Данный топик предназначен только для обсуждения типовых задач на Visual Basic.
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Пишите в соответствующих топиках.
Родственные топики:
Excel VBA - часть 1, часть 2 - все вопросы по Excel VBA туда
Word VBA все вопросы по Word VBA туда
Access все вопросы по программированию в Access туда
VBScript - программирование "удобняшек" на VBScript
QBasic - типовые задачи на QBasic
Date Time Functions In Visual Basic
VB6's Trig, Math, Financial, Boolean, and Random functions
Visual Basic 6 String Functions
VB6 Number System Functions (Hex, Oct, Etc)
VB6's DateAdd function
Functions (Visual Basic)
Keywords and Members by Task
Visual Basic Reference
Visual Basic String Manipulation Tutorials
[more=Top 10 Visual Basic Sins]
Top 10 Visual Basic Sins
Not using option explicit
Not explicitly declaring a data type for all variables and functions.
Dim, Function, or Property without As <type>
(Remember, this is NOT the same as using option explicit.)
Writing unreadable code.
Writing procedures longer than about 2 or 3 screens of code.
Not using a variable, object, and procedure naming convention.
Using the default object names provided by the VB IDE.
Hard coding values which should be data driven or user-defined.
Magic numbers
Path or file names
Lack of attention to the needs of the end user.
Inappropriate use of jargon.
Unfriendly error messages.
Lack of attention to ergonomics.
Poor alignment of controls.
Deviating from standard windows UI guidelines without good reason.
Writing fragile code.
Not using appropriate error handlers.
Failing to anticipate or recover gracefully from common errors.
Not building reusable code.
Using custom controls to do simple programming tasks.
Putting too much code in event procedures.
Not writing dedicated procedures for common tasks.
Poor documentation.
Failing to provide header and source code comments.
Failing to provide supporting documentation.
Improper use of data.
Not limiting the scope of variables.
Not validating inputs and/or outputs.
Using inappropriate data types.
Inappropriately using the assistance of fellow programmers.
Asking for help without making an effort to learn.
Not asking for help with complex problems.
Visual Basic для студентов и школьников. Культин Н. (2010)
Занимательное программирование на Visual Basic.NET. Климов А. (2005)
Visual Basic в задачах и примерах. Сафронов (2009)
Visual Basic 2012 на примерах. Зиборов В. (2012)