Спасибо вам за ответы.....
Вы знаете я вчера поставил Мандрива 2009 live cd, то вродиб так все и ниче(даже безпроводную сеть настроил), но как всегда проблемы
как не с тем так с другим...
Я думал лунукс как винда 2 раза клац и инсталязыя тут не так то было...
Дело в том что мне нужно проинсталировать драйвер rtl8187 для netgear wg111v3 usb wi fi adapter, я скачал архив розпаковал, а дальше смотрел как осел и незнал что делать..
Я по googl'лил ну в принцыпе чють что-то понял.
1.Надо открыть терминал (меню>утилы>консоль терминал)
2.написать то что написано в readme?
вот фаил readme
< Component >
The driver is composed of several parts:
1. Module source code
2. Script ot build the modules
3. Script to load/unload modules
4. Script and configuration for DHCP
4. Supplicant source code:
5. Example of supplicant configuration file:
< Installation >
Runing the scripts can finish all operations of building up modules
from the source code and start the nic.
1. Build up the drivers from the source code
2. load the driver module to kernel and start up nic
Note: when "insmod: error inserting 'xxxx.ko': -1 File exists" comes out
after run ./wlan0up, please run ./wlan0down first, then it should
be ok.
< Set wireless lan MIBs >
This driver uses Wireless Extension as an interface allowing you to set
Wireless LAN specific parameters.
Current driver supports "iwlist" to show the device status of nic
iwlist wlan0 [parameters]
parameter explaination [parameters]
----------------------- -------------
Show available chan and freq freq / channel
Show and Scan BSS and IBSS scan[ning]
Show supported bit-rate rate / bit[rate]
Show Power Management mode power
For example:
iwlist wlan0 channel
iwlist wlan0 scan
iwlist wlan0 rate
iwlist wlan0 power
Driver also supports "iwconfig", manipulate driver private ioctls, to set
iwconfig wlan0 [parameters] [val]
parameter explaination [parameters] [val] constraints
----------------------- ------------- ------------------
Connect to AP by address ap [mac_addr]
Set the essid, join (I)BSS essid [essid]
Set operation mode mode {Managed|Ad-hoc}
Set keys and security mode key/enc[ryption] {N|open|restricted|off}
For example:
iwconfig wlan0 ap XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
iwconfig wlan0 essid "ap_name"
iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 mode essid "name" mode Ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 key 0123456789 [2] open
iwconfig wlan0 key off
iwconfig wlan0 key restricted [3] 0123456789
< Getting IP address >
After start up the nic, the network needs to obtain an IP address before
transmit/receive data.
This can be done by setting the static IP via "ifconfig wlan0 IP_ADDRESS"
command, or using DHCP.
If using DHCP, setting steps is as below:
(1)connect to an AP via "iwconfig" settings
iwconfig wlan0 essid [name] or
iwconfig wlan0 ap XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
(2)run the script which run the dhclient
dhcpcd wlan0
(Some network admins require that you use the
hostname and domainname provided by the DHCP server.
In that case, use
dhcpcd -HD wlan0)
WPA_SUPPLICANT help the network to communicate under the protection of WPAPSK/WPA2PSK
(1)Unpack source code of WPA supplicant:
tar -zxvf wpa_supplicant-0.5.3.tar.gz
cd wpa_supplicant-0.5.3
(2)Create .config file:
cp defconfig .config
(3)Edit .config file, uncomment the following line:
(4)Build WPA supplicant:
If make error for lack of <include/md5.h>, install the openssl lib(two ways):
1. Install the openssl lib from corresponding installation disc:
Fedora Core 2/3/4/5/6/7(openssl-0.9.71x-xx),
Debian 3.1(libssl-dev), Suse 9.3/10.0/10.1(openssl_devl),
Gentoo(dev-libs/openssl), etc.
2. Download the openssl open source package from
www.openssl.org, build and install it.
(5)Edit wpa_supplicant.conf to set up SSID and its passphrase.
For example, the following setting in "wpa1.conf" means SSID
to join is "BufAG54_Ch6" and its passphrase is "87654321".
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
Note: 1. proto=WPA for WPA, proto=RSN for WPA2.
2. If you want to connect an AP which works under WPA2 mixed mode, you'd better
use Realtek customed wpa_supplicant package.
(6)Execute WPA supplicant (Assume 8187B and related modules had been
./wpa_supplicant -D ipw -c wpa1.conf -i wlan0 &
3. вот я и пишу в терминале ./makedrv а мне сразу bash: makedrv: command not found
Ребята я в линуксе вообше ниче непонемаю (вот только узнал что писать нужно в терминале)
может у меня чет недоустановлено (пакеты или еше что-то)??
Подскажите пожалуйста что за чем делать.....