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Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 20.09.2007 23:23
Winamp 5.5 Build 1568 Beta Preview 2
[more=Changelog]* New: Winamp Bento (SingleUI Skin)
* New: Unified File Editor, with Album Art tab (for mp3, m4a, wma, ogg, flac)
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Version History drop-down selector and Search (in About dialog)
* New: [in_mp3] Multi-channel mp3surround support
* New: [gen_ml] Tree Options tab in Media Library Preferences
* New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger in Send-To menu (powered by Gracenote)
* New: [ml_local] 3 pane view options in 'Add/Edit View' dialog
* New: [ml_local] Smart View Presets
* New: [ml_local] Album Art support/pane and retrieval service
* New: [ml_local] Toolbar buttons to control view options
* New: [ml_plg] Winamp Playlist Generator (powered by Gracenote MusicID)
* New: [ml_pmp] New fields, configurable filter panes & columns, 3 pane view
* New: [ml_pmp] Album Art view & support for iPod and P4S Devices
* New: [ml_pmp] Separate view for video files
* Improved: General misc dialog/ui tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Re-tuned and optimized classic Spectrum Analyzer
* Improved: Surround indicator in Winamp Modern skin for multi-channel files
* Improved: Classic Songticker option for Winamp Modern skin (via Config drawer)
* Improved: [in_cdda] Conductor metadata support
* Improved: [in_cdda] Handling of multiple discs
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] ALBUM ARTIST & ENSEMBLE read support
* Improved: [in_flac] Advanced Editor mode
* Improved: [in_mod] Added support for more than 256 samples
* Improved: [in_mp3] Faster metadata gathering (also speeds up ReplayGain scan)
* Improved: [in_mp4] Smoother data sent to vis & other minor tweaks
* Improved: [in_wm] Faster WMA/WMV metadata gathering
* Improved: [gen_ff] General freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ml] Collapsed/expanded state of treeview items now remembered
* Improved: [gen_ml] Skinned scrollbars for Media Library with Modern skins
* Improved: [gen_ml] Reordering of treeview items (via drag+drop)
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better Unicode support & other misc tweaks
* Improved: [ml_history] Unicode support
* Improved: [ml_local] Customize Columns menu for top filter panes
* Improved: [ml_local] Option to show horizontal scrollbar for top panes
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Podcasts' view (appears after downloading a podcast)
* Improved: [ml_local] Added ISPODCAST and PODCASTCHANNEL field names
* Improved: [ml_local] Added BEGINSLIKE comparison operator
* Improved: [ml_local] Dragging of headers to sort column order
* Improved: [ml_local] Redesigned Smart View Editor
* Improved: [ml_local] Star Rating display and selection
* Improved: [ml_pmp] 'Copy to Local Media' config separated from CD Ripping settings
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Portables "Sync" can now keep podcasts updated
* Improved: [ml_rg] ReplayGain calculation support for 64, 88.2 & 96 KHz samplerates
* Improved: [ml_wire] Optional automatic downloading of new podcast episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Multi-select, 'Send To' menu and other general enhancements
* Improved: [ml_wire] Podcast downloads now saved in channel subfolders
* Improved: [ml_wire] Updated podcast directory
* Improved: [pmp_ipod] Now uses the iPod's podcast menu for podcasts
* Fixed: DWM Thumbnails & Flip3D for Modern skins in Vista
* Fixed: Esc key not working in Credits & Winamp tabs of About Box
* Fixed: Long filepaths corrupted when opening Winamp via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: Oversized preference pages with large DPI setting
* Fixed: Recurrence of multiple instances bug (previously fixed in 5.3)
* Fixed: Selecting 'No' for 'Physically Remove' prompt removes playlist/mldb item
* Fixed: TV button in video window not working
* Fixed: Windows showing if switching from modern to classic skin in minimized state
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Recursive playlist loading & case-insensitive element matching
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Handling of entries embedded within a REPEAT tag
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] DEP incompatibility
* Fixed: [gen_ff] "Can't unload script while in script" error when switching skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Remember ML size when switching between Modern & Classic skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Transparent docked toolbars for skins using alpha-blending
* Fixed: [gen_ff] 10% opacity not applying on skins that add items to rt-click menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Crash when loading multiple files via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Remove Duplicate Entries action broken in pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] %playcount% returning Comment on drag+drop from ML to pledit
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash when attempting to rip a CD in a 2nd instance of Winamp
* Fixed: [in_flac] General FLAC Editor quirks (Comments field, Enter key, etc)
* Fixed: [in_flac] 24bit files don't play when 'Allow 24bit' setting is disabled
* Fixed: [in_mod] Fadeout value goes below 0.0 sec in in_mod config
* Fixed: [in_mod] Interpolator 'division by zero' crash bug
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on some mp3's with corrupt ID3v2 extended headers (rare)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on loading corrupt id3v2.3 tags of a later revision
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Negative bitrate in File Info for long mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Glitch when modifying metadata on playing track
* Fixed: [in_mp4/libmp4v2] Memory leaks
* Fixed: [in_wave/libsndfile] Crash on invalid .au files
* Fixed: [in_wm] Garbage characters when editing filetypes in config
* Fixed: [ml_disc] 0 byte temp files not deleted after ripping
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Double-click drive icon in Rip & Burn not selecting tree item
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using <trackartist> in playlist filename generation
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Drag+drop from Audio CD view to Playlist Editor
* Fixed: [ml_local] (no album) items adding to Album count in Artist pane
* Fixed: [ml_local] isempty and =0 queries now return same results
* Fixed: [ml_local] Add dir to 'Watch Folders' path truncated to 64 characters
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Inserting extra period in filename when transcoding to mp4/aac
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Sending ansi-converted titles instead of Unicode
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfer caption building when Artist metadata is empty
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Subscription Updates setting always resets to 'Never'
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Potential incompatability issue with latest version of iTunes
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] 'Error In Insert' when transferring to some P4S devices
* Fixed: [vis_milk] Milkdrop DEP incompatibility
* Misc: Winamp Remote is now an installer option (ml_orb.dll)
* Misc: Moved drawing engine out of gen_ff to tataki.dll
* Misc: Moved freetype font renderer out of gen_ff to freetype.wac
* Misc: Removed db.w5s (replaced by new Gracenote database system)
* Misc: Removed unicows.lib/dll as we have officially dropped support for Win9x
* Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5
* Updated: libpng 1.2.20
* Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus Encoder v8.1.0
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.1e b426 'dev'
* Updated: [in_flac] FLAC 1.2.1
* Updated: [in_mp3] FhG Decoder v4.10
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.0[/more]
Скачать Winamp 5.5 Build 1568 Lite Beta Preview 2
Скачать Winamp 5.5 Build 1568 Pro Beta Preview 2
Скачать Winamp 5.5 Build 1568 Full Beta Preview 2
Автор: saqwe
Дата сообщения: 20.09.2007 23:43
А как сделать чтоб при прослушивании интернет радио (Winamp 5.35) постоянно в названии песни не мелькало Buffer: скоко-то %
Автор: ashtroy
Дата сообщения: 21.09.2007 19:46
Dj BoBo

из первой превьюшки
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 21.09.2007 22:12
надо сказать, что изменения между версиями preview 1 и 2 тоже значительные
[more]-New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)

-New: Bento skin: Optional Album Art pane beneath enlarged Playlist (enable via: main menu > options > playlist)*

-New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger (powered by Gracenote)

-Improved: Various AlbumArt enhancements (eg. smarter refresh on update)*

-Improved: [in_cdda] %cdengine% ATF string now differentiates between Sonic, ASPI & SPTI modes

-Improved: [in_mp4] Smoother data sent to vis & other minor tweaks

-Improved: [ml_plg] Implemented extra options for Playlist Generator config (No. of results, include seed track, etc)*

-Improved: [ml_pmp] Added tooltips to new toolbar buttons (to match ml_local)*

-Improved: [pmp_ipod] Fixed for new ipods

-Improved: [pmp_ipod] ipod model selection options

-Improved: [ml_wire] Updated podcast directory

-Fixed: Classic Spectrum Analyzer messing up when encountering/calculating silence blocks*

-Fixed: Drag+drop from Local Media views to pledit not respecting complex ATF syntax*

-Fixed: Esc key not working in Credits & Winamp tabs of About Box

-Fixed: File Editor bugs (genre defaulting to blues, track# discrepancies, handling of out of range values, etc)*

-Fixed: Crash when encountering CMYK colorspace jpeg's for albumart*

-Fixed: Songticker lag and other issues (Winamp Modern winshade: shadow on first & last chars & dbl-click not opening File Info)*

-Fixed: Songticker in Classic skin showing playlist entry number -1 (eg. if track 50 is playing, songticker displayed 49.)*

-Fixed: Thumbscroll button not auto-moving when using enhanced-mode mousewheel to scroll through albumart pane*

-Fixed: Scaling Bento skin to less than 100% crashes Winamp*

-Fixed: Timer/Songticker overlap in Bento skin*

-Fixed: Various other Winamp Bento skin bugs/issues*

-Fixed: [in_cdda] Stuttering CD playback with spti, crash with aspi (when no Sonic Engine installed)*

-Fixed: [in_midi] No longer tries to open files when being queried for "type"*

-Fixed: [in_mp3] Wrongly calculating length of mp3's with no lame headers (was multiplying by 1024 instead of 1000)*

-Fixed: [gen_ff] Not remembering size of Classic ML window when switching between Modern & Classic skins

-Fixed: [gen_ff] 10% opacity not applying with skins that add too many items to the right-click menu (eg. Bento)*

-Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Enter key not working when JTFE dialog is skinned*

-Fixed: [gen_ml] Using shift + cursor for albumart icon view*

-Fixed: [gen_ml] Rating auto-unhovering on small sizes*

-Fixed: [in_mp3] Orig. Artist field not updating in ID3v2 tag*

-Fixed: [in_mp4] Glitch when modifying metadata on playing track

-Fixed: [gen_ff/in_mp3] Rare NULL-pointer crashes based on info from crash reporter*

-Fixed: [gen_ml/ml_history] Blank entry in Prefs tree when History disabled*

-Fixed: [ml_history] 'playplays' and truncated text at bottom of History view*

-Fixed: [ml_disc] 'Unalbe' typo :-D*

-Fixed: [ml_local] Rescan Folders at startup/every x minutes*

-Fixed: [ml_pmp] ipod & usb play/enqueue actions sending an ansi converted title instead of unicode

-Fixed: [ml_pmp] Misc AlbumArt bugfixes*

-Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Various ipod crash & database writing fixes*

-Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Not creating .ithmb files

-Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfer caption building when Artist metadata is empty

-Fixed: [ml_wire] 'Delete x downloads' prompt not filling out the number correctly (%d)*

-Misc: Fully removed all unicows.lib pointers, which finally kills all Win9x support for good

-Misc: Added a hidden winamp.ini option to show/hide playlist position in taskbar icon/tooltip: [Winamp] section: dotasknum=1/0 (will be added to prefs ui eventually)

-Misc: Moved Bento to top of Skins list (after Classic & Modern)*
(Note, Skins in Submenu plugin from Essentials Pack will need to be updated)

-Updated: Winamp Bento #096*

-Updated: Winamp Bento color themes (updated 'classic' & 'modern', added 'brighter' themes)*

-Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.1e b426 'dev' (was v0.99.1c b420 'dev' in last beta)

-Updated [in_flac] libflac 1.2.1 (was 1.2.0 in last beta)[/more]
Автор: miksanfree
Дата сообщения: 22.09.2007 22:09
Подскажите, работает ли сочетание клавиш Shift + Enter в медиабиблиотеке для добавления файлов в плейлист?

У меня и при нажатии Enter, и при нажатии Shift + Enter происходит обычное воспроизведение файлов с полной заменой песен в плейлисте. Раньше при нажатии Shift + Enter происходило добавление файлов из библиотеки в плейлист. Но если в контекстном меню медиабиблиотеки выбрать Enqueue (Добавить), то в этом случае файлы добавляются.
Автор: spyz
Дата сообщения: 24.09.2007 16:23
Добрый День вот какая та ... с винампом

установил первый раз плагин shnamp ( чтобы проигрывались файлы с расширением ( shorten ) (*shn) работало все более менее только иногда когда я включал простую песню ( mp3) он вылетал ..так вот удалил тот поставил новый 5.35 ,установил плагин .. вставляю песню это в расширение shn все вставилось но когда нажимаю чтобы игралась она не играется хотя пишет длительность этой песни
Автор: ashtroy
Дата сообщения: 24.09.2007 21:08
бага блин, при начилии в названии альбома (в ID3V1 или ID3V2 тегах) символа, который запрещён для использования в имени файла в windows, не возможно "прилепить" картинку к файлу =( ибо винамп назначает имя картинке в точности как название альбома...
Автор: I love Opera
Дата сообщения: 25.09.2007 16:27

не возможно "прилепить" картинку к файлу =( ибо винамп назначает имя картинке в точности как название альбома...

А как именно "прилепить"?
Автор: ashtroy
Дата сообщения: 25.09.2007 18:48
I love Opera
в плей листе на желаемом файле нажимаешь Alt+3 и там закладка Artwork
Автор: Imperator
Дата сообщения: 30.09.2007 11:48
А как лучше проигрывать интернет-радио со Ввожу URL - воспроизводит, но в списки библиотеки не заносит и ещё пишет
Oшибкa oткpытия лoкaльнoгo фaйлa!
Автор: superman
Дата сообщения: 01.10.2007 02:13
Никто случайно не знает, как в Bento сделать так, чтобы в свернутом состоянии плейлист отображался слева-направо, а не так, как сейчас?
Автор: Sobchak
Дата сообщения: 02.10.2007 15:51

А как сделать чтоб при прослушивании интернет радио (Winamp 5.35) постоянно в названии песни не мелькало Buffer: скоко-то %

Аналогичная ситуация. Причем любое онлайн радио. Буфер начинает кашмарить через некоторое время, приходится ребудить плэер. как лечить?
Автор: Matvei_B
Дата сообщения: 02.10.2007 18:47

Никто случайно не знает, как в Bento сделать так, чтобы в свернутом состоянии плейлист отображался слева-направо, а не так, как сейчас?

Параметры --> Плей-лист --> Направление текста
Автор: saqwe
Дата сообщения: 02.10.2007 19:33

как лечить?

я это вылечил переходом на 5.5 Build 1568 Beta Preview 2, там с этим все Ok
И еще вопросик, к 5.5 русификатор есть?


я это вылечил переходом на 5.5

Правда и систему с ХР на Висту поменял
Автор: Dj BoBo
Дата сообщения: 02.10.2007 22:25
Winamp 5.5 Build 1600 Beta Preview 3
[more=ChangeLog]* New: Winamp Bento (SingleUI Skin)
* New: Unified File Editor, with Album Art tab (for mp3, m4a, wma, ogg, flac)
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Version History drop-down selector and Search (in About dialog)
* New: [in_mp3] Multi-channel mp3surround support
* New: [gen_ml] Tree Options tab in Media Library Preferences
* New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger in Send-To menu (powered by Gracenote)
* New: [ml_local] 3 pane view options in 'Add/Edit View' dialog
* New: [ml_local] Smart View Presets
* New: [ml_local] Album Art support/pane and retrieval service
* New: [ml_local] Toolbar buttons to control view options
* New: [ml_plg] Winamp Playlist Generator (powered by Gracenote MusicID)
* New: [ml_pmp] New fields, configurable filter panes & columns, 3 pane view
* New: [ml_pmp] Album Art view & support for iPod and P4S Devices
* New: [ml_pmp] Separate view for video files
* Improved: General misc dialog/ui tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Re-tuned and optimized classic Spectrum Analyzer
* Improved: Surround indicator in Winamp Modern skin for multi-channel files
* Improved: Classic Songticker option for Winamp Modern skin (via Config drawer)
* Improved: [in_cdda] Conductor metadata support
* Improved: [in_cdda] Handling of multiple discs
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] ALBUM ARTIST & ENSEMBLE read support
* Improved: [in_flac] Advanced Editor mode
* Improved: [in_mod] Added support for more than 256 samples
* Improved: [in_mp3] Faster metadata gathering (also speeds up ReplayGain scan)
* Improved: [in_mp4] Smoother data sent to vis & other minor tweaks
* Improved: [in_wm] Faster WMA/WMV metadata gathering
* Improved: [gen_ff] General freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ml] Collapsed/expanded state of treeview items now remembered
* Improved: [gen_ml] Skinned scrollbars for Media Library with Modern skins
* Improved: [gen_ml] Reordering of treeview items (via drag+drop)
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better Unicode support & other misc tweaks
* Improved: [ml_history] Unicode support
* Improved: [ml_local] Customize Columns menu for top filter panes
* Improved: [ml_local] Option to show horizontal scrollbar for top panes
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Podcasts' view (appears after downloading a podcast)
* Improved: [ml_local] Added ISPODCAST and PODCASTCHANNEL field names
* Improved: [ml_local] Added BEGINSLIKE comparison operator
* Improved: [ml_local] Dragging of headers to sort column order
* Improved: [ml_local] Redesigned Smart View Editor
* Improved: [ml_local] Star Rating display and selection
* Improved: [ml_pmp] 'Copy to Local Media' config separated from CD Ripping settings
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Portables "Sync" can now keep podcasts updated
* Improved: [ml_rg] ReplayGain calculation support for 64, 88.2 & 96 KHz samplerates
* Improved: [ml_wire] Optional automatic downloading of new podcast episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Multi-select, 'Send To' menu and other general enhancements
* Improved: [ml_wire] Podcast downloads now saved in channel subfolders
* Improved: [ml_wire] Updated podcast directory
* Improved: [pmp_ipod] Now uses the iPod's podcast menu for podcasts
* Fixed: DWM Thumbnails & Flip3D for Modern skins in Vista
* Fixed: Esc key not working in Credits & Winamp tabs of About Box
* Fixed: Long filepaths corrupted when opening Winamp via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: Oversized preference pages with large DPI setting
* Fixed: Recurrence of multiple instances bug (previously fixed in 5.3)
* Fixed: Selecting 'No' for 'Physically Remove' prompt removes playlist/mldb item
* Fixed: TV button in video window not working
* Fixed: Windows showing if switching from modern to classic skin in minimized state
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Recursive playlist loading & case-insensitive element matching
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Handling of entries embedded within a REPEAT tag
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] DEP incompatibility
* Fixed: [gen_ff] "Can't unload script while in script" error when switching skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Remember ML size when switching between Modern & Classic skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Transparent docked toolbars for skins using alpha-blending
* Fixed: [gen_ff] 10% opacity not applying on skins that add items to rt-click menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Crash when loading multiple files via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Remove Duplicate Entries action broken in pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] %playcount% returning Comment on drag+drop from ML to pledit
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash when attempting to rip a CD in a 2nd instance of Winamp
* Fixed: [in_flac] General FLAC Editor quirks (Comments field, Enter key, etc)
* Fixed: [in_flac] 24bit files don't play when 'Allow 24bit' setting is disabled
* Fixed: [in_mod] Fadeout value goes below 0.0 sec in in_mod config
* Fixed: [in_mod] Interpolator 'division by zero' crash bug
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on some mp3's with corrupt ID3v2 extended headers (rare)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on loading corrupt id3v2.3 tags of a later revision
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Negative bitrate in File Info for long mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Glitch when modifying metadata on playing track
* Fixed: [in_mp4/libmp4v2] Memory leaks
* Fixed: [in_wave/libsndfile] Crash on invalid .au files
* Fixed: [in_wm] Garbage characters when editing filetypes in config
* Fixed: [ml_disc] 0 byte temp files not deleted after ripping
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Double-click drive icon in Rip & Burn not selecting tree item
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using <trackartist> in playlist filename generation
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Drag+drop from Audio CD view to Playlist Editor
* Fixed: [ml_local] (no album) items adding to Album count in Artist pane
* Fixed: [ml_local] isempty and =0 queries now return same results
* Fixed: [ml_local] Add dir to 'Watch Folders' path truncated to 64 characters
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Inserting extra period in filename when transcoding to mp4/aac
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Sending ansi-converted titles instead of Unicode
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfer caption building when Artist metadata is empty
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Subscription Updates setting always resets to 'Never'
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Potential incompatability issue with latest version of iTunes
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] 'Error In Insert' when transferring to some P4S devices
* Fixed: [vis_milk] Milkdrop DEP incompatibility
* Misc: Winamp Remote is now an installer option (ml_orb.dll)
* Misc: Moved drawing engine out of gen_ff to tataki.dll
* Misc: Moved freetype font renderer out of gen_ff to freetype.wac
* Misc: Removed db.w5s (replaced by new Gracenote database system)
* Misc: Removed unicows.lib/dll as we have officially dropped support for Win9x
* Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5
* Updated: libpng 1.2.20
* Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus Encoder v8.1.0
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.1e b426 'dev'
* Updated: [in_flac] FLAC 1.2.1
* Updated: [in_mp3] FhG Decoder v4.10
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.0[/more]

Скачать Winamp 5.5 Build 1600 Lite Beta Preview 3
Скачать Winamp 5.5 Build 1600 Pro Beta Preview 3
Скачать Winamp 5.5 Build 1600 Full Beta Preview 3
Автор: Dirge
Дата сообщения: 02.10.2007 22:32
У меня почему-то перестал работать плагин ласт.фм, сто раз пробовал переустонавливать и сам плагин и программу и винамп но бесполезно - программка ласт.фм не подхватывает играющие композиции...а с вмп11 и фубар работает отлично!
В чем может быть дело?

Winamp версии 5.35
Автор: Wilmots
Дата сообщения: 03.10.2007 02:47

Winamp 5.5 Build 1600 Beta Preview 3

Кто-нибудь знает когда будет финал?
Автор: dslava
Дата сообщения: 03.10.2007 03:51
а вот ченджлог со времени второй беты, чтобы было ясно, стоит ли ее пробовать


Winamp 5.5 Beta Preview 2 (1568) to Beta Preview 3 (1600) changelog

* = 5.36/5.5 Beta-specific changes

-New: Option to set the number of lines to scroll in the Playlist

-New: Redesigned Installer (incomplete)

-New: Run Setup switch, winamp.exe /REG=S

-New: Winamp Toolbar for Internet Explorer (optional)

-Improved: Made ATF %rating% changes update in the playlist for non-playing tracks

-Improved: AlbumArt now also finds 'scene' artwork by looking for an image with the same base filename as an .nfo file in the same directory*

-Improved: [gen_ff] Support for antialias fonts from Winamp3 skins

-Improved: [ml_autotag] Added AlbumArtist, Publisher, Composer & BPM fields to UI results*

-Improved: [ml_local] Added hover/click ratings setting to art details view*

-Improved: Bento skin - larger player, buttons & text; slightly lighter themes; player is now horizontally resizable; added beatvis for player when stretched; plus other tweaks/enhancements*

-Fixed: Bento skin / winamp.exe / gen_ff - detached ml window glitch when switching from another skin with ml & vid/vis windows open; ml sometimes not filling entire tab at startup; weird artefacts on desktop when moving or minimizing/restoring*

-Fixed 'Add Folder/URL' dialogs saying 'Open' instead of 'Add'*

-Fixed: 'All supported files' showing all filetypes in Open Files dialog

-Fixed: Crash when attempting to view some PNG/GIF coverart in Alt+3 Editor*

-Fixed: Crash when clicking the "Delete All" button in the Advanced tab of File Info for Vorbis files*

-Fixed: Custom Genre not being saved for MP3 when typed into ID3v2 tab of File Info*

-Fixed: 'Files of type' drop-down selection is broken in the Add/Open Files Dialog*

-Fixed: If Genre is empty, it remains empty after using File Info Auto-Tagger*

-Fixed: Ratings menu in the playlist editor not showing the current rating in localised versions*

-Fixed: Sidecar showing when going fullscreen (for online services video streams)

-Fixed: Winamp Modern songticker: padding issues & winshade shadow on first/last char*

-Fixed: Various crashes based on bug reports sent by Error Feedback (albumart cache, ml scrollbars, pmp directplayback server, ml_autotag, etc)*

-Fixed: [gen_ml] Random weird bold font glitch in Local Media views (if you still see this, then it is caused by a 3rd-party plugin, eg. in_zip)*

-Fixed: [gen_ml] Shift+Insert (New Playlist) and F1 (Help) keyboard shortcuts

-Fixed: [in_mp3] Handling of ID3v2.4 "Data length indicator" flag (resolves issue where embedded albumart wasn't showing due to notorious unsynchronisation issue with some other players)*

-Fixed: [in_mp3] Re-checking 'Use Lyrics3' in File Info also re-checks 'Use ID3v2' etc*

-Fixed: [in_wm] Can't delete wma file in Explorer after viewing File Info (Alt+3)*

-Fixed: [ml_local] Font not updating when disabling 'use same font as playlist' setting*

-Fixed: [ml_local] Column immediately to the left of Rating doesn't remember resize changes after switching views*

-Fixed: [ml_local] Tracks pane divider for Simple Album view not draggable*

-Fixed: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger sometimes might come up with mismatched results (eg. titles are the same or mixed up for different tracks on same album)*

-Fixed: [ml_playlists] assign focus back to the media library treeview after the "delete playlist" popup*

-Fixed: [ml_plg] Playlist Generator config: 1) 'Playlist Length' field allows text input 2) 'Reset Database' confirmation dialog*

-Fixed: [ml_plg] Multiple "Playlist Generator failed to Initialize" error messages on Winamp startup, when Gracnote/plg database is corrupt*

-Fixed: [ml_wire] Fixed some minor reported bugs/issues*

-Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Creating artwork and device folders correctly, crash when disconnecting ipod during GetiPodInfo, crash when reading playcounts file*

-Fixed: [out_ds] Error messages not being generated correctly*

-Misc: Bento skin: Updated Winamp Classic & Winamp Modern themes (again). Fixed typos in About box. Fixed notifier end-parenthesis truncation*

-Misc: Bento skin: Added 'Go Pro' menu item (will be hidden for Pro reg'd users in 5.5 Final)*

-Misc: Added dlmgr.w5s to installer (Bento Browser/Media Monitor Download Manager)*

-Misc: Added 'for older skins' note to 'use internal freetype font renderer' setting (Prefs > Modern Skins > Font Rendering)

-Misc: Installer: Is now hard-coded to save settings to the User Profile %AppData%\Winamp folder on all clean installs, or if paths.ini already exists on upgrades. Otherwise, if no paths.ini exists, it will respect current settings on upgrades and still save settings to the %ProgramFiles%\Winamp folder (inidir = installdir), except for on Vista where settings are always stored in %AppData%. Naturally, if user has created their own custom paths.ini then this will also still be respected (eg. if existing paths.ini points to some custom user folder and includes other params). Also note that a create/merge multi-user type options tool is hopefully planned for 5.5 Final.

-Misc: Installer: out_ds is now default Output, out_wave made optional and in Full installers only (out_ds also made default in Winamp, eg. if deleting winamp.ini)

-Misc: [in_midi] Prefs cleanup & now remembers last selected tab

-Misc: [in_mp3] Tidied up prefs where deprecated 'priority' setting was removed, and now remembers last selected tab

-Misc: [in_vorbis] Removed deprecated settings from config, changed to single-page layout

-Misc: [in_wm] Added a small NULL check

-Misc: [ml_local] Made "Use Artist as Album Artist" option default to on

-Misc: [ml_local] Average album rating now rounds up/down based on .5 mark*

-Misc: [ml_wire] Renamed Podcasts root view to Podcast Directory

-Reverted: DWM Thumbnails & Flip3D support for Modern skins in Vista (disabled for now, as it was causing too many problems/crashes). We eventually hope to find a better solution*

-Updated: Winamp Bento v0.9 #105

-Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.1f b428 'dev' (was v0.99.1d b425 'dev' in last beta)

Автор: DimONtm
Дата сообщения: 03.10.2007 10:36


Цитата: Никто случайно не знает, как в Bento сделать так, чтобы в свернутом состоянии плейлист отображался слева-направо, а не так, как сейчас?

Параметры --> Плей-лист --> Направление текста
Автор: elfinoid
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 10:34
Winamp 5.5 Final Release
(English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Swedish lang support)
(US English installer)
(Intl. Pro Installer, asks for key during install)
(US English Pro installer, asks for key during install)
(basic 2.x-style mp3/cd player)

[more=Ознакомиться со списком изменений в версии 5.5]* New: Bento SingleUI Skin
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art support, including new window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Fully translatable Localization support
* New: WLZ (Winamp Language Zip) filetype support
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to set the number of lines to scroll in the Playlist
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Option to not show the playlist number in the Windows taskbar
* New: Redesigned Installer
* New: Run Setup switch, winamp.exe /REG=S
* New: Unified File Editor, with Artwork tab (for mp3, m4a, wma, ogg, flac)
* New: Version History drop-down selector and Search (in About dialog)
* New: Winamp Toolbar for Internet Explorer (optional)
* New: %family% ATF string for identifying filetypes
* New: $split() ATF function for splitting x/y disc & track strings
* New: [in_mp3] Multi-channel mp3surround support
* New: [gen_ml] Tree Options tab in Media Library Preferences
* New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger in Send-To menu (powered by Gracenote)
* New: [ml_local] 3 pane view options in 'Add/Edit View' dialog
* New: [ml_local] Smart View Presets
* New: [ml_local] Album Art support/pane and retrieval service
* New: [ml_local] Toolbar buttons to control view options
* New: [ml_plg] Winamp Playlist Generator (powered by Gracenote MusicID)
* New: [ml_pmp] New fields, configurable filter panes & columns, 3 pane view
* New: [ml_pmp] Album Art view & support for iPod and P4S Devices
* New: [ml_pmp] Separate view for video files
* New: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 Visualizer
* Improved: General misc UI/Dialog tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Re-tuned and optimized classic Spectrum Analyzer
* Improved: Surround indicator in Winamp Modern skin for multi-channel files
* Improved: Classic Songticker option for Winamp Modern skin (via Config drawer)
* Improved: [in_cdda] Conductor metadata support
* Improved: [in_cdda] Handling of multiple discs
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] ALBUM ARTIST & ENSEMBLE read support
* Improved: [in_flac] Advanced Editor mode
* Improved: [in_mod] Added support for more than 256 samples
* Improved: [in_mp3] Faster metadata gathering (also speeds up ReplayGain scan)
* Improved: [in_mp4] Smoother data sent to vis & other minor tweaks
* Improved: [in_wm] Faster WMA/WMV metadata gathering
* Improved: [gen_ff] General freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ml] Collapsed/expanded state of treeview items now remembered
* Improved: [gen_ml] Skinned scrollbars in Media Library for newer Modern skins
* Improved: [gen_ml] Reordering of treeview items (via drag+drop)
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better Unicode support & other misc tweaks
* Improved: [ml_history] Unicode support
* Improved: [ml_local] Customize Columns menu for top filter panes
* Improved: [ml_local] Option to show horizontal scrollbar for top panes
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Podcasts' view (appears after downloading a podcast)
* Improved: [ml_local] Added ISPODCAST and PODCASTCHANNEL field names
* Improved: [ml_local] Added BEGINSLIKE comparison operator
* Improved: [ml_local] Dragging of headers to sort column order
* Improved: [ml_local] Redesigned Smart View Editor
* Improved: [ml_local] Star Rating display and selection
* Improved: [ml_pmp] 'Copy to Local Media' config separated from CD Ripping settings
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Portables "Sync" can now keep podcasts updated
* Improved: [ml_rg] ReplayGain calculation support for 64, 88.2 & 96 KHz samplerates
* Improved: [ml_wire] Optional automatic downloading of new podcast episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Multi-select, 'Send To' menu and other general enhancements
* Improved: [ml_wire] Podcast downloads now saved in channel subfolders
* Improved: [ml_wire] Updated podcast directory
* Improved: [pmp_ipod] Now uses the iPod's podcast menu for podcasts
* Fixed: 'All supported files' showing all filetypes in Open Files dialog
* Fixed: Esc key not working in Credits & Winamp tabs of About Box
* Fixed: Long filepaths corrupted when opening Winamp via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: Oversized preference pages with large DPI setting
* Fixed: Recurrence of multiple instances bug (previously fixed in 5.3)
* Fixed: Selecting 'No' for 'Physically Remove' prompt removes playlist/mldb item
* Fixed: TV button in video window not working
* Fixed: Windows showing if switching from modern to classic skin in minimized state
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Recursive playlist loading & case-insensitive element matching
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Handling of entries embedded within a REPEAT tag
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] DEP incompatibility
* Fixed: [gen_ff] "Can't unload script while in script" error when switching skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Remember ML size when switching between Modern & Classic skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Transparent docked toolbars for skins using alpha-blending
* Fixed: [gen_ff] 10% opacity not applying on skins that add items to rt-click menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Crash when loading multiple files via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Remove Duplicate Entries action broken in pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] %playcount% returning Comment on drag+drop from ML to pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Shift+Insert (New Playlist) and F1 (Help) keyboard shortcuts
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash when attempting to rip a CD in a 2nd instance of Winamp
* Fixed: [in_flac] General FLAC Editor quirks (Comments field, Enter key, etc)
* Fixed: [in_flac] 24bit files don't play when 'Allow 24bit' setting is disabled
* Fixed: [in_mod] Fadeout value goes below 0.0 sec in in_mod config
* Fixed: [in_mod] Interpolator 'division by zero' crash bug
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on some mp3's with corrupt ID3v2 extended headers (rare)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on loading corrupt id3v2.3 tags of a later revision
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Negative bitrate in File Info for long mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Glitch when modifying metadata on playing track
* Fixed: [in_mp4/libmp4v2] Memory leaks
* Fixed: [in_wave/libsndfile] Crash on invalid .au files
* Fixed: [in_wm] Garbage characters when editing filetypes in config
* Fixed: [in_wm] Potential DRM lockup issue
* Fixed: [ml_disc] 0 byte temp files not deleted after ripping
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Double-click drive icon in Rip & Burn not selecting tree item
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using <trackartist> in playlist filename generation
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Drag+drop from Audio CD view to Playlist Editor
* Fixed: [ml_local] (no album) items adding to Album count in Artist pane
* Fixed: [ml_local] isempty and =0 queries now return same results
* Fixed: [ml_local] Add dir to 'Watch Folders' path truncated to 64 characters
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Inserting extra period in filename when transcoding to mp4/aac
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Sending ansi-converted titles instead of Unicode
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfer caption building when Artist metadata is empty
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Subscription Updates setting always resets to 'Never'
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Potential incompatability issues with latest version of iTunes
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] 'Error In Insert' when transferring to some P4S devices
* Fixed: [pmp_usb] Slow Winamp startup when external usb drive connected
* Fixed: [vis_milk] Milkdrop DEP incompatibility
* Misc: Winamp Remote is now an installer option (ml_orb.dll)
* Misc: Moved drawing engine out of gen_ff to tataki.dll
* Misc: Moved freetype font renderer out of gen_ff to freetype.wac
* Misc: Removed deprecated .LNG Language file support
* Misc: Removed db.w5s (replaced by new Gracenote database system)
* Misc: Removed Station Info window and Prefs page
* Misc: Removed unicows.lib/dll as we have officially dropped support for Win9x
* Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5
* Updated: libpng 1.2.20
* Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus Encoder v8.1.0
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.2
* Updated: [in_flac] FLAC 1.2.1
* Updated: [in_mp3] FhG Decoder v4.10
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.0[/more]

А так же, для тех кому особо интересно узнать чем финальная версия отличается от последней beta preview 3 release:

[more=Winamp 5.5 Beta Preview 3 (Build 1600) to 5.5 Final (Build 1640) Changelog]* = 5.36/5.5 beta-specific issues

-New: Fully translatable Localization support
-New: WLZ (Winamp Language Zip) filetype support
-New: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 Visualizer
-New: Option to not show the playlist number in the Windows taskbar
-New: %family% ATF string for identifying filetypes (eg. %family% on MP3 returns "MPEG Layer 3 Audio File")
-New: $split() ATF function, used mainly for splitting disc & track strings. Examples: [$num(%track%,2)$IfStrNotEqual($split(%track%,/,1),,/$num($split(%track%,/,1),2))]
If %track% is 5/9, $split(%track%,/,0) returns "5", $split(%track%,/,1) returns "9".
If %track% is 5, $split(%track%,/,0) returns "5", $split(%track%,/,1) returns nothing.
-Improved: Album Art: Delete art working in Alt+3 for external images (note, not working for embedded art until next release), Embedded art showing in Alt+3, art lookup/download service now ignores brackets at end of album (eg. [EP] etc).*
-Improved: Album Art: %album%.jpg path cleaning. Retrieval service now replaces illegal characters in the Album name by using the same naming convention as cd ripping for saving the cover filename. i.e.
? * | are replaced by _ (underscore)
/ \ : are replaced by - (hyphen)
" is replaced by '
< is replaced by (
> is replaced by )
Album Name: Greatest Hits: Why? = cover filename: Greatest Hits_ Why-.jpg
Album Name: Vol. 1: "\Bleh/" <|Blah|> = cover filename: Vol. 1- '-Bleh-' (_Blah_).jpg*
-Improved: General Installer/SetUp tweaks, forced shell icons refresh after save*
-Improved: Localized Installers now available
-Improved: Media Monitor Download Mgr: Add downloaded files to media library, added a progress dialog, changed default download dir to "My Documents\My Music" instead of C:\My Music (config to come later)*
-Improved: [gen_ff] Less memory usage on win32 font renderer
-Improved: [in_mp3] Better differentiation between CBR, ABR and VBR in File Info
-Improved: [in_mp3] Faster ID3v2 writing
-Improved: [ml_autotag] Non-blocking UI, also now writes Gracenote extended data*
-Fixed: Bento skin: mousewheel (vol ctrl) and spacebar (pause) not working in fullscreen video, tabs auto switching/not updating correctly between ml/online services and browser, various other minor tweaks/fixes*
-Fixed: Installer: Setup screen not focused/on top, weird symbols where wrong font was used, Winamp Agent option not working, bugged remote and toolbar downloads*
-Fixed: Gen Prefs page Priority slider clipping*
-Fixed: Potential crash when failing to write to config files if user has no write permissions*
-Fixed: [filereader.w5s] HTTP FileReader crashing on invalid URLs*
-Fixed: [gen_ff] Breakpoint in tataki.dll / Expression: hbmp != NULL.File: win32_canvas.cpp*
-Fixed: [gen_ff] Crash when closing Winamp with Winamp Modern skin windows overlapped*
-Fixed: [gen_ff] Extra components added by some 3rd-party modern skins not appearing in menu*
-Fixed: [gen_ff] Miscellaneous minor tweaks and bug fixes*
-Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Time and Queue# disppearing in pledit when queuing tracks longer than 100mins, and other minor tweaks/fixes
-Fixed: [gen_ml] Crash when some plugin tried to create a skinned scrollbar BEFORE gen_ml loads*
-Fixed: [in_flac] Crash on 0-length files*
-Fixed: [in_mp3] Bitrate being "capped" at 128kbps for prebuffering purposes, which made e.g. 320kbps streams unstable*
-Fixed: [in_mp3] Some cbr files show as vbr in File Info*
-Fixed: [in_mp3] Alt+3 bug where controls being enabled cleared out the metadata*
-Fixed: [in_mp3] Bad SHOUTcast & AOL Radio titles*
-Fixed: [in_mp3] Upgrade ID3v2.2 (and older) tags, but don't downgrade ID3v2.4 tags*
-Fixed: [in_mp3] AlbumArt failing to load for a certain category of ID3v2 tags*
-Fixed: [in_mp3/ml_rg] Year field wiped from ID3v2.4 tag after RG scan/save*
-Fixed: [in_mp3/ml_rg] Calc Replay Gain dialog sometimes showing "processing" instead of percentage*
-Fixed: [ml_autotag] Crash when no internet connection available*
-Fixed: [ml_local] Second divider in 3 pane view resetting position*
-Fixed: [ml_wire] Podcast info browser: text/bg not updating when switching color theme or skin & fixed tabulation
-Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Artwork database buffer overread fix*
-Fixed: [pmp_p4s] fixed for devices with zero width and height in the album art metadata*
-Fixed: [pmp_usb] Causing slow Winamp startup (due to reading of files/metadata on external usb drives in main thread)
-Fixed: [wasabi/in_mp3/LAMEInfo] Minor memory leak & object cleanup fixes*
-Fixed: [wasabi/gen_ff] 'Could not load script' error when switching from some older freeform skins
-Fixed: [wasabi/gen_ff] Alignment for auto-hide taskbar & fullscreen docked modes*
-Misc: [gen_ff] Removed 'Win2000/XP' refs from the alpha blending prefs page
-Misc: Added dynamic uninstall support for in_* and gen_* plugins to match the ml_* support (for plugins that are updated to work with winampUninstallPlugin)
-Misc: Added some community color themes to Bento skin, with more to follow in later releases.
-Misc: Bento skin now available in two sizes. 'Bento' (default) is the original smaller version (from Beta 1 & 2, but fully updated) for lower screen res, and 'Big Bento' is the larger version (from Beta 3) for higher screen res.*
-Misc: Bento skin: Added in check to remove 'Get Pro' menu item for registered Pro users*
-Misc: Changed default scroll value in playlist to "1" (for page up/down keys) with "mousewheel scrolls double the above..." checkmarked by default (Edit to taste in: Prefs > Playlist)*
-Misc: Changed 'Load Artwork' dialog in Alt+3 CoverArt tab to default to containing dir instead of CWD*
-Misc: Changed all c:\ or 'c:\my music' default paths in configs (out_disk, ml_pmp, ml_disc, ml_transcode, media monitor download mgr, etc) to the 'my documents\my music' path (affects clean installs only)
-Misc: Made Local Media\Audio as the default ML view on clean installs
-Misc: Winamp Setup: "Arial Unicode MS" replaced with "Arial", Filetype descriptions updated, fixed focus issue, fixed Winamp Agent option*
-Misc: Removed deprecated .LNG Language file support
-Misc: Removed Station Info window and Prefs page
-Misc: Reverted AVS back to 5.35 vis_avs.dll (fixes some presets not working issue)
-Updated: Bento skin v1.0
-Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.2[/more]

P.S. Не забудьте обновить кепку!
Автор: Verwolk
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 14:02

отцы, что это за скин? спс
Автор: ashtroy
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 15:26
это нововведенный Bento
Автор: Solar 345
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 15:29

отцы, что это за скин? спс

Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 17:49
в 5.5 модерн-скин остался или уже исчез как раритет?
Автор: anty_elkabas
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 17:52
Остался. Там и классик остался.
Автор: UKPR
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 17:52

отцы, что это за скин? спс

косят под темную висту
Автор: miksanfree
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 19:22

в 5.5 модерн-скин остался или уже исчез как раритет?

А чем Bento лучше старого доброго модерн-скина?
Я не знаю, может там где-то есть скрытые настройки в этом Bento, но как по мне, то это шаг назад в развитии винампа.
Автор: Maz
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 19:33
а я разве сказал, что бенто лучше модерна?
последнее время у разработчиков ПО пошла мода убирать из новых версий хорошее-доброе-проверенное, но старое и заменять его новым.
все под майкрософт косят
Автор: miksanfree
Дата сообщения: 10.10.2007 19:59
Тогда сорри, просто слово раритет сбило с толку
Автор: asj1402
Дата сообщения: 11.10.2007 00:14
Эй, народ поставил Winamp 5.5 Final Release и теперь не работает нормально визуализация! У кого небудь этот баг есть или он только у меня?

Страницы: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146

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