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2. Есть бесперебойник, вроде бы работает, на нем надписи:
Model Simple 400
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Model Simple 400
Mandex Trading
Достался мне тестер без имени и фамилии http://bvg-group.ru/rus/diagnostic/PCI_POST.php решил я его протестить, а он показывает коды, я их как будто первый раз вижу(отличные они от тех которые в матерях идут, и разницу между AMI и Award тоже понимаю) на тестере наклейка описание и техдокументацию смот на сайте(сверху), сходил, скачал, а там все анг, я понимаю что так правильно, мож у кого такой же тестер есть, мож кто нибудь поделится описанием кодов, индикацию диодов которые тестер выдает на русском родном языке
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Пробовал найти, не получилось:
мануал к материнской плате Lucky Tech P6LX7.
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Народ, помогите найти руководство пользователя на русском языке для мамки P5P800-VM от Asus/ В частности меня интересует описание настроек БИОС.
P.S. Я думаю что если есть руководство на русском для других мамок этой же серии, то оно подойдет.
P.S. Я думаю что если есть руководство на русском для других мамок этой же серии, то оно подойдет.
Переводить каждый мануал на все языки произодитель не будет. P5P800-VM User's Manual for English Edition (E2538) - на английском. Есть ещё на немецком, французском, китайском.
Переводить каждый мануал на все языки произодитель не будет. P5P800-VM User's Manual for English Edition (E2538) - на английском. Есть ещё на немецком, французском, китайском.
очень нужен мануал для
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Буду очень признателен если расскажете, что обозначают ниже приведенные настройки.
P.S. Был бы переводчик сам бы перевел, но за неимением его обращаюсь!!!
2.3.4 Primary, Secondary, Third and Fourth IDE Master/Slave
Type [Auto]
Selects the type of IDE drive. Setting to Auto allows automatic selection of the appropriate IDE device type. Select CDROM if you are specifically configuring a CD-ROM drive. Select ARMD (ATAPI Removable Media Device) if your device is either a ZIP, LS-120, or MO drive. Configuration options: [Not Installed] [Auto] [CDROM] [ARMD]
LBA/Large Mode [Auto]
Enables or disables the LBA mode. Setting to Auto enables the LBA mode if the device supports this mode, and if the device was not previously formatted with LBA mode disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
Block (Multi-sector Transfer) [Auto]
Enables or disables data multi-sectors transfers. When set to Auto, the data transfer from and to the device occurs multiple sectors at a time if the device supports multi-sector transfer feature. When set to [Disabled], the data transfer from and to the device occurs one sector at a time. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
PIO Mode [Auto]
Selects the PIO mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
DMA Mode [Auto]
Selects the DMA mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [SWDMA0] [SWDMA1] [SWDMA2] [MWDMA0] [MWDMA1] [MWDMA2] [UDMA0] [UDMA1] [UDMA2] [UDMA3] [UDMA4] [UDMA5]
SMART Monitoring [Auto]
Sets the Smart Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
32Bit Data Transfer [Disabled]
Enables or disables 32-bit data transfer. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.3.5 IDE Configuration
Onboard IDE Operate Mode [Enhanced Mode]
Allows selection of the IDE operation mode depending on the operating system (OS) that you installed. Set to Enhanced Mode if you are using native OS, such as Windows® 2000/XP/2003 Server. Configuration options: [Compatible Mode] [Enhanced Mode]
Enhanced Mode Support On [S-ATA]
The default setting S-ATA allows you to use native OS on Serial ATA and Parallel ATA ports. We recommend that you do not change the default setting for better OS compatibility. In this setting, you may use legacy OS on the Parallel ATA ports only if you did not install any Serial ATA device.
The P-ATA+S-ATA and P-ATA options are for advanced users only. If you set to any of these options and encounter problems, revert to the default setting S-ATA. Configuration options: [P-ATA+S-ATA] [S-ATA] [P-ATA]
IDE Port Settings [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA]
Allows you to select the IDE port to be used. Configuration options: [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA] [Secondary P-ATA+S-ATA] [P-ATA Ports Only]
IDE Detect Time Out [35]
Selects the time out value for detecting ATA/ATAPI devices. Configuration options: [0] [5] [10] [15] [20] [25] [30] [35]
2.4 Advanced menu
2.4.1 Jumperfree Configuration
AI Overclocking [Standard]
Allows selection of CPU overclocking options to achieve desired CPU internal frequency. Select either one of the preset overclocking configuration options. Configuration options: [Manual] [Standard] [Overclock 5%] [Overclock 10%] [Overclock 20%] [Overclock 30%]
CPU External Frequency(MHz) [xxx] (value is auto-detected)
Indicates the frequency sent by the clock generator to the system bus and PCI bus. The bus frequency(external frequency)multiplied by the bus multiple equals the CPU speed. The value of this item is auto-detected by BIOS The value ranges from 100 to 400.
2.4.2 CPU Configuration
CPU Ratio [14]
Allows you to set the ratio between CPU Core Clock and the FSB frequency.
Max CPUID Value Limit [Disabled]
Enable this item to boot legacy operating systems that cannot support CPUs with extended CPUID functions. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Execute Disable Function [Disabled]
Allows you to Enable/disable Execute Disable Function.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Hardware Prefetcher [Enabled]
Allows you to enable/disable the Hardware Prefetcher feature.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Ajacent Cache Line Prefetch [Enabled]
Allows you to enable/disable the Ajacent Cache Line Prefetch function.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
CPU Internal Thermal Control [Auto]
Disables or sets the CPU internal thermal control. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
Hyper-Threading Technology [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the processor Hyper-Threading Technology. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.4.3 Chipset
Advanced Chipset Settings
Configure DRAM Timing by SPD [Enabled]
When this item is enabled, the DRAM timing parameters are set according to the DRAM SPD (Serial Presence Detect). When disabled, you can manually set the DRAM timing parameters through the DRAM sub-items. The following sub-items appear when this item is Disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
DRAM CAS# Latency [2.5 Clocks]
Controls the latency between the SDRAM read command and the time the data actually becomes available. Configuration options: [2.0 Clocks] [2.5 Clocks] [3.0 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# Precharge [4 Clocks]
Controls the idle clocks after issuing a precharge command to the DDR SDRAM. Configuration options: [4 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [2 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay [4 Clocks]
Controls the latency between the DDR SDRAM active command and the read/write command. Configuration options: [4 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [2 Clocks]
DRAM Precharge Delay [8 Clocks]
Sets the RAS Activate timing to Precharge timing. Configuration options: [8 Clock] [7 Clocks] [6 Clocks] [5 Clocks]
DRAM Burst Length [8 Clocks]
Sets the DRAM Write Recover Time. Configuration options: [4 Clocks] [8 Clocks]
Performance Acceleration Mode [Auto]
Enables or sets the performance acceleration mode. When Enabled, the CPU to memory latency is minimized to boost performance. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Auto]
DRAM Idle Timer [Auto]
Sets the DRAM idle timer. Configuration options: [Infinite] [0T] [8T] [16T] [64T] [Auto]
DRAM Refresh Rate [Auto]
Sets the DRAM refresh rate. Configuration options: [Auto] [15.6 uSec] [7.8 uSec] [64 uSec] [64T]
Graphics Adapter Priority [AGP/Int-VGA]
Allows you to select the graphics adapter to use as primary boot device. Configuration options: [Internal VGA] [AGP/Int-VGA][AGP/PCI] [PCI/AGP] [PCI/Int-VGA]
Graphics Aperture Size [ 64MB]
Allows you to set the size of mapped memory for the AGP graphic data. Configuration options: [16MB] [32MB] [64MB] [128MB] [256MB]
MPS Revision [1.4]
Sets the MPS revision version. Configuration options: [1.1] [1.4]
2.4.4 Onboard Devices Configuration
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]
Allows you to select the Serial Port1 base address. Configuration options: [Disabled] [3F8/IRQ4][2F8/IRQ3] [3E8/IRQ4] [2E8/IRQ3]
Parallel Port Address [378]
Allows you to select the Parallel Port base addresses. Configuration options: [Disabled] [378] [278] [3BC]
Parallel Port Mode [ECP]
Allows you to select the Parallel Port mode. Configuration options: [Normal] [Bi-directional] [EPP] [ECP]
ECP Mode DMA Channel [DMA3]
Appears only when the Parallel Port Mode is set to [ECP]. This item allows you to set the Parallel Port ECP DMA. Configuration options: [DMA0] [DMA1] [DMA3]
Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]
Configuration options: [IRQ5] [IRQ7]
2.4.5 PCI PnP
The PCI PnP menu items allow you to change the advanced settings for PCI/PnP devices. The menu includes setting IRQ and DMA channel resources for either PCI/PnP or legacy ISA devices, and setting the memory size block for legacy ISA devices.
Plug and Play O/S [No]
When set to [No], BIOS configures all the devices in the system. When set to [Yes] and if you install a Plug and Play operating system, the operating system configures the Plug and Play devices not required for boot. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
PCI Latency Timer [64]
Allows you to select the value in units of PCI clocks for the PCI device latency timer register. Configuration options: [32] [64] [96] [128] [160] [192] [224] [248]
Allocate IRQ to PCI VGA [Yes]
When set to [Yes], BIOS assigns an IRQ to PCI VGA card if the card requests for an IRQ. When set to [No], BIOS does not assign an IRQ to the PCI VGA card even if requested. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
Palette Snooping [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], the pallete snooping feature informs the PCI devices that an ISA graphics device is installed in the system so that the latter can function correctly. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
IRQ-xx assigned to [PCI Device]
When set to [PCI Device], the specific IRQ is free for use of PCI/PnP devices. When set to [Reserved], the IRQ is reserved for legacy ISA devices. Configuration options: [PCI Device] [Reserved]
2.4.6 USB Configuration
The items in this menu allows you to change the USB-related features.
USB Function [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB function. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Allows you to enable or disable support for USB devices on legacy operating systems (OS). Setting to Auto allows the system to detect the presence of USB devices at startup. If detected, the USB controller legacy mode is enabled. If no USB device is detected, the legacy USB support is disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB 2.0 controller. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
Allows you to configure the USB 2.0 controller in HiSpeed (480 Mbps) or Full Speed (12 Mbps). Configuration options: [HiSpeed] [Full Speed]
USB Mass Storage Device Configuration
USB Mass Storage Reset Delay [20 Sec]
Allows you to select the number of seconds POST waits for the USB mass storage device after the start unit command. The message “No USB mass storage device detected” appears if none is installed in the system. Configuration options: [10 Sec ] [20 Sec] [30 Sec] [40 Sec]
Emulation Type [N/A]
When set to Auto, USB devices less than 530MB will be emulated as floppy drive, and the remaining drives as hard drives. Forced FDD option can be used to force an HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (for example, ZIP drive).
2.5 Power menu
The Power menu items allow you to change the settings for the Advanced Power Management (APM).
2.5.1 Suspend Mode [Auto]
Allows you to select the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) state to be used for system suspend. Configuration options: [S1 (POS) Only] [S3 Only] [Auto]
2.5.2 Repost Video on S3 Resume [No]
Determines whether to invoke VGA BIOS POST on S3/STR resume. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
2.5.3 ACPI 2.0 Support [No]
Allows you to add more tables for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) 2.0 specifications. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
2.5.4 ACPI APIC Support [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) support in the Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). When set to Enabled, the ACPI APIC table pointer is included in the RSDT pointer list. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.5.5 APM Configuration
Power Button Mode [On/Off]
When the power button is pressed, the system goes into On/Off or Suspend.
Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]
When set to Power Off, the system goes into off state after an AC power loss. When set to Power On, the system goes on after an AC power loss. When set to Last State, the system goes into either off or on state, whatever the system state was before the AC power loss. Configuration options: [Power Off] [Power On] [Last State]
Power On By RTC Alarm [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this item is set to Enabled, the items RTC Alarm Date, RTC Alarm Hour, RTC Alarm Minute, and RTC Alarm Second appear with set values. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Resume On LAN [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable LAN GPI to generate a wake event. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By External Modems [Disabled]
This allows either settings of [Enabled] or [Disabled] for powering up the computer when the external modem receives a call while the computer is in Soft-off mode. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By PCI Devices [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this parameter allows you to turn on the system through a PCI LAN or modem card. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By PS/2 Keyboard [Disabled]
Allows you to use specific keys on the keyboard to turn on the system. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Space Bar] [Ctrl-Esc] [Power Key]
Power On By PS/2 Mouse [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this parameter allows you to use the PS/2 mouse to turn on the system. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.5.6 Hardware Monitor
Chassis Fan Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the chassis fan speed in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the chassis, the specific field shows N/A.
2.6 Boot menu
2.6.2 Boot Settings Configuration
Quick Boot [Enabled]
Enabling this item allows the BIOS to skip some power on self tests (POST) while booting to decrease the time needed to boot the system. When set to [Disabled], BIOS performs all the POST items. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Add On ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
Sets the display mode for option ROM. Configuration options: [Force BIOS] [Keep Current]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Allows you to select the power-on state for the NumLock. Configuration options: [Off] [On]
PS/2 Mouse Support [Auto]
Allows you to enable or disable support for PS/2 mouse. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this function allows the option ROMs to trap Interrupt 19. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.6.3 Security
Change Supervisor Password
Select this item to set or change the supervisor password. The Supervisor Password item on top of the screen shows the default Not Installed. After you set a password, this item shows Installed.
To set a Supervisor Password:
1. Select the Change Supervisor Password item and press <Enter>.
2. From the password box, type a password composed of at least six letters and/or numbers, then press <Enter>.
3. Confirm the password when prompted.
The message “Password Installed” appears after you successfully set your password.
To change the supervisor password, follow the same steps as in setting a user password.
To clear the supervisor password, select the Change Supervisor Password then press <Enter>. The message “Password Uninstalled” appears. After you have set a supervisor password, the other items appear to allow you to change other security settings.
User Access Level (Full Access]
This item allows you to select the access restriction to the Setup items. Configuration options: [No Access] [View Only] [Limited] [Full Access]
No Access prevents user access to the Setup utility.
View Only allows access but does not allow change to any field.
Limited allows changes only to selected fields, such as Date and Time.
Full Access allows viewing and changing all the fields in the Setup utility.
Change User Password
Select this item to set or change the user password. The User Password item on top of the screen shows the default Not Installed. After you set a password, this item shows Installed.
To set a User Password:
1. Select the Change User Password item and press <Enter>.
2. On the password box that appears, type a password composed of at least six letters and/or numbers, then press <Enter>.
3. Confirm the password when prompted.
The message “Password Installed” appears after you set your password successfully.
To change the user password, follow the same steps as in setting a user password.
Clear User Password
Select this item to clear the user password.
Password Check [Setup]
When set to [Setup], BIOS checks for user password when accessing the Setup utility. When set to [Always], BIOS checks for user password both when accessing Setup and booting the system. Configuration options: [Setup] [Always]
P.S. Был бы переводчик сам бы перевел, но за неимением его обращаюсь!!!
2.3.4 Primary, Secondary, Third and Fourth IDE Master/Slave
Type [Auto]
Selects the type of IDE drive. Setting to Auto allows automatic selection of the appropriate IDE device type. Select CDROM if you are specifically configuring a CD-ROM drive. Select ARMD (ATAPI Removable Media Device) if your device is either a ZIP, LS-120, or MO drive. Configuration options: [Not Installed] [Auto] [CDROM] [ARMD]
LBA/Large Mode [Auto]
Enables or disables the LBA mode. Setting to Auto enables the LBA mode if the device supports this mode, and if the device was not previously formatted with LBA mode disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
Block (Multi-sector Transfer) [Auto]
Enables or disables data multi-sectors transfers. When set to Auto, the data transfer from and to the device occurs multiple sectors at a time if the device supports multi-sector transfer feature. When set to [Disabled], the data transfer from and to the device occurs one sector at a time. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
PIO Mode [Auto]
Selects the PIO mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
DMA Mode [Auto]
Selects the DMA mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [SWDMA0] [SWDMA1] [SWDMA2] [MWDMA0] [MWDMA1] [MWDMA2] [UDMA0] [UDMA1] [UDMA2] [UDMA3] [UDMA4] [UDMA5]
SMART Monitoring [Auto]
Sets the Smart Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
32Bit Data Transfer [Disabled]
Enables or disables 32-bit data transfer. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.3.5 IDE Configuration
Onboard IDE Operate Mode [Enhanced Mode]
Allows selection of the IDE operation mode depending on the operating system (OS) that you installed. Set to Enhanced Mode if you are using native OS, such as Windows® 2000/XP/2003 Server. Configuration options: [Compatible Mode] [Enhanced Mode]
Enhanced Mode Support On [S-ATA]
The default setting S-ATA allows you to use native OS on Serial ATA and Parallel ATA ports. We recommend that you do not change the default setting for better OS compatibility. In this setting, you may use legacy OS on the Parallel ATA ports only if you did not install any Serial ATA device.
The P-ATA+S-ATA and P-ATA options are for advanced users only. If you set to any of these options and encounter problems, revert to the default setting S-ATA. Configuration options: [P-ATA+S-ATA] [S-ATA] [P-ATA]
IDE Port Settings [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA]
Allows you to select the IDE port to be used. Configuration options: [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA] [Secondary P-ATA+S-ATA] [P-ATA Ports Only]
IDE Detect Time Out [35]
Selects the time out value for detecting ATA/ATAPI devices. Configuration options: [0] [5] [10] [15] [20] [25] [30] [35]
2.4 Advanced menu
2.4.1 Jumperfree Configuration
AI Overclocking [Standard]
Allows selection of CPU overclocking options to achieve desired CPU internal frequency. Select either one of the preset overclocking configuration options. Configuration options: [Manual] [Standard] [Overclock 5%] [Overclock 10%] [Overclock 20%] [Overclock 30%]
CPU External Frequency(MHz) [xxx] (value is auto-detected)
Indicates the frequency sent by the clock generator to the system bus and PCI bus. The bus frequency(external frequency)multiplied by the bus multiple equals the CPU speed. The value of this item is auto-detected by BIOS The value ranges from 100 to 400.
2.4.2 CPU Configuration
CPU Ratio [14]
Allows you to set the ratio between CPU Core Clock and the FSB frequency.
Max CPUID Value Limit [Disabled]
Enable this item to boot legacy operating systems that cannot support CPUs with extended CPUID functions. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Execute Disable Function [Disabled]
Allows you to Enable/disable Execute Disable Function.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Hardware Prefetcher [Enabled]
Allows you to enable/disable the Hardware Prefetcher feature.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Ajacent Cache Line Prefetch [Enabled]
Allows you to enable/disable the Ajacent Cache Line Prefetch function.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
CPU Internal Thermal Control [Auto]
Disables or sets the CPU internal thermal control. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]
Hyper-Threading Technology [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the processor Hyper-Threading Technology. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.4.3 Chipset
Advanced Chipset Settings
Configure DRAM Timing by SPD [Enabled]
When this item is enabled, the DRAM timing parameters are set according to the DRAM SPD (Serial Presence Detect). When disabled, you can manually set the DRAM timing parameters through the DRAM sub-items. The following sub-items appear when this item is Disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
DRAM CAS# Latency [2.5 Clocks]
Controls the latency between the SDRAM read command and the time the data actually becomes available. Configuration options: [2.0 Clocks] [2.5 Clocks] [3.0 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# Precharge [4 Clocks]
Controls the idle clocks after issuing a precharge command to the DDR SDRAM. Configuration options: [4 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [2 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay [4 Clocks]
Controls the latency between the DDR SDRAM active command and the read/write command. Configuration options: [4 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [2 Clocks]
DRAM Precharge Delay [8 Clocks]
Sets the RAS Activate timing to Precharge timing. Configuration options: [8 Clock] [7 Clocks] [6 Clocks] [5 Clocks]
DRAM Burst Length [8 Clocks]
Sets the DRAM Write Recover Time. Configuration options: [4 Clocks] [8 Clocks]
Performance Acceleration Mode [Auto]
Enables or sets the performance acceleration mode. When Enabled, the CPU to memory latency is minimized to boost performance. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Auto]
DRAM Idle Timer [Auto]
Sets the DRAM idle timer. Configuration options: [Infinite] [0T] [8T] [16T] [64T] [Auto]
DRAM Refresh Rate [Auto]
Sets the DRAM refresh rate. Configuration options: [Auto] [15.6 uSec] [7.8 uSec] [64 uSec] [64T]
Graphics Adapter Priority [AGP/Int-VGA]
Allows you to select the graphics adapter to use as primary boot device. Configuration options: [Internal VGA] [AGP/Int-VGA][AGP/PCI] [PCI/AGP] [PCI/Int-VGA]
Graphics Aperture Size [ 64MB]
Allows you to set the size of mapped memory for the AGP graphic data. Configuration options: [16MB] [32MB] [64MB] [128MB] [256MB]
MPS Revision [1.4]
Sets the MPS revision version. Configuration options: [1.1] [1.4]
2.4.4 Onboard Devices Configuration
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]
Allows you to select the Serial Port1 base address. Configuration options: [Disabled] [3F8/IRQ4][2F8/IRQ3] [3E8/IRQ4] [2E8/IRQ3]
Parallel Port Address [378]
Allows you to select the Parallel Port base addresses. Configuration options: [Disabled] [378] [278] [3BC]
Parallel Port Mode [ECP]
Allows you to select the Parallel Port mode. Configuration options: [Normal] [Bi-directional] [EPP] [ECP]
ECP Mode DMA Channel [DMA3]
Appears only when the Parallel Port Mode is set to [ECP]. This item allows you to set the Parallel Port ECP DMA. Configuration options: [DMA0] [DMA1] [DMA3]
Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]
Configuration options: [IRQ5] [IRQ7]
2.4.5 PCI PnP
The PCI PnP menu items allow you to change the advanced settings for PCI/PnP devices. The menu includes setting IRQ and DMA channel resources for either PCI/PnP or legacy ISA devices, and setting the memory size block for legacy ISA devices.
Plug and Play O/S [No]
When set to [No], BIOS configures all the devices in the system. When set to [Yes] and if you install a Plug and Play operating system, the operating system configures the Plug and Play devices not required for boot. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
PCI Latency Timer [64]
Allows you to select the value in units of PCI clocks for the PCI device latency timer register. Configuration options: [32] [64] [96] [128] [160] [192] [224] [248]
Allocate IRQ to PCI VGA [Yes]
When set to [Yes], BIOS assigns an IRQ to PCI VGA card if the card requests for an IRQ. When set to [No], BIOS does not assign an IRQ to the PCI VGA card even if requested. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
Palette Snooping [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], the pallete snooping feature informs the PCI devices that an ISA graphics device is installed in the system so that the latter can function correctly. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
IRQ-xx assigned to [PCI Device]
When set to [PCI Device], the specific IRQ is free for use of PCI/PnP devices. When set to [Reserved], the IRQ is reserved for legacy ISA devices. Configuration options: [PCI Device] [Reserved]
2.4.6 USB Configuration
The items in this menu allows you to change the USB-related features.
USB Function [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB function. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Legacy USB Support [Auto]
Allows you to enable or disable support for USB devices on legacy operating systems (OS). Setting to Auto allows the system to detect the presence of USB devices at startup. If detected, the USB controller legacy mode is enabled. If no USB device is detected, the legacy USB support is disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the USB 2.0 controller. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
Allows you to configure the USB 2.0 controller in HiSpeed (480 Mbps) or Full Speed (12 Mbps). Configuration options: [HiSpeed] [Full Speed]
USB Mass Storage Device Configuration
USB Mass Storage Reset Delay [20 Sec]
Allows you to select the number of seconds POST waits for the USB mass storage device after the start unit command. The message “No USB mass storage device detected” appears if none is installed in the system. Configuration options: [10 Sec ] [20 Sec] [30 Sec] [40 Sec]
Emulation Type [N/A]
When set to Auto, USB devices less than 530MB will be emulated as floppy drive, and the remaining drives as hard drives. Forced FDD option can be used to force an HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (for example, ZIP drive).
2.5 Power menu
The Power menu items allow you to change the settings for the Advanced Power Management (APM).
2.5.1 Suspend Mode [Auto]
Allows you to select the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) state to be used for system suspend. Configuration options: [S1 (POS) Only] [S3 Only] [Auto]
2.5.2 Repost Video on S3 Resume [No]
Determines whether to invoke VGA BIOS POST on S3/STR resume. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
2.5.3 ACPI 2.0 Support [No]
Allows you to add more tables for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) 2.0 specifications. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
2.5.4 ACPI APIC Support [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) support in the Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). When set to Enabled, the ACPI APIC table pointer is included in the RSDT pointer list. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.5.5 APM Configuration
Power Button Mode [On/Off]
When the power button is pressed, the system goes into On/Off or Suspend.
Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]
When set to Power Off, the system goes into off state after an AC power loss. When set to Power On, the system goes on after an AC power loss. When set to Last State, the system goes into either off or on state, whatever the system state was before the AC power loss. Configuration options: [Power Off] [Power On] [Last State]
Power On By RTC Alarm [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this item is set to Enabled, the items RTC Alarm Date, RTC Alarm Hour, RTC Alarm Minute, and RTC Alarm Second appear with set values. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Resume On LAN [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable LAN GPI to generate a wake event. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By External Modems [Disabled]
This allows either settings of [Enabled] or [Disabled] for powering up the computer when the external modem receives a call while the computer is in Soft-off mode. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By PCI Devices [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this parameter allows you to turn on the system through a PCI LAN or modem card. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By PS/2 Keyboard [Disabled]
Allows you to use specific keys on the keyboard to turn on the system. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Space Bar] [Ctrl-Esc] [Power Key]
Power On By PS/2 Mouse [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this parameter allows you to use the PS/2 mouse to turn on the system. This feature requires an ATX power supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.5.6 Hardware Monitor
Chassis Fan Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the chassis fan speed in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the chassis, the specific field shows N/A.
2.6 Boot menu
2.6.2 Boot Settings Configuration
Quick Boot [Enabled]
Enabling this item allows the BIOS to skip some power on self tests (POST) while booting to decrease the time needed to boot the system. When set to [Disabled], BIOS performs all the POST items. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Add On ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
Sets the display mode for option ROM. Configuration options: [Force BIOS] [Keep Current]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Allows you to select the power-on state for the NumLock. Configuration options: [Off] [On]
PS/2 Mouse Support [Auto]
Allows you to enable or disable support for PS/2 mouse. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this function allows the option ROMs to trap Interrupt 19. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
2.6.3 Security
Change Supervisor Password
Select this item to set or change the supervisor password. The Supervisor Password item on top of the screen shows the default Not Installed. After you set a password, this item shows Installed.
To set a Supervisor Password:
1. Select the Change Supervisor Password item and press <Enter>.
2. From the password box, type a password composed of at least six letters and/or numbers, then press <Enter>.
3. Confirm the password when prompted.
The message “Password Installed” appears after you successfully set your password.
To change the supervisor password, follow the same steps as in setting a user password.
To clear the supervisor password, select the Change Supervisor Password then press <Enter>. The message “Password Uninstalled” appears. After you have set a supervisor password, the other items appear to allow you to change other security settings.
User Access Level (Full Access]
This item allows you to select the access restriction to the Setup items. Configuration options: [No Access] [View Only] [Limited] [Full Access]
No Access prevents user access to the Setup utility.
View Only allows access but does not allow change to any field.
Limited allows changes only to selected fields, such as Date and Time.
Full Access allows viewing and changing all the fields in the Setup utility.
Change User Password
Select this item to set or change the user password. The User Password item on top of the screen shows the default Not Installed. After you set a password, this item shows Installed.
To set a User Password:
1. Select the Change User Password item and press <Enter>.
2. On the password box that appears, type a password composed of at least six letters and/or numbers, then press <Enter>.
3. Confirm the password when prompted.
The message “Password Installed” appears after you set your password successfully.
To change the user password, follow the same steps as in setting a user password.
Clear User Password
Select this item to clear the user password.
Password Check [Setup]
When set to [Setup], BIOS checks for user password when accessing the Setup utility. When set to [Always], BIOS checks for user password both when accessing Setup and booting the system. Configuration options: [Setup] [Always]
Полные настройки BIOS(сайт 3DNews) + http://translate.ru
PS: мы не переводчики, есть конкретные вопросы - спрашивай
Полные настройки BIOS(сайт 3DNews) + http://translate.ru
PS: мы не переводчики, есть конкретные вопросы - спрашивай
Всем добрый день!
Я так понял, что мануалки к материнской плате Lucky Tech P6LX7 ни у кого нет, и ссылок никто не видел...
Видимо не очень популярная плата была. А производитель уже приказал долго жить.
А ни у кого случайно нет к этой плате Lucky Tech P6LX7 джамперовки и описания всех коннекторов? Особенно интересуют две вещи:
1. Поддерживаемое платой железо (процессор, память, версия PCI)
2. Расположение и распиновка коннектора USB.
Если у кого информация какая найдется, заранее большое спасибо.
Я так понял, что мануалки к материнской плате Lucky Tech P6LX7 ни у кого нет, и ссылок никто не видел...

А ни у кого случайно нет к этой плате Lucky Tech P6LX7 джамперовки и описания всех коннекторов? Особенно интересуют две вещи:
1. Поддерживаемое платой железо (процессор, память, версия PCI)
2. Расположение и распиновка коннектора USB.
Если у кого информация какая найдется, заранее большое спасибо.
Материнская плата PCPartner 815 MS3
Где найти описание и мануал? Спасибо.
Где найти описание и мануал? Спасибо.
Полное название матринской платы такое - 815MS3-986C
Мануал соотвественно тут - http://www.pcpartner.com/pcpartner/support/man/intel/c986xx.pdf
Полное название матринской платы такое - 815MS3-986C
Мануал соотвественно тут - http://www.pcpartner.com/pcpartner/support/man/intel/c986xx.pdf
Кто нибудь встречал мануал на русском языке для материнской платы ASUS Striker Extreme ?
Ищу мануал на ASUS CUSL2-CA, наверно подойдет и CUSL2 или CUSL2-C (но не факт)
Помогите, HELP!!!
Помогите, HELP!!!

Добрый день! ищется мануал на старинную мамку Аcorp 5via77. Может есть у кого?
мануал на ASUS CUSL2-CAМануал на CUSL2-C. CUSL2-CA - то же самое, только со встроенным звуком AC'97.

Ищу мануал на материнскую плату Epox EP-3PTA. На сайте производителя только общая информация 

Подскажите где можно взять подробную инструкцию к мамке GA-6ZXC ? А то я сколько не ищу нахожу только краткое описание. Просьба на сайт производителя неотправлять там НЕТ. Заранее благодарю.
Подробнее, чем на офф сайте не найдешь. Там на 18 страницах впоне подробное описание. Лежит тут (на англ. языке)
Подробнее, чем на офф сайте не найдешь. Там на 18 страницах впоне подробное описание. Лежит тут (на англ. языке)
СПАСИБО!!!!! А я два дня потратил. Почет и уважение тебе!
Нужен BIOS на материнку Manli C861 35-C861-01-11. Заранее благодарю.
Однозначно сюда - FAQ. Определение материнской платы
Однозначно сюда - FAQ. Определение материнской платы
Проблема в том что BIOS умер и определение материнской платы возможно только визуально. Это Manli или PCPartner VIA VT82C691+VT82C586B питание ATX+AT 1AGP, 3PCI, 2ISA. BIOS AWARD. На плате единственная надпись 35-C861-01-11.
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