Acer ScanPrisa 320p
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Сканер вообще живой?
It really works! follow the hints and you wont find problems! i tried many drivers before this and now I can say that s the best-working software!
2.1.2 How does the scanner work?
When scanning, the scanner applies a light source to the image. The light is reflected back from the image into the CCD (Couple-Charged Device) <../HTML/7.htm>, where the varying levels of light are interpreted and digitized. The image is then reconstructed and displayed on your screen.
2.1.4 What can you do with a scanner?
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - You can convert text-based images like a fax into text that can be edited by a word-processing software.
Давно бы так, а то я уже и установил и хелп MiraScan прочитал и вторую главу
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