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» Paint.NET

Автор: Chern
Дата сообщения: 01.12.2005 08:48
Ссылка не работает
Автор: tyt
Дата сообщения: 01.12.2005 17:44

Страница загрузки Руссификатора на версию 2.5 final

Не мог бы куда перезалить ?
Спасибо а то какой то футбольный сайт открывает
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 01.12.2005 20:21
Ссылка исправлена
Автор: tyt
Дата сообщения: 01.12.2005 21:26
Спасибо-так долго ждал этого русика.
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 12.12.2005 21:08
Paint.NET 2.6 Alpha 1
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 20.12.2005 11:26
Paint.NET 2.6 Alpha 2
Fixed crash with Reflect and Glow layer blend modes
Desaturate adjustment was renamed to "Black and White"
Crop to Selection added to the toolbar and given a shortcut key (Ctrl + Shift + X)
Full installer size reduced by 5 MB
Antialiasing and Alpha Blending settings are now remembered between sessions of Paint.NET
Fixed a crash when opening certain older PDN files
Fixed a crash in the Clone Stamp tool
Fixed the problem where changing the system resolution while Paint.NET was minimized would make it difficult to restore the window
Fixed a crash in the Image -> Resize dialog
Fixed crashes related to loading the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll assembly
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 03.01.2006 11:33
Paint.NET 2.6 Beta 1 Updated

- Fixed a crash under Windows 2000
- New "Curves" adjustment for editing the color curves of an image
- UI elements that are drawn on the image canvas are now visible if they go outside the canvas boundaries. This includes the nubs/handles for the Move tools, Line/Curve tool, and the selection outline
- Optimized Move Selected Pixels tool: its history data is saved in a background thread, it only has to save half as much as it used to, and it is now much more responsive as a result
- Optimized performance and memory usage of Paintbrush, Eraser, and Pencil tools
- Optimized performance of Paint Bucket and Magic Wand tools
- Optimized startup performance
- Mouse wheel zooming now centers on where the mouse is located
- Mouse wheel zooming is now more granular/smooth
- Line/Curve Tool 'nubs' can now be hidden by tapping the Ctrl key
- Pressing Enter or Esc now finishes a selection with the Move tools
- Fixed a Paintbrush Tool crash
- Fixed a Rotate/Zoom bug
- Fixed many bugs related to scrolling and zooming
- Fixed some layout bugs related to the Layers form
- Fixed some keyboard/mouse input and focus issues with the toolbars
- Fixed printing transparent regions showing up as black instead of 'transparent' (white) on paper
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 18.01.2006 00:13
Paint.NET 2.6 Beta 2

- Curves adjustment is now much, much better
- AD/GPO deployment now possible by using the /createMsi parameter with the installer
- Fixed another layout issue with the Layers window
- Fixed several "SetupNgen" crash errors during setup
- Fixed a performance issue with the Pencil tool
- Fixed a crash when the user cancelled out of the Scanning wizard
- Fixed crash related to images with 0 dpi
- Lots of other misc. bug and crash fixes
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 30.01.2006 23:15
Paint.NET 2.6 RC 1

- Updated English help, and partial, in-progress German translation of help
- User interface now looks and works correctly at 120dpi setting
- Esc and Enter are now global hotkeys for Edit->Deselect
- Fixed a few bugs with the Curves adjustment
- Fixed many systems not launching a web browser to view the help file
- Fixed brush preview rendering when brush width is 1.0
- Fixed 10+ miscellaneous bugs
Автор: shedow25
Дата сообщения: 11.02.2006 11:10
Paint.NET 2.6 RC 2 (February 10th, 2006)
история изменений - _
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 25.02.2006 04:09
Paint.NET 2.6 Final

- Full 64-bit support, for both x64 and Itanium systems
- New "Curves" adjustment for editing an image's color curves
- Seven new layer blend modes: Color Burn, Color Dodge, Reflect, Glow, Overlay, Negation, and Xor
- Aesthetic improvements to the entire user interface
- Better performance, especially for 64-bit systems
- Zooming, esp. with the mouse wheel, has been enhanced
- Rewritten layer composition engine is now mathematically correct, and faster
- Deployment via AD/GPO is now much easier (use /createMsi with setup package)
- User interface now works correctly in high-DPI (120dpi, 144dpi, 196dpi)
- Layers window list is no longer "upside down"
- Upgraded to use .NET Framework 2.0
- Many other improvements and fixes
Автор: RGMAN
Дата сообщения: 26.02.2006 00:50
у меня он не работает, создает журнал с
Crash log for Paint.NET v2.6 (Final Release build 2.6.2244.18680)
Time of crash: 26.02.2006 1:30:42
OS version: 5.1.2600.131072 Service Pack 2 Workstation x86
.NET Framework version: 2.0.50727.42 x86
Processor count: 1
Physical memory: 511 MB

Exception details:
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: font
at System.Drawing.Graphics.MeasureString(String text, Font font, SizeF layoutArea, StringFormat stringFormat)
at System.Drawing.Graphics.MeasureString(String text, Font font, SizeF layoutArea)
at System.Drawing.Graphics.MeasureString(String text, Font font)
at PaintDotNet.TextConfigStrip.fontComboBox_MeasureItem(Object sender, MeasureItemEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnMeasureItem(MeasureItemEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WmReflectMeasureItem(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
и вылетает
Автор: CMD
Дата сообщения: 06.03.2006 10:01
у меня заработал без вопросов
русик от 2.5 подошел
Автор: Charli
Дата сообщения: 26.03.2006 09:40
Русификатор Paint.NET 2.5 Final от Starichok
h__p:// (22 Kб)
С v2.6 Ok....
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 30.03.2006 06:51
Paint.NET 2.61
Fixed crash when clicking File->New when there is a malformed image in the clipboard
Fixed several obscure crashes related to drawing and pressing Ctrl+Z (Undo) or Ctrl+Y (Redo) before releasing the mouse button
Fixed Zoom Tool "haze" remaining after pressing Ctrl+Z before releasing mouse button
Fixed uninstaller not removing shortcut in Start->Programs
Fixed "Auto" button in Adjustments->Levels not updating one of its sliders
Fixed a few plugin API problems
Fixed rare race condition in file loading code related to EXIF tags
Added "Donate" item to Help menu
Автор: Widok
Дата сообщения: 30.03.2006 10:31
шапка включена
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 11.05.2006 06:47
Paint.NET 2.62
Small icon (16x16) is brand new, redesigned so that it is clearer
Application resolution is no longer virtualized in high-DPI mode in Windows Vista
Fixed race-condition related crash with Edit->Paste and Move Selected Pixels tool ("Object is in use elsewhere")
Fixed some font related crashes that occur when standard fonts are corrupt or missing
Fixed a crash that sometimes occurs when trying to save files whose name begins with a period
Fixed a rare division-by-zero crash in the Clone Stamp
Fixed rare crash related to scanning
Mitigated rare crash that can happen in various places, ("GetRegionData returned false, GetLastError() = 6")
Improved crash log reporting
Автор: simka
Дата сообщения: 22.05.2006 12:26
Русификатор Paint.NET 2.61 от Starichok
Подошёл и для Paint.NET 2.62
Автор: Fire_elf
Дата сообщения: 22.05.2006 23:35
Мда-а, судя по шотам это явно не аналог фотоЖопу..
Имхо надо подпись топика сменить, чтоб не вводить народ в заблуждение..
Автор: Gideon Vi
Дата сообщения: 23.05.2006 02:15
Fire_elf, а здесь больше никто не жаловался на ввод в заблуждение.
Автор: Fourteen
Дата сообщения: 28.05.2006 16:50

Мда-а, судя по шотам это явно не аналог фотоЖопу..
Имхо надо подпись топика сменить, чтоб не вводить народ в заблуждение..

А где ты видел аналог ФотоЖопа размером в 3 с лишним метра??!!! Программа явно не претендует на лавры ФотоЖопа, зато менее прожорливее и на мой взгляд гораздо удобнее. По крайней мере мне хватает тех функций, что присутствуют в программе.
Автор: Chern
Дата сообщения: 28.05.2006 20:33
Никто не знает, планируется ли введение аналога инструмента из фотошопа "Healing Brush"?
Автор: vels
Дата сообщения: 04.06.2006 10:55
Paint.NET 2.63

This small update fixes some more relatively minor bugs, and makes the built-in updater much more convenient in Windows Vista.
Built-in updater now works in Vista without having to use "Run as Administrator" beforehand (UAC permission is still required to install updates)
Fixed a color intensity calculation that had Red and Blue swapped (affects Brightness/Contrast adjustment, and some plugins)
Fixed .PDN images with transparency having a black background in their Explorer thumbnail
Fixed crash when an image has bizarre DPI settings (such as 6 billion DPI)
Fixed crash when an image has an invalid resolution unit specified (neither pixels, inches, nor centimeters)
Fixed a few rare race conditions which resulted in crashes
Fixed a rare crash with the history
Fixed crashlog being created when the updates dialog appears over another modal dialog
Fixed crashlog not reporting application version with certain damaged installations
Placed a clickable Windows Live OneCare ad in the Setup wizard
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 09.07.2006 19:50
Paint.NET 2.64
Improved GIF save quality by implementing Floyd-Steinburg error diffusion algorithm
Printing now works in Windows Vista
Fixed a startup performance problem on some systems that was an artifact of the way the .NET Framework was verifying Authenticode signatures as part of its assembly loading process
Executable files now have UAC manifests to ensure proper execution privilege and to disable file and registry virtualization in Windows Vista
Автор: tyt
Дата сообщения: 10.07.2006 21:54
Русик к ней старый никто не пробовал подходит или нет ?
Автор: Neopagan
Дата сообщения: 03.08.2006 20:33
Автор: tyt
Дата сообщения: 03.08.2006 22:55
Paint.NET v2.70 Final

Paint.NET v2.70 Final - 49 мб (содержит .NET Framework 2.0)
Автор: unhappy
Дата сообщения: 10.09.2006 23:51
Обновился до 2.72
Шапку обновил.
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 14.10.2006 18:38
Paint.NET 3.0 Alpha 1
Автор: KeyGen
Дата сообщения: 14.10.2006 21:39
На форуме разработчиков был выложен обновлённый русификатор от Starichok для линейки Paint.NET v2.7x, может кто успел скачать?

Страницы: 12345678910111213141516171819202122

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