Вообще-то вот я скачал
VC Menu Editor v.1.0 Цитата: Программа позволит вам изменять игровое меню. Автор прилагает инструкции, как сделать новый подпункт в меню паузы, который позволит сохраняться в любом месте карты (только не во время миссии).
Но, как я понял, с русифицированной версией 1.10 этот патч не будет работать, хотя есть описание на англичанском как самому что-то подправить в hex-editor'e, но тут уж я не силен
Может кто разберется, привожу на всякий случай инструкцию
Getting started:
First remove the write protection of your gta-vc.exe and DON'T FORGET TO MAKE A BACKUP!
When you first start the program, you will be asked for a .gxt file, which is the text file of GTA Vice City. For example you can choose ...\GTA VC\TEXT\american.gxt.
Then you must change the decimal offset of menu data in gta-vc.exe, depending on the version you are using. Choose "Options|Change Offset..." to open the input dialog. For version 1.0 the offset should be 2975600. It is important, that the file size is the same as in the list given in the dialog, otherwise there might be problems.
If none of the offsets given works with your gta-vc.exe, you can try to find the menu data yourself. Take a hex editor and search for the data written down in hex.txt (in hex editor format).
On the left side all 33 menu screens are listed. The labeling of a menu (e.g. FEM_MM) is the name of the text string in the .gxt file. The real text is shown in the big panel on the right side. It is read-only, just the reference to it can be changed. For a new text, you have to add it to the .gxt file by using a suitable editor.
On the bottom right there are the menu items of the selected menu, there can't be more than 12 of them. Every menu item can have a text (like a menu) and 6 other settings. The first is the function that will be executed by clicking on a menu item. This should be 4 for simply changing to another menu. The second value is the parameter of the function, I'm sure this is just used for the savegames. The third value indicates the target menu which is shown after clicking on an item. The fourth and fifth value are the XY position of the menu relative to a 640x480 resolution and finally the sixth value is the alignment of the text to its position.
After changing the settings of a menu item the "Apply" button must be pressed. A click on "Save Menu" saves the actual menu to gta-vc.exe.
You can save all menu data to a text file by clicking "File|Save As Text...".
When you want to try out your changes to the menu, you must click "File|Close" to release the gta-vc.exe!
Example: Saving everywhere
When you want to save everywhere in the game, without always having to go to a hideout, you can simply add the "Save Game" entry to the pause menu.
For example you could save on the roof of Vercetti Estate next to the helicopter, so you just have to load, enter and fly...
Follow these steps:
- open gta-vc.exe in MenuEditor as usual
- go to menu 32, it should have the title FET_PAU ("PAUSE MENU")
- at the right side where the menu items are, choose one in the list and click "Add", it will be copied and added to the list
- select the new menu item and change its settings:
~ "Menu Item Text" should be "FET_SG"
~ "Associated Function" must be "004 - Change Menu"
~ "Function Parameter" must be 0
~ "Target Menu" must be 15 (the save menu)
~ x and y position must both be 0 and alignment should be "Center"
- then click "Apply" and move the menu item to the second place of the list by pressing "Up", so that it is located between "Resume" and "Start New Game"
- finally press "Save Menu" to update gta-vc.exe and then exit the program or click "File|Close" to release the exe
Before starting the game for testing, you MUST know the following two important rules:
- NEVER SAVE WHILE SITTING IN A VEHICLE (car, bike, boat, heli, plane, other)
Both will make your savegame useless and crash the game.
If there are any problems, questions, mistakes, bugs or something else simply send an email! (st.mu@web.de)
Have Fun!