спасибо за попытку помочь, но релиз не рабочий.
спасибо за попытку помочь, но релиз не рабочий.
ну штудируй наверное тогда гугл по запросу "взлом стим игр"
Неплохо бы указать конкретное название искомых игр.
раз ищешь и не находишь, значит очень фигово ищешь ...
Release Install NotesТо есть это ритейл, не требующий серийника.
5.- Change Log[/more] из BreakQuest_patch_1x_116.exe\about.txt.
···> 1.1.6
* Changed first level.
* Fixed quite a bunch of typos, many thanks Leif.
+ New effect, little paddle explosion when a life
is lost.
* Fixed a rare crash at level 9.
* Changed pause menu, press 'ESC' to go to main menu
instead of 'q'.
···> 1.1.5
* New levels arrangement, easier levels first. Demo
version comes with new levels, 8 instead of 5.
+ Different paddles now have different bumpers. Lower
bumpers are easier to ride but higher ones provide
more control over the ball.
* Arcade mode level ordering now defaults to 'random'
instead of 'original' so every time you play you get
different levels.
* A few fixes to prevent rare crashes.
* Updated SDL graphics library (from 1.2.7 to 1.2.8).
* Installer now uses LZMA compression instead of ZIP,
smaller download.
···> 1.1.0
* Fully revamped pill apparence (also added option
to enable old mode).
+ Added option to disable/minimize particle effects.
Plays a little weird, also useful to improve
performance in low-end computers.
+ Added option to disable the mouse swiveling effect.
* Changed music for a few levels (no new tunes).
* Improved ball/paddle collison.
* Revamped help screen.
* Revamped nag (buy now) screen too![]()
* Fixed compatibility with limited XP accounts.
* A bunch of minor fixes and improvments, thanks PhilUk
* Demo version now installs in BreakQuest_demo instead
of BreakQuest
···> 1.0.2
+ Added 'Move mouse with arrow keys' option for easy menu
movement if you do not have a mouse.
···> 1.0
First full version released to public.
···> Beta 1.2.1
- Fix crash with 'minimal' arcade mode, thanks Zagrius.
- Fix music and sound volume bug.
+ Arcade modes 'disable scenes' function now works.
* Changed a bit gfx effect for 'Gravity'. (These are now
changed again in the development machine)
* Quest mode scene loads faster, thanks oNyx. (Also improved
in the development version)
* Add little pop up at the end of last scene (4th) to clarify
the number of included levels in the Beta version.
···> Beta 1.2.0
+ Arcade and Quest mode are now enabled. Adjust game parameters
to your liking in 'Arcade Mode' (to enable levels for Arcade,
first get the keys in 'Quest Mode').
+ New gravity function, use right mouse button to enable the gravitor
and force the balls down, also handy to finish the lasts bricks
(remaining energy at top left screen corner).
* Adjusted difficulty settings. 'Normal' is slightly more difficult,
and 'Hard' is harder.
* Improved paddle/ball collision.
+ Many little additions and bug fixes.
···> Beta 1.1.1
- Fixed Crash when pressing 'Space' or 'Enter' while in Help, thanks Bart.
- Fixed Crash when pressing 'a' or 's' in Main Menu.
- Fixed rare crash at 'Hanging ladders' scene, thanks JoAnn.
* Modified a little 'Hanging ladders' geometry to try to avoid ball taking
to long to come down.
+ Added PAD file (pad_file.xml).
+ Added Chang Log section to this file (about.txt).
···> Beta 1.1.0
- Fixed crash at Yin-Yang scene.
* Some keys do not resume a paused game, now user can switch applications
while paused.
* Changed weapon names, now more descriptive.
+ Score shows last increments.
+ New option: capsule name position, 'In Place' (default), 'At Corner' old
+ Minor non game play changes.
+ Installer now creates a desktop icon.
+ Installer adds uninstall information for windows control panel Add/Remove
+ Added window icons.
+ Yin-Yang scene: New game object, mini Yin-Yang, get them with the paddle
for some points. Modified hit effects for Yin-Yang bricks and bugs (flower).
+ Black & White squares scene: Bricks show remaining hits (little dots).
Bricks now explode (not really an explosion).
+ Hanging Ladders scene: Add little effect when bug (regular polygons that
fall) is hit.
+ Square Triangle Circle scene: Added explosion.
Previous changes
···> Beta 1.0: First version released to public.
···> 1.01: Try to fix a paddle movement bug.
···> 1.02: New bug introduced, reverted to 1.01.
···> 1.03: Paddle movement finally fixed.
···> 1.04: Ball is more visible, minor paddle adjustments.
Changed default music and FX volume.
···> 1.05: Updated internal libs, should fix some rare crashes.
'Ladders' scene: added new objects.
p.s.: если неудобно качать с LetItBit и VipFile, то отзеркалил на всякий случайГляну, что там в русской…
тоже 1.16, но от двух баксов.404… Перезалейте и эту на RGHost, пожалуйста.
Перезалейте и эту на RGHOst, пожалуйста…
Игра здесь.Гады хитрые...
Лучшее, что мне встречалось
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