.e.
    If bufferpool hit ratio falls BELOW warn/crit value, alarms will be raised
For option [q], warning and critical are maximum values acceptable i.e.
    If queries per second goes ABOVE warn/crit value, alarms will be raised

sub check_options {
    Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
        GetOptions (
        'h'    => \$o_help,            'help'        => \$o_help,
        'H:s'    => \$o_hostname,        'hostname:s'    => \$o_hostname,
        'U:s'    => \$o_username,        'username:s'    => \$o_username,
        'P:s'    => \$o_password,        'password:s'    => \$o_password,
        'i'    => \$o_bufferpool,        'innodbbp'    => \$o_bufferpool,
        'q'    => \$o_qps,            'qps'        => \$o_qps,
        'p'    => \$o_pagecache,        'innodbpc'    => \$o_pagecache,
        't'    => \$o_threadcache,        'threadcache'    => \$o_threadcache,
        'Q'    => \$o_querycache,        'querycache'    => \$o_querycache,
        'C'    => \$o_connections,        'connections'    => \$o_connections,
        'c:i'    => \$o_crit,            'crit:i'        => \$o_crit,
        'w:i'    => \$o_warn,            'warn:i'        => \$o_warn
    if (defined ($o_help) ) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    if ( !defined($o_hostname) )
        { print "No host defined!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
    if ( !defined($o_username) )
        { print "No username defined!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
    if ( !defined($o_password) )
        { print "No password defined!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
    if ( !defined($o_bufferpool) && !defined($o_qps) && !defined($o_pagecache) && !defined($o_threadcache) && !defined($o_querycache) && !defined($o_connections) )
        { print "A monitor must be defined!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
    if ( !defined($o_warn) && !defined($o_crit) )
        { print "Warning and Critical levels must be defined!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}

## Main ##

my %cache_options = ('namespace'=>$o_hostname);
$cache = new Cache::SharedMemoryCache(\%cache_options)
    or die "Cannot instatiate ShareMemoryCache: $_\n";

if (defined($o_bufferpool)) {
    if ( $o_crit != 0 && $o_warn < $o_crit )
        { print "Warning level should be higher than crit for hit ratios!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    $results = innodb_bp_hit_ratio()
        or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    $n_perfdata=" hit_ratio=$results;$o_warn;$o_crit;0;100";
    if ($results <= $o_crit) {
    } elsif ($results <= $o_warn) {
    } else {
    $n_output="$n_status: Bufferpool hit ratio is $results% | " . $n_perfdata;
if (defined($o_qps)) {
    if ( $o_crit != 0 && $o_warn > $o_crit )
        { print "Warning level should be lower than crit for single values!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    $results = qps()
        or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    $n_perfdata=" qps=$results;$o_warn;$o_crit;;";
    if ($results >= $o_crit) {
    } elsif ($results >= $o_warn) {
    } else {
    $n_output="$n_status: Queries per second: $results | " . $n_perfdata;

if (defined($o_connections)) {
    if ( $o_crit != 0 && $o_warn > $o_crit )
        { print "Warning level should be less than crit!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    $results = connection_use() or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};

    $maxcon = connection_max() or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};

    $n_perfdata=" quantity_used=$results;$o_warn;$o_crit;0;$maxcon";
    if ($results >= $o_crit) {
    } elsif ($results >= $o_warn) {
    } else {
    $n_output="$n_status: Quantity of Connection used is $results | " . $n_perfdata;
if (defined($o_pagecache)) {
    if ( $o_crit != 0 && $o_warn > $o_crit )
        { print "Warning level should be lower than crit for hit ratios!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    $results = innodb_page_cache_usage()
        or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    $n_perfdata=" cache_usage=$results;$o_warn;$o_crit;0;100";
    if ($results <= $o_crit) {
    } elsif ($results <= $o_warn) {
    } else {
    $n_output="$n_status: Page cache usage is $results% | " . $n_perfdata;
if (defined($o_threadcache)) {
    if ( $o_crit != 0 && $o_warn < $o_crit )
        { print "Warning level should be higher than crit for hit ratios!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    $results = tcache_hit_ratio()
        or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    $n_perfdata=" hit_ratio=$results;$o_warn;$o_crit;0;100";
    if ($results <= $o_crit) {
    } elsif ($results <= $o_warn) {
    } else {
    $n_output="$n_status: Thread cache hit ratio is $results% | " . $n_perfdata;
if (defined($o_querycache)) {
    if ( $o_crit != 0 && $o_warn < $o_crit )
        { print "Warning level should be higher than crit for hit ratios!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
    $results = qcache_hit_ratio()
        or die $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
    $n_perfdata=" hit_ratio=$results;$o_warn;$o_crit;0;100";
    if ($results <= $o_crit) {
    } elsif ($results <= $o_warn) {
    } else {
    $n_output="$n_status: Query cache hit ratio is $results% | " . $n_perfdata;
print "$n_output \n";
exit $ERRORS{$n_status};

я в перле не глубоко рублю, если что

не удивляейтесь, $n_perfdata он возвращает в соответствии с Nagios`овским синтаксисом, так надо =)
Автор: mox1987
Дата сообщения: 09.02.2009 10:17
народ, нид хелп

Страницы: 1

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