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» EditPlus

Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 19.04.2011 12:08
EditPlus 3.30
[more=What's New]Version 3.30 (2010-04-19)
* Supports TSVN commands ('File'->'TSVN').
* Supports 'Use Pageant' option for sftp.
* Supports menu bitmaps on Vista/7.
* Highlights all occurrences of selected word ('View'->'Word Highlighting').
* 'Copy on Mouse Release' option ('Edit'->'Clipboard').
* Hex Viewer supports 'Show non-ASCII letters' option.
* 'Run php.exe on php files in browser preview' option ('Preferences'->'Tools').
* 'Preferences'->'Print' dialog box supports 'Hide line numbers' option.
* 'Min. line number digits' option ('Preferences'->'Layout').
* Internal browser supports IE8/IE9.
* Internal browser supports displaying the information bar.
* Internal browser now opens new window as a tab.
* Combobox 'auto append' option ('Preferences'->'General').
* Supports $(CurLineText) argument macro for passing current line to user tool.
* Find in Files displays current file name on the Status Bar.
* 'HTML Color' command on the popup menu.
* 'Copy Name' command on the Document Selector popup menu.
* Updated toolbar buttons.
* Allows double click on the Change File Format dialog box.

<bug fixes>
* 'Edit'->'Insert'->'Cliptext' commands could cause program crash.
* Using tagged expression for function pattern could cause program crash.
* 'View'->'Matching Brace' option could suspend the program in long lines.
* The Status Bar couldn't display help messages.
* Fixes the Status Bar with the Hex Viewer and the Browser Window.
* Screen update could be wrong with Replace All on folded code.
* 'Monitor Clipboard' didn't work correctly when set on multiple instances.
* Restoring cursor location didn't work with remote files.
* Fixes Japanese composition window location.
* 'Add to Project' command in the Directory Window didn't work correctly.
* 'Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer' option didn't work.
* Size of floating windows could fail to restore correctly.
* Output Window could not capture accented letters correctly.
* Exclucde option on the Find in Files now works only on subdirectories and file names.
* sftp fingerprint uses RSA algorithm by default.
* Cursor location could be incorrect with foreign language fonts.[/more]
Автор: WatsonRus
Дата сообщения: 19.04.2011 19:27
Шапку поправил насчет 3.30. Русик от Кастанеды также уже имеется.
Автор: MaX6
Дата сообщения: 19.04.2011 19:37
Еще бы и Описание темы поправить: осуждаем работу HTML редактора.
Автор: likhachm37
Дата сообщения: 25.04.2011 09:44
При открытии страницы во внутреннем браузере выскакивает окно Script error и сообщает о будто бы найденных ошибках скриптов, хотя ошибок на самом деле нет. Быть может, кто подскажет, как отключить эту опцию? IE 9, Vista SP1 (в IE отключил все предупреждения об ошибках сценариев и прочее).
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 26.04.2011 08:00
EditPlus 3.30.449

* Menu bitmap for user tools could not display customized icons.
* 'Hide Line Numbers' option on the Print page didn't work correctly.
* 'View in Browser' on the Directory Window could incorrectly run the 'Edit Source' command.
* Displays color code on the Color Picker.
* Could not run php.exe if it was added to PATH manually.
* File open error in Hex Viewer could cause program crash.
* 'Import'/'Export' button on the 'Set Directories' dialog box didn't work.
* Allows string values in #PREFIX and #SUFFIX statement.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 13.05.2011 10:52
EditPlus 3.30.514

* Menu bitmap for user tools could not display customized icons.
* 'Hide Line Numbers' option on the Print page didn't work correctly.
* 'View in Browser' on the Directory Window could incorrectly run the 'Edit Source' command.
* Displays color code on the Color Picker.
* Could not run php.exe if it was added to PATH manually.
* File open error in Hex Viewer could cause program crash.
* 'Import'/'Export' button on the 'Set Directories' dialog box didn't work.
* Allows string values in #PREFIX and #SUFFIX statement.
* 'Reset Default' button on the Fonts dialog box.
* Fixes wrong Output Window location in full screen mode.
* 'Directory'->'Refresh' was missing from the custom shortcut key list.
* 'Try keyboard-interactive authentication' sftp option.
* Fixes menu bitmap on Windows Classic theme.
* Templates didn't work if the default encoding option is set to Unicode.
* Previous patch could crash with some custom syntax files.
* 'Tools' dialog box could display wrong browser name list.
* Very long lines could cause program crash in some circumstances.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 25.05.2011 00:41
EditPlus 3.30.555

* Menu bitmap for user tools could not display customized icons.
* 'Hide Line Numbers' option on the Print page didn't work correctly.
* 'View in Browser' on the Directory Window could incorrectly run the 'Edit Source' command.
* Displays color code on the Color Picker.
* Could not run php.exe if it was added to PATH manually.
* File open error in Hex Viewer could cause program crash.
* 'Import'/'Export' button on the 'Set Directories' dialog box didn't work.
* Allows string values in #PREFIX and #SUFFIX statement.
* 'Reset Default' button on the Fonts dialog box.
* Fixes wrong Output Window location in full screen mode.
* 'Directory'->'Refresh' was missing from the custom shortcut key list.
* 'Try keyboard-interactive authentication' sftp option.
* Fixes menu bitmap on Windows Classic theme.
* Templates didn't work if the default encoding option is set to Unicode.
* Previous patch could crash with some custom syntax files.
* 'Tools' dialog box could display wrong browser name list.
* 'Continue to next line' option didn't work with Find Previous.
* -pi command line option to specify different project configuration file.
* Fixes possible freeze with Explorer right mouse button.
* 'Use STAT instead of LIST' ftp option added.
* 'Replace Fixed Cursor' user tool action added.
* 'Disable Save button with unmodified documents' option ('Preferences'->'File').
* Long lines could cause program crash.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 14.06.2011 10:18
EditPlus 3.30.605

* Menu bitmap for user tools could not display customized icons.
* 'Hide Line Numbers' option on the Print page didn't work correctly.
* 'View in Browser' on the Directory Window could incorrectly run the 'Edit Source' command.
* Displays color code on the Color Picker.
* Could not run php.exe if it was added to PATH manually.
* File open error in Hex Viewer could cause program crash.
* 'Import'/'Export' button on the 'Set Directories' dialog box didn't work.
* Allows string values in #PREFIX and #SUFFIX statement.
* 'Reset Default' button on the Fonts dialog box.
* Fixes wrong Output Window location in full screen mode.
* 'Directory'->'Refresh' was missing from the custom shortcut key list.
* 'Try keyboard-interactive authentication' sftp option.
* Fixes menu bitmap on Windows Classic theme.
* Templates didn't work if the default encoding option is set to Unicode.
* Previous patch could crash with some custom syntax files.
* 'Tools' dialog box could display wrong browser name list.
* 'Continue to next line' option didn't work with Find Previous.
* -pi command line option to specify different project configuration file.
* Fixes possible freeze with Explorer right mouse button.
* Fixes setup warning message on 'eppshell.dll'.
* 'Use STAT instead of LIST' ftp option added.
* 'Replace Fixed Cursor' user tool action added.
* 'Disable Save button with unmodified documents' option ('Preferences'->'File').
* Long lines could cause program crash.
* Save As dialog box could return incorrect file extension with long file names.
* Supports Perl syntax highlighting for string interpolations.
* Backup file extension option didn't work with remote files.
* Find in Files allows multiple folder names separated by ';'.
* Highlight Word option could cause program freeze.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 14.07.2011 04:38
EditPlus 3.30.715

* Menu bitmap for user tools could not display customized icons.
* 'Hide Line Numbers' option on the Print page didn't work correctly.
* 'View in Browser' on the Directory Window could incorrectly run the 'Edit Source' command.
* Displays color code on the Color Picker.
* Could not run php.exe if it was added to PATH manually.
* File open error in Hex Viewer could cause program crash.
* 'Import'/'Export' button on the 'Set Directories' dialog box didn't work.
* Allows string values in #PREFIX and #SUFFIX statement.
* 'Reset Default' button on the Fonts dialog box.
* Fixes wrong Output Window location in full screen mode.
* 'Directory'->'Refresh' was missing from the custom shortcut key list.
* 'Try keyboard-interactive authentication' sftp option.
* Fixes menu bitmap on Windows Classic theme.
* Templates didn't work if the default encoding option is set to Unicode.
* Previous patch could crash with some custom syntax files.
* 'Tools' dialog box could display wrong browser name list.
* 'Continue to next line' option didn't work with Find Previous.
* -pi command line option to specify different project configuration file.
* Fixes possible freeze with Explorer right mouse button.
* Fixes setup warning message on 'eppshell.dll'.
* 'Use STAT instead of LIST' ftp option added.
* 'Replace Fixed Cursor' user tool action added.
* 'Disable Save button with unmodified documents' option ('Preferences'->'File').
* Long lines could cause program crash.
* Save As dialog box could return incorrect file extension with long file names.
* Supports Perl syntax highlighting for string interpolations.
* Backup file extension option didn't work with remote files.
* Find in Files allows multiple folder names separated by ';'.
* Highlight Word option could cause program freeze.
* Word highlighting now supports selection of multiple words.
* 'Set Marker Dup Lines' command ('Edit'->'Others').
* 'Include user account name' backup option added.
* Displaying tabs and spaces in separate commands.
* Function List wouldn't be updated when switching documents.
* Fixes cursor location bug when editing syntax files.
* 'Log File Watch' command ('Document').
* Increases max number of tool groups to 20.
* 'Monitor Clipboard' could paste same text multiple times.
* Could not set indent value of 1 for custom file types.
* php syntax highlighting could break inside block comment.
* Improved syntax highlighting speed on long lines.
* Find in Files keystroke recording could be incorrect.
* Time stamps of backup files were not preserved correctly.
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 08.08.2011 03:12
EditPlus 3.31
Дата сообщения: 08.08.2011 07:21

EditPlus 3.31

* Supports syntax highlighting for Python and Ruby on Rails by default.
* Improved syntax highlighting speed on long lines.
* 'Disable Save button with unmodified documents' option ('Preferences'->'File').
* Displaying tabs and spaces in separate commands.
* Find in Files allows multiple folder names separated by ';'.
* Increases max number of tool groups to 20.
* Allows string values in #PREFIX and #SUFFIX statement.
* 'Set Marker Dup Lines' command ('Edit'->'Others').
* 'Log File Watch' command ('Document').
* -pi command line option to specify different project configuration file.
* Supports Perl syntax highlighting for string interpolations.
* Word highlighting now supports selection of multiple words.
* 'Reset Default' button on the Fonts dialog box.
* Displays color code on the Color Picker.
* 'Use STAT instead of LIST' ftp option added.
* 'Run as Text Filter (Replace Fixed Cursor)' user tool action added.
* 'Include user account name' backup option added.
* 'Try keyboard-interactive authentication' sftp option.
* New 256x256 size application icon.

<bug fixes>
* Long lines could cause program crash.
* File open error in Hex Viewer could cause program crash.
* Fixes possible freeze with Explorer right mouse button.
* php syntax highlighting could break inside block comment.
* Save As dialog box could return incorrect file extension with long file names.
* Backup file extension option didn't work with remote files.
* 'Monitor Clipboard' could paste same text multiple times.
* 'Import'/'Export' button on the 'Set Directories' dialog box didn't work.
* Templates didn't work if the default encoding option is set to Unicode.
* Function List wouldn't be updated when switching documents.
* Could not run php.exe if it was added to PATH manually.
* Fixes cursor location bug when editing syntax files.
* Menu bitmap for user tools could not display customized icons.
* 'Hide Line Numbers' option on the Print page didn't work correctly.
* 'View in Browser' on the Directory Window could incorrectly run the 'Edit Source' command.
* Highlight Word option could cause program freeze.
* 'Directory'->'Refresh' was missing from the custom shortcut key list.
* Fixes menu bitmap on Windows Classic theme.
* 'Tools' dialog box could display wrong browser name list.
* 'Continue to next file' option didn't work with Find Previous.
* Could not set indent value of 1 for custom file types.
* Find in Files keystroke recording could be incorrect.
* Fixes wrong Output Window location in full screen mode.
* 'Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer' option didn't work on Windows XP.
* Prevents wrong 'file modified' warning messages.
Автор: SLasH
Дата сообщения: 21.01.2012 07:15
Приветствую всех!
Подскажите пожалуйста какой RegExp нужен, чтобы выделить текст между BBCode-тегами [TR]...[/TR] в EditPlus-е?
Пишу такой: \[tr\].*\[/tr\]
но выделяется вся таблица...
Автор: WatsonRus
Дата сообщения: 02.03.2012 17:18
Зафиналился 3.40. Русик от Кастанеды также уже в наличии.
Автор: WatsonRus
Дата сообщения: 04.05.2012 18:53
Зафиналился 3.41, Kastaneda, как всегда на высоте.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 08.06.2012 12:52
EditPlus 3.41 b966
[more=Изменения]DATE: 2012-06-04
BUILD: 966

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some ftp servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* Scrolling of splitted panes could work incorrectly with some laptop touchpads.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 07.07.2012 13:28
EditPlus 3.41 b1087
[more=Изменения]DATE: 2012-07-03
BUILD: 1087

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some ftp servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* In previous patch, Up/Down button on the Window List didn't work correctly.
* 'EditPlus 3' command from Windows Explorer could fail on some network files.
* Keystroke recording couldn't handle Unicode characters correctly.
* SOCKS5 firewall option worked with sftp only and not with normal ftp.
* 'Create' command in the Directory Window could fail if 'Disconnect Automatcially' was on.
* Supports high DPI displays.
* Fixes drawing of some UI elements on Windows 8.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 19.07.2012 22:31
EditPlus 3.41 b1091
[more=Изменения]DATE: 2012-07-12
BUILD: 1091

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some ftp servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* In previous patch, Up/Down button on the Window List didn't work correctly.
* 'EditPlus 3' command from Windows Explorer could fail on some network files.
* Keystroke recording couldn't handle Unicode characters correctly.
* SOCKS5 firewall option worked with sftp only and not with normal ftp.
* 'Create' command in the Directory Window could fail if 'Disconnect Automatcially' was on.
* Supports high DPI displays.
* Fixes drawing of some UI elements on Windows 8.
* F5 shortcut key for the 'Refresh' Directory Window command.
* Fixes wrong user tool menu bitmaps when switching user tool group.
* #AUTOCASE=y in the syntax file could work incorrectly in previous patch file.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 02.08.2012 17:25
EditPlus 3.41 b.1115
[more=Изменения]DATE: 2012-07-28
BUILD: 1115

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some ftp servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* In previous patch, Up/Down button on the Window List didn't work correctly.
* 'EditPlus 3' command from Windows Explorer could fail on some network files.
* Keystroke recording couldn't handle Unicode characters correctly.
* SOCKS5 firewall option worked with sftp only and not with normal ftp.
* 'Create' command in the Directory Window could fail if 'Disconnect Automatcially' was on.
* Supports high DPI displays.
* Fixes drawing of some UI elements on Windows 8.
* F5 shortcut key for the 'Refresh' Directory Window command.
* Fixes wrong user tool menu bitmaps when switching user tool group.
* #AUTOCASE=y in the syntax file could work incorrectly in previous patch file.
* Directory Window supports 'Copy to Local' command for FTP files.
* Templates didn't work if default encoding was set to 'UTF-8 + BOM'.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 24.08.2012 12:05
EditPlus 3.41 b.1123
[more=Изменения]DATE: 2012-08-14
BUILD: 1123

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some FTP servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* In previous patch, Up/Down button on the Window List didn't work correctly.
* 'EditPlus 3' command from Windows Explorer could fail on some network files.
* Keystroke recording couldn't handle Unicode characters correctly.
* SOCKS5 firewall option worked with sftp only and not with normal FTP.
* 'Create' command in the Directory Window could fail if 'Disconnect Automatcially' was on.
* Supports high DPI displays.
* Fixes drawing of some UI elements on Windows 8.
* F5 shortcut key for the 'Refresh' Directory Window command.
* Fixes wrong user tool menu bitmaps when switching user tool group.
* #AUTOCASE=y in the syntax file could work incorrectly in previous patch file.
* Directory Window supports 'Copy to Local' command for FTP files.
* Templates didn't work if default encoding was set to 'UTF-8 + BOM'.
* $(UTF8Stdin) argument macro supports UTF-8 standard input for text filters.
* -cursor command line option could fail when loading FTP files.
* 'External browser - Chrome' option didn't work on Windows XP.
Автор: Cokpam
Дата сообщения: 09.09.2012 12:11
EditPlus 3.41 b.1144
[more=Изменения]DATE: 2012-09-07
BUILD: 1144

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some FTP servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* In previous patch, Up/Down button on the Window List didn't work correctly.
* 'EditPlus 3' command from Windows Explorer could fail on some network files.
* Keystroke recording couldn't handle Unicode characters correctly.
* SOCKS5 firewall option worked with sftp only and not with normal FTP.
* 'Create' command in the Directory Window could fail if 'Disconnect Automatcially' was on.
* Supports high DPI displays.
* Fixes drawing of some UI elements on Windows 8.
* F5 shortcut key for the 'Refresh' Directory Window command.
* Fixes wrong user tool menu bitmaps when switching user tool group.
* #AUTOCASE=y in the syntax file could work incorrectly in previous patch file.
* Directory Window supports 'Copy to Local' command for FTP files.
* Templates didn't work if default encoding was set to 'UTF-8 + BOM'.
* $(UTF8Stdin) argument macro to support UTF-8 standard input for text filters.
* -cursor command line option could fail when loading FTP files.
* 'External browser - Chrome' option didn't work on Windows XP.
* Early canceling of FTP transfer could cause program crash.
* 'Whole word only' find option could work incorrectly in some cases.
* 'Goto Drive List' command ('View'->'Toolbars/Views').
* Right click on the Directory Window file filter could cause program crash.
* FTP upload could cause buffer overflow on some FTP server.
Автор: Cokpam
Дата сообщения: 14.09.2012 10:38
EditPlus 3.41 b.1145
DATE: 2012-09-10
BUILD: 1145

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.41.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Syntax highlighting of #KEYWORD has precedence over #PREFIX and #SUFFIX.
* Window List dialog box now supports Find input box.
* 'Clear Recent Files List' menu command ('File'->'Recent Files').
* Loading Zencoding file could fail without any error message.
* Embedded script now follows its own auto indent settings.
* Fixes incorrect code folding with #ifdef
* 'Default' button on the Advanced file extensions dialog box didn't work.
* Some FTP servers could have unusual delays.
* 'Upload to a temp file then rename' option didn't work with some FTP servers.
* CSS syntax highlighting wasn't correct if tab character exists before ':'.
* In previous patch, Up/Down button on the Window List didn't work correctly.
* 'EditPlus 3' command from Windows Explorer could fail on some network files.
* Keystroke recording couldn't handle Unicode characters correctly.
* SOCKS5 firewall option worked with sftp only and not with normal FTP.
* 'Create' command in the Directory Window could fail if 'Disconnect Automatcially' was on.
* Supports high DPI displays.
* Fixes drawing of some UI elements on Windows 8.
* F5 shortcut key for the 'Refresh' Directory Window command.
* Fixes wrong user tool menu bitmaps when switching user tool group.
* #AUTOCASE=y in the syntax file could work incorrectly in previous patch file.
* Directory Window supports 'Copy to Local' command for FTP files.
* Templates didn't work if default encoding was set to 'UTF-8 + BOM'.
* $(UTF8Stdin) argument macro to support UTF-8 standard input for text filters.
* -cursor command line option could fail when loading FTP files.
* 'External browser - Chrome' option didn't work on Windows XP.
* Early canceling of FTP transfer could cause program crash.
* 'Whole word only' find option could work incorrectly in some cases.
* 'Goto Drive List' command ('View'->'Toolbars/Views').
* Right click on the Directory Window file filter could cause program crash.
* FTP upload could cause buffer overflow on some FTP servers.
* Previous patch file had a bug with Cliptext Window context menu.
Автор: Cokpam
Дата сообщения: 25.09.2012 18:52
CFML (ColdFusion 10, OpenBlueDragon, or Railo) stx, acp - Travis Peck (2012-09-25)
Автор: DrAlexMD
Дата сообщения: 01.11.2012 12:28
Подскажите pls - есть ли возможность создания шаблона по поиску и замене. Т.е. необходимость сделать профильтровать файлы на поиск и замену по сразу нескольким правилам и чтобы не проводить каждый раз одно и то же.
Автор: WatsonRus
Дата сообщения: 02.11.2012 18:19
Сабж зафиналился до версии 3.50.

Шапка поправлена.
Автор: Double M Doc
Дата сообщения: 28.12.2012 18:42
А есть ли возможность прикрутить к сабжу рюске спеллчекер, помимо енговых, каковые качабельны с офсайта? И если есть - каков алгоритм сего действия?
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 29.12.2012 08:47
EditPlus 3.50 b.234
DATE: 2012-12-22
BUILD: 234

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.50.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Some FTP server could produce 550 or 553 FTP error.
* Exclude option in the Find in Files could work incorrectly.
* Function List supports Pattern 1 and 2 check boxes.
* Open Files list on the Directory Window could cause program crash.
* 'Find as you type' option reflects change of other find options.
* Extends Output Window line length limit to 20,000.
* 'Use Pageant' option could fail if server sent banner message.
* Fixes IME candiate window position.
* Fixes program crash when using Saenaru Korean IME.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 07.01.2013 06:42
EditPlus 3.50 b.241
DATE: 2012-12-29
BUILD: 241

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.50.

Copyright © 1998-2012 ES-Computing

* Some FTP server could produce 550 or 553 FTP error.
* Exclude option in the Find in Files could work incorrectly.
* Function List supports Pattern 1 and 2 check boxes.
* Open Files list on the Directory Window could cause program crash.
* 'Find as you type' option reflects change of other find options.
* Extends Output Window line length limit to 20,000.
* 'Use Pageant' option could fail if server sent banner message.
* Fixes IME candiate window position.
* Fixes program crash when using Saenaru Korean IME.
* Word count feature could report wrong number.
* Previous patch cound't handle Hangul 3 Beolsik keybaord.
* 'File Encoding Multiple' command displays encoding in the list box.
* Up/Down key in the Window List moves keyboard focus to list box.
* Fixes a find highlighting bug.
Автор: SuperBabay
Дата сообщения: 25.01.2013 06:55
EditPlus 3.50 b.277
DATE: 2013-01-22
BUILD: 277

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.50.

Copyright © 1998-2013 ES-Computing

* Some FTP server could produce 550 or 553 FTP error.
* Exclude option in the Find in Files could work incorrectly.
* Function List supports Pattern 1 and 2 check boxes.
* Open Files list on the Directory Window could cause program crash.
* 'Find as you type' option reflects change of other find options.
* Extends Output Window line length limit to 20,000.
* 'Use Pageant' option could fail if server sent banner message.
* Fixes IME candiate window position.
* Fixes program crash when using Saenaru Korean IME.
* Word count feature could report wrong number.
* Previous patch cound't handle Hangul 3 Beolsik keybaord.
* 'File Encoding Multiple' command displays encoding in the list box.
* Up/Down key in the Window List moves keyboard focus to list box.
* Fixes a find highlighting bug.
* 'Tab to Expand' menu option ('Zen Coding').
* Title bar now shows file name in place of program name.
Автор: WatsonRus
Дата сообщения: 12.03.2013 19:12
Зафиналился 3.51.
Автор: SLasH
Дата сообщения: 12.03.2013 23:01
Приветствую всех!
Подскажите пожалуйста, для чего предназначены файлы:


и куда их ложить, если EditPlus запускается командой: editplus.exe -i "%~dp0confs" -s "%~dp0stx"

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Предыдущая тема: примочка для ассоцирования файла имени, а не расширению

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