С brand (3COM, Intel) всегда идет прога тестирования. Устанавливается, как правило, по умолчанию.
С brand (3COM, Intel) всегда идет прога тестирования. Устанавливается, как правило, по умолчанию.
А че в ней тестировать? В смысле опознать?
С brand (3COM, Intel) всегда идет прога тестирования. Устанавливается, как правило, по умолчанию.
BadCopy Pro позволяет в полностью в автоматическом режиме(за 5 минут ) восстанавливать поврежденные данные с дискет, компакт-дисков и винчестеров. Утилита может "спасать" файлы различных типов, такие как документы, изображения, приложения и т.д.
позволяет в полностью в автоматическом режимелишнее в. Убери или немного переделай.
The Windows Memory Diagnostic tests the Random Access Memory (RAM) on your computer for errors. The diagnostic includes a comprehensive set of memory tests. If you are experiencing problems while running Windows, you can use the diagnostic to determine whether the problems are caused by failing hardware, such as RAM or the memory system of your motherboard. Windows Memory Diagnostic is designed to be easy and fast. On most configurations, you can download the diagnostic, read the documentation, run the test and complete the first test pass in less than 30 minutes.
To run Windows Memory Diagnostic, you must reboot your computer with the disk or CD-ROM on which you installed Windows Memory Diagnostic in the drive. After the reboot, Windows Memory Diagnostic will load and its interface will appear. After loading, the first test pass will begin, using the default standard test suite, and continue until complete, unless Windows Memory Diagnostic is either paused or exited. Once the first test pass is complete, Windows Memory Diagnostic will begin a second test pass using the same settings as before. Windows Memory Diagnostic will continue to run test passes until you exit.
System requirements:
Windows Memory Diagnostic supports x86-based computers with the following microprocessors:
- Intel(tm) - Pentium or Celeron families
- AMD - K6, Athlon, or Duron families
- Microprocessors compatible with those listed
You can test all types of RAM that run on x86-based computers with the supported microprocessors. However, if you have error checking and correcting (ECC) RAM, Windows Memory Diagnostic may not report any errors because the ECC mechanism automatically detects and corrects the error. It might still be useful to run Windows Memory Diagnostic if you have ECC RAM because it may detect errors that the ECC RAM is unable to correct (which indicates problems with the RAM).
Windows Memory Diagnostic is limited to testing only the first 4 gigabytes (GB) of RAM. If you have more than 4 GB of RAM, the remaining RAM after the first 4 GB will not be tested by Windows Memory Diagnostic.
Memory tests:
Windows Memory Diagnostic includes a comprehensive set of memory tests that provide varying degrees of testing thoroughness. The tests are organized into three predefined test suites: basic, standard, and extended. These categories reflect, in increasing order, the time for each test to run as well as the probability of the test detecting errors. The standard test suite includes all of the tests in the basic and standard categories. The extended test suite includes all of the tests in the standard test suite plus the tests from the extended category. The extended test suite takes the longest time to run and is the most thorough test suite.
Each test consists of a testing algorithm, a microprocessor cache setting of either on or off, and a test pattern. Each algorithm is designed to identify a certain type of memory error. The algorithms are combined with different microprocessor cache settings and test patterns to identify different types of errors
Появилась новая программка для тестирования и мониторинга памяти
Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic Beta
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ВНИМАНИЕ: C 01 августа 2003 года мы полностью прекратили поддержку розничных и корпоративных клиентов, находящихся на территории бывш. СССР. Пожалуйста, не загружайте RHDD и не подключайтесь к нам, это пустая трата вашего и нашего времени. Проект Remote HDD закрыт для стран СНГ. Извините.
На прощание хочется дать несколько советов. Не бейте свой жесткий диск (ни случайно, ни умышленно). От этого лучше работать он наверняка не станет.
Работает ремап следующим образом: если при попытке обращения к сектору происходит ошибка, «умный» контроллер понимает, что данный сектор неисправен, и «на лету» помечает его как BAD. Его адрес тут же заносится в таблицу дефектов (G-list).
New features:
Certified to work on all current WD drives (model numbers starting with "WD")
Friendly user interface and easy to use
GUI Interface Drive Installation Software
Printable tutorial customized to help you optimize your configuration
Improved drive to drive copy capability
(Windows version) Will work with Windows 2000 SP3 and Windows XP SP1 to overcome the 137GB barrier without the need for a controller card
NVIDIA® System Utility is the ultimate utility for accessing, monitoring, and adjusting your system components, including temperature and voltages with clear, user-friendly control panels. Overclock your system for highest performance or underclock it for near silent operation. All changes are performed within the Microsoft® Windows® interface – enabling full functionality without the need to make changes in the BIOS and reboot your system.
NVIDIA System Utility -
PC WIZARD 2004 is a powerful system information utility designed especially for detection of hardware. It's able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. This tool is periodically updated (usually once per month) in order to provide most accurate results.
PC WIZARD 2004 is also an utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, Cache performance, RAM performance, Hard Disk performance, CD/DVD-ROM performance, Removable/FLASH Media performance.
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