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» Запись в exe-файл

Автор: koderr
Дата сообщения: 27.05.2006 02:04
Пиши в ресурсы экзешника, а последний берет оттуда все, что нужно.
Вот пример (c) Microsoft

HRSRC hResLoad; // handle to loaded resource
HANDLE hExe; // handle to existing .EXE file
HRSRC hRes; // handle/ptr. to res. info. in hExe
HANDLE hUpdateRes; // update resource handle
char *lpResLock; // pointer to resource data
BOOL result;
// Load the .EXE file that contains the dialog box you want to copy.
hExe = LoadLibrary("hand.exe");
if (hExe == NULL)
ErrorHandler("Could not load exe.");

// Locate the dialog box resource in the .EXE file.
hRes = FindResource(hExe, "AboutBox", RT_DIALOG);
if (hRes == NULL)
ErrorHandler("Could not locate dialog box.");

// Load the dialog box into global memory.
hResLoad = LoadResource(hExe, hRes);
if (hResLoad == NULL)
ErrorHandler("Could not load dialog box.");

// Lock the dialog box into global memory.
lpResLock = LockResource(hResLoad);
if (lpResLock == NULL)
ErrorHandler("Could not lock dialog box.");

// Open the file to which you want to add the dialog box resource.
hUpdateRes = BeginUpdateResource("foot.exe", FALSE);
if (hUpdateRes == NULL)
ErrorHandler("Could not open file for writing.");

// Add the dialog box resource to the update list.
result = UpdateResource(hUpdateRes, // update resource handle
RT_DIALOG, // change dialog box resource
"AboutBox", // dialog box name
lpResLock, // ptr to resource info
SizeofResource(hExe, hRes)); // size of resource info.
if (result == FALSE)
ErrorHandler("Could not add resource.");

// Write changes to FOOT.EXE and then close it.
if (!EndUpdateResource(hUpdateRes, FALSE))
ErrorHandler("Could not write changes to file.");

// Clean up.
if (!FreeLibrary(hExe))
ErrorHandler("Could not free executable.");

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