Может быть, дело в том, что одна из них - 1.0, а другая - 1.1 Бета?
Может быть, дело в том, что одна из них - 1.0, а другая - 1.1 Бета?
кто-нибудь разобрался наконец с закачкой апдэйтов у Макро Харда
вроде бы все потихонечку разобрались:
кто из кэша вытаскивает, кто плагин к регету юзает, кто ещё что-нибудь...
This update addresses the "You Cannot Create a Network Connection After You Restore Windows XP" issue in Windows XP, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q329441. Download now to be able to create network connections after restoring Windows XP. After installing this update, you may have to restart your computer
This update addresses a potential problem when using MUI language packs on Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 1 runtimes, where extra files are copied as part of the Service Pack 1 MUI language pack build process. These extra files contribute to larger footprints and in rare cases can cause functional problems on the runtime.
но обновления для XP Embeded можно ставить на XP Pro
814078:а пост выше не заметил??
Update для Windows ХР PRO RUS
Проигрыватель Windows Media 9 Series RUS
814033: Критическое обновление
The present Microsoft VM, which includes all previously released fixes to the VM, has been updated to include a fix for the newly reported security vulnerability. This new security vulnerability affects the ByteCode Verifier component of the Microsoft VM, and results because the ByteCode verifier does not correctly check for the presence of certain malicious code when a Java applet is being loaded. The attack vector for this new security issue would likely involve an attacker creating a malicious Java applet and inserting it into a web page that when opened, would exploit the vulnerability. An attacker could then host this malicious web page on a web site, or could send it to a user in e-mail.
Who should read this bulletin: Customers using Windows®.
Impact of vulnerability: Allow attacker to execute code of his or her choice.
Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
816093: Security Update Microsoft Virtual Machine (Microsoft VM)
5.1 mb
Предыдущая тема: Установка Windows 2000