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» Plug and Play
How It Works (simplified)
Here's an oversimplified view of how PnP works. The PnP configuration program (perhaps a program in the BIOS) finds all PnP devices and asks each what bus-resources it needs. Then it checks what bus-resources (IRQs, etc.) it has to give away. Of course if it has reserved bus-resources used by non-PnP (legacy) devices (if it knows about them) it doesn't give these away. Then it uses some criteria (not specified by PnP specifications) to give out the bus-resources so that there are no conflicts and so that all devices get what they need (if possible). It then tells each physical device what bus-resources are assigned to it and the devices set themselves up to use only the assigned bus-resources. Then the device drivers somehow find out what bus-resources their devices use and are thus able to communicate effectively with the devices they control.
For example, suppose a card needs one interrupt (IRQ number) and 1 MB of shared memory. The PnP program reads this request from the card. It then assigns the card IRQ5 and 1 MB of memory addresses space, starting at address 0xe9000000. It's not always this simple as the card may specify that it can only use certain IRQ numbers (ISA only) or that the 1 MB of memory must lie within a certain range of addresses. The details are different for the PCI and ISA buses with more complexity on the ISA bus.
There are some shortcuts that PnP software may use. One is to keep track of how it assigned bus-resources at the last configuration (when the computer was last used) and reuse this. Windows9x and PnP BIOSs do this but standard Linux doesn't. Windows9x stores this info in its "Registry" on the hard disk and a PnP BIOS stores it in non-volatile memory in your PC (known as ESCD; see The BIOS's ESCD Database).
Under Linux it's each device for itself and there is no centralized non-volatile registry of resource assignments. Some device drivers store the last configuration they used and use it next time the computer is powered on. They implicitly assume that the rest of the hardware will not need to use its bus-resources.
If the device hardware remembered their previous configuration, then there wouldn't be any hardware to configure at the next boot-time, but they seem to forget their configuration when the power is turned off. Some devices contain a default configuration (but not necessarily the last one used). Thus a PnP configuration program needs to be run each time the PC is powered on. Also, if a new device has been added, then it too needs to be configured. Allocating bus-resources to this new device might involve taking some bus-resources away from an existing device and assigning the existing device alternative bus-resources that it can use instead.
Here's an oversimplified view of how PnP works. The PnP configuration program (perhaps a program in the BIOS) finds all PnP devices and asks each what bus-resources it needs. Then it checks what bus-resources (IRQs, etc.) it has to give away. Of course if it has reserved bus-resources used by non-PnP (legacy) devices (if it knows about them) it doesn't give these away. Then it uses some criteria (not specified by PnP specifications) to give out the bus-resources so that there are no conflicts and so that all devices get what they need (if possible). It then tells each physical device what bus-resources are assigned to it and the devices set themselves up to use only the assigned bus-resources. Then the device drivers somehow find out what bus-resources their devices use and are thus able to communicate effectively with the devices they control.
For example, suppose a card needs one interrupt (IRQ number) and 1 MB of shared memory. The PnP program reads this request from the card. It then assigns the card IRQ5 and 1 MB of memory addresses space, starting at address 0xe9000000. It's not always this simple as the card may specify that it can only use certain IRQ numbers (ISA only) or that the 1 MB of memory must lie within a certain range of addresses. The details are different for the PCI and ISA buses with more complexity on the ISA bus.
There are some shortcuts that PnP software may use. One is to keep track of how it assigned bus-resources at the last configuration (when the computer was last used) and reuse this. Windows9x and PnP BIOSs do this but standard Linux doesn't. Windows9x stores this info in its "Registry" on the hard disk and a PnP BIOS stores it in non-volatile memory in your PC (known as ESCD; see The BIOS's ESCD Database).
Under Linux it's each device for itself and there is no centralized non-volatile registry of resource assignments. Some device drivers store the last configuration they used and use it next time the computer is powered on. They implicitly assume that the rest of the hardware will not need to use its bus-resources.
If the device hardware remembered their previous configuration, then there wouldn't be any hardware to configure at the next boot-time, but they seem to forget their configuration when the power is turned off. Some devices contain a default configuration (but not necessarily the last one used). Thus a PnP configuration program needs to be run each time the PC is powered on. Also, if a new device has been added, then it too needs to be configured. Allocating bus-resources to this new device might involve taking some bus-resources away from an existing device and assigning the existing device alternative bus-resources that it can use instead.
А источник не подскажешь?
Подробности смотри у Билли: http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/tech/pnp/default.asp , если не надоест читать White Papers и другое.
Подробности смотри у Билли: http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/tech/pnp/default.asp , если не надоест читать White Papers и другое.
По русски все подругому получается, это не LINUX от Cheery
По источникам от Алекса Экслера
Пытка с применением технологии Plug and Play
Как я уже говорил, этот способ является особо изощренным, и с его помощью можно добиваться фантастических результатов. Я в этой области являюсь абсолютным рекордсменом, так как прошел весь путь от простеньких криков Windows95 "Обнаружена странная и непонятная ошибка!" через "Что за черт? Такой ошибки вообще быть не может!" до феноменальных "Я вообще не понимаю — что происходит. Вот Вам домашний телефон Билли Гейтса — разбирайтесь с ним сами".
Вам всем прекрасно известна странная манера Windows95 самой обнаруживать различные внешние и внутренние устройства, причем если устройство обнаружено неправильно, то объяснить Windows95, что же на самом деле там установлено может только технический специалист, который долгие годы проработал в Microsoft и полностью усвоил дух несколько мистического подхода к разработке программных проектов, царящий в этой фирме.
Но мы, тонкие мучители этой системы, обратим данную манеру себе во благо. Для начала воткните в ISA-ный слот какую-нибудь платку от японского телевизора. Включите компьютер. Реакция Windows95 обычно непредсказуема. Временами я наталкивался на фразу: "В Вашем компьютере обнаружено неизвестное устройство, но я сейчас подключу свои драйверы, чтобы устройство работало нормально", после чего на компьютере обнаруживался новый логический диск, при попытки записи на который появлялась фраза: "Этот тип носителя не поддерживается в данной версии Windows95. Обратитесь к своему дилеру, чтобы получить драйверы для данного устройства". Иногда Windows95 радовала меня сообщением, что "У Вас обнаружен видеобластер марки Sony, но разрешения Вашего монитора недостаточно для работы с ним!". Один раз промелькнуло сообщение: "Данное устройство не является Plug and Play! Чтобы сделать его таковым — просто выньте устройство и вставьте обратно". Впрочем, на плату от телевизора "Рубин" Windows95 всегда реагировала одинаково, заявляя: "В Вашем компьютере обнаружено пусковое устройство от советской межконтинентальной ракеты класса воздух-земля- вечный покой! Если Вы законопослушный гражданин, то включите модем, чтобы я могла настучать на Вас в ЦРУ!".

По источникам от Алекса Экслера
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