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» RaidenFTPD (ftp server)

Автор: shedow25
Дата сообщения: 20.12.2005 18:29
RaidenFTPD 2.4 build 2551

fixed: a bug that caused program to crash while adding a virtual path in 2.4.2550

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 20.12.2005 18:31
RaidenFTPD 2.4 Buld 2551

- Fixed: a bug that caused program to crash while adding a virtual path in 2.4.2550

Автор: shedow25
Дата сообщения: 22.12.2005 19:20
RaidenFTPD 2.4 build 2552

fixed: fixed a bug that is caused by the DISABLE_ACCOUNT_IF_LOGIN_FROM_MULTI_IP new feature

Автор: shedow25
Дата сообщения: 13.01.2006 21:16
RaidenFTPD 2.4 build 2570

Remote Control new feature is finally available, and we also fixed an important security problem, please update to latest version immediatelly.

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 21.02.2006 18:16
RaidenFTPD 2.4 Build 2600

- added: taskbar notification for recent server stats after user restores GUI from hidden GUI to visible GUI state
- fixed: when a client issues a site (dupe,srch,adduser,deluser) commands by smartftp using utf8 strings. the server did not handle it properly
- fixed: when a client connects using UTF8 mode, the ftp error message from operating system was not translated into UTF8 correctly
- fixed: mode z transfer problem with syncbackse 4 (using smaller compression buffer for mode z when the client is syncbackse now)
- fixed: unable to display disk free space when a client uses utf8 mode to login

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 22.03.2006 19:40
RaidenFTPD 2.4 Build 2656 Beta

- added: new option in raidenftpd.ini VARS_WITH_UNIT , set to 1 to change the representation of variable %p and %d to "mb/gb" instead of bytes
- added: new option in raidenftpd.ini ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_SFVTAGS , set to 1 to allow downloading sfv progress certificate files generated by raidenftpd
- added: support for using email as username
- fixed: "mysql has gone away work around" for adding an IP and deleting an user when using ODBC
- fixed: unable to scroll the username combo box when username is too long, in user's editor
- fixed: raidenftpd displays site undupe fails when you undupe a file in ODBC database
- fixed: when you enabled 'certificate of .sfv completion' in the parent directory, server did not remove the incomplete tag when you remove the original uploaded directory
- added: new option in raidenftpd.ini SFVTAG_DEFAULT_OP=rdftmp
- (new) r to create [INCOMPLETE][PERCENTAGE%]-DIRENAME-DISC# file tag under root directory of your ftp site (note that -p will be disabled when you enabled -r)
- (old) d to delete files not in .sfv (default)
- (old) f to force a full rescan on complete files (not recommended)
- (old) t to create a certificate of .sfv completion (default)
- (old) m to create *-missing files for missing files
- (old) p to creating [INCOMPLETE][PERCENTAGE%]-DIRENAME-DISC# file tag under parent folder of the directory you are uploading to

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 07.04.2006 21:23
RaidenFTPD 2.4 Build 2680

- added: new option in raidenftpd.ini VARS_WITH_UNIT , set to 1 to change the representation of variable %p and %d to "mb/gb" instead of bytes
- added: new option in raidenftpd.ini ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_SFVTAGS , set to 1 to allow downloading sfv progress certificate files generated by raidenftpd
- added: support for using email as username
- fixed: "mysql has gone away work around" for adding an IP and deleting an user when using ODBC
- fixed: unable to scroll the username combo box when username is too long, in user's editor
- fixed: raidenftpd displays site undupe fails when you undupe a file in ODBC database
- fixed: when you enabled 'certificate of .sfv completion' in the parent directory, server did not remove the incomplete tag when you remove the original uploaded directory
- added: new option in raidenftpd.ini SFVTAG_DEFAULT_OP=rdftmp
- (new) r to create [INCOMPLETE][PERCENTAGE%]-DIRENAME-DISC# file tag under root directory of your ftp site
- (old) d to delete files not in .sfv (default)
- (old) f to force a full rescan on complete files (not recommended)
- (old) t to create a certificate of .sfv completion (default)
- (old) m to create *-missing files for missing files
- (old) p to creating [INCOMPLETE][PERCENTAGE%]-DIRENAME-DISC# file tag under parent folder of the directory you are uploading to

Автор: qwestis
Дата сообщения: 31.05.2006 19:16
у меня вопрос: на винче имеются папки допустим film на разных разделах винча, собственно как сделать так чтоб в фтп клиенте они отображались как одна папку, в генеб такое можно сделать merge
Автор: shedow25
Дата сообщения: 11.06.2006 14:37
RaidenFTPD 2.4 build 2940

fixed: ssl connection resource is not freed if a client disconnects during ssl negotiation phase.
fixed: the program did not remove incomplete sfv tag in both root/parent directory when a client delete a directory.
fixed: "mysql has gone away work around" for command_log table when using ODBC
fixed: if ODBC initialization fails, ODBC was not disabled correctly so the program may crash later.
fixed: the server stat ballon information was incorrect if you open the program and hide it into the tray.
fixed: file is locked if a client is trying to query xcrc/xmd5 value by an over-ranged parameter (smartftp).
fixed: VMP does not work properly if client is using UTF8 mode and you are merging multiple paths using non-english characters
fixed: program returns error if client sends XMD5 "filename" start_pos length, command when start_pos = 0 and length = file length
added: new option in raidenftpd.ini SHOW_SERVER_STAT_BALLON set to 0 to disable the ballon tooltip that displays the server info when you restore the GUI
added: new option in raidenftpd.ini DEFAULT_SFVPASS_CHMOD set to "000"-"777" if you want the server to change file/dir modes for you after a sfv complete event occurs
added: new option in raidenftpd.ini SHOW_MEDIA_INFO set to 1 to display media file information before file download or after file upload, set to 0 to disable
changed: new icons/bitmaps/background images
changed: openssl updates to 0.97j
changed: bcg controlbar library updates to 7.0
changed: program will restart itself if an unrecoverable ssl negotiation error occurs that causes the whole ssl feature unable to work furtherly

Автор: hun33
Дата сообщения: 04.02.2007 15:39
Автор: DrHyder
Дата сообщения: 12.11.2007 20:36
Забавно. А этот рейден вообще кто-нибудь использует?

ЗЫ: кроме как для вареза, естессно )
Автор: Umbrall
Дата сообщения: 12.12.2007 09:48
что вообще можете про него сказать, как он?
Автор: sanchower2
Дата сообщения: 04.03.2008 22:19
Umbrall отличный и удобный фтп сервер
Автор: Dave_sp
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2008 13:46
RaidenFTPD v.2.4 Build 3610

Version 2.4 build 3600
fixed: if servername contains ' character, the server status odbc connection could not be written correctly
added: new variable for use in message files $0023 to be translated into free disk space under this virtual path with auto unit change (mb,gb,tb)
added: new option in raidenftpd.ini, RESCAN_MKSFV_SKIP_EXT, add extensions like =htm,doc,jpg to have files with these extension names to be excluded when generating a .sfv file by site rescan - c command
added: after adding an user, when the program wants to copy the site information into clipboard, it will be using server dns name (if entered) instead of server ip address now.
added: new scheduler system function, set_ftpd($key,$value), which can be used to write to *.ftpd file at any key entry and assigning a new value to it, finally it will also reload the ftpd file after the change.
for example, you can change the global speed limit value by this usage: set_ftpd(GLOBAL_DLSPD,32)
see this: for *.ftpd file specification
Version 2.4 build 3501
fixed: when using VLS, SIZE command could not be performed properly if not sending SIZE with absolute path.
Version 2.4 build 3500
changed: under windows vista (only for new installation), RaidenFTPD will make use of application data folder to store application data instead of c:\program files\raidenftpd
note that Your config data will be copied to [System_Drive_Letter]:\users\[username]\AppData\Local\RaidenFTPD by default, please use new location to edit Your files instead of RaidenFTPD folder.
added: new option in raidenftpd.ini, USE_APPDATA_CONFIG_PATH, If it's set to 1, program will automatically use the following paths as RaidenFTPD config path.
winxp: [System_Drive_Letter]:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\RaidenFTPD
win vista: [System_Drive_Letter]:\users\[username]\AppData\Local\RaidenFTPD
note that this option is only set to 1 by new installations, users who have existing installations have to set this to 1 manually if You want to use this way.
added: new variable for raidenftpd.ini DEF_SFV_TAG, %DIRSIZEINT% for the size of the whole current directory in ??M format (ex: 12M 16M)
added: FTPD's own message files set, see
added: new option in raidenftpd.ini DEF_SFV_TAG_MEDIA=
now You can customize the default sfv completion tag (when the folder contains media files such as mp3 wma, the following variables are available for use.
%MEDIA_ALBUM% album name in media's tag
%MEDIA_ARTIST% artist name in media's tag
%MEDIA_GENRE% genre name in media's tag
%MEDIA_AUDIOFORMAT% audio format of media
%MEDIA_TITLE% title of the last uploaded media in the current directory
%MEDIA_YEAR% year tag in media
added: new variables for use in message files
$0021 amount downloaded in the current session (auto unit, kb,mb,gb,tb)
$0022 amount uploaded in the current session (auto unit, kb,mb,gb,tb)
$0018 history downloaded amount (auto unit, kb,mb,gb,tb)
$0019 history uploaded amount (auto unit, kb,mb,gb,tb)
$0020 user's credit (auto unit, kb,mb,gb,tb)
fixed: sfv/rescan features may not work under some UTF8 paths.
fixed: new FTPD wizard would use duplicate ftpd name if one already exists.
fixed: the help link in english version doesn't work
Автор: neZlodey
Дата сообщения: 12.06.2010 22:23
RaidenFTPD 2.4 Build 3785 >>>

- changed: NSIS (installer) version updates to 2.46
- changed: now RaidenFTPD detects if it's an Internet Explorer and if it is, the welcome message is disabled by default.
- changed: now RaidenFTPD will not display welcome messages to Internet Explorer connections even if it's using named accounts.
- changed: when client is using IE6, the max logins per IP is restricted to 2 for that client in order to be compatible with an IE6 pathname bug.
- changed: new installer/updater icon
- fixed: uninstaller does not remove everything properly.[

Автор: neZlodey
Дата сообщения: 08.07.2010 18:14
RaidenFTPD 2.4.3900

added: the ability open interactive service session under Windows vista, 7 and 2008, now you can run raidenftpd as background service and use its GUI by opening raidenftpd.exe from the desktop again.

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