lucky_Luk Цитата: В батнике Wrapper.cmd ИМХО ничего менять не нужно, там нет команд DEL /F /Q
Я же сказал - вычитать
Совет вычитать, а не автозаменой пройтись был в предпоследней редакции сообщения, удалил в последнем чтении, прежде чем нажать
Отправить [more=Выделил]
Код: @echo off
echo ; -----------------------------------------
echo ; from cyrano's 'postprocessing' plugin v11
echo ; thanks for modification (@)nikzzzz
echo ; -----------------------------------------
SET PeBuilderDir=%~sdpn1
SET PEUtilsPath=
SET OutDir=%~dspn2
SET ISOFile=%~dpnf3
REM SET UserTerm=
echo ; wrapper.cmd from cyrano's 'postprocessing' plugin, v11>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; wrapper.cmd started at>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; Date: %DATE%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; Time: %TIME%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; ----------------------------------------- >> %PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
REM FOR /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%A IN ('"type %~sdpn0\pebuilder.log | find /i "terminated by user...""') DO SET UserTerm=%%A
REM IF NOT "%UserTerm%"=="" GOTO done
IF NOT "%PeBuilderDir%"=="" GOTO _cont1
SET PeBuilderDir=%~sdpn0
SET last_char=%PEBuilderDir:~-1%
IF "%last_char%"=="\" set PEBuilderDir=%PEBuilderDir:~0,-1%
IF "%PEUtilsPath%"=="" SET PEUtilsPath=%PeBuilderDir%\temp
SET last_char=%PEUtilsPath:~-1%
IF "%last_char%"=="\" set PEUtilsPath=%PEUtilsPath:~0,-1%
IF NOT "%OutDir%"=="" GOTO _cont2
FOR /f "tokens=1* delims== skip=1 eol=;" %%a IN (%PEBuilderDir%\input.inf) DO IF "%%a"=="outdir" SET OutDir=%%b
SET OutDir=%PEBuilderDir%\%OutDir%
FOR /f "tokens=1* delims== skip=1 eol=;" %%a IN (%PEBuilderDir%\input.inf) DO IF "%%a"=="useAbsoluteOutput" SET absoluteflag=%%b
IF "%absoluteflag%"=="1" FOR /f "tokens=1* delims== skip=1 eol=;" %%a IN (%PEBuilderDir%\input.inf) DO IF "%%a"=="fulloutdir" SET OutDir=%%b
SET last_char=%OutDir:~-1%
IF "%last_char%"=="\" set OutDir=%OutDir:~0,-1%
IF "%ISOFile%"=="" FOR /f "tokens=1* delims== skip=1 eol=;" %%a IN (%PEBuilderDir%\input.inf) DO IF "%%a"=="isofile" SET ISOFile=%%b
echo ; PEBuilderDir: %PEBuilderDir%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; OutDir: %OutDir%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; ISOFile: %ISOFile%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo PEBuilderDir: %PEBuilderDir%
echo OutDir: %OutDir%
echo ISOFile: %ISOFile%
IF EXIST %OutDir%\postprocessing\custom_commands.cmd GOTO custom
IF EXIST %PEUtilsPath%\custom_commands.cmd GOTO custom
echo Postprocessing Plugin was disabled - building ISO using Bart's standard exec line
echo Postprocessing Plugin was disabled - building ISO using Bart's standard exec line>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
REM REN %OutDir%\bootsect.bin BOOTSECT.BIN
echo ; PEUtilsPath : %PEUtilsPath%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo PEUtilsPath : %PEUtilsPath%
IF NOT EXIST %OutDir%\postprocessing\custom_commands.cmd GOTO execute_custom
echo doing preparations:
echo ; doing preparations:>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo clearing TempDir %PEUtilsPath%
echo ; clearing TempDir %PEUtilsPath%>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo.%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
md %PEUtilsPath%>NUL 2>&1
del %PEUtilsPath%\infs\*.* /Q>>NUL 2>&1
rd %PEUtilsPath%\infs>NUL 2>&1
del %PEUtilsPath%\*.* /Q>>NUL 2>&1
cd /D %PEUtilsPath%>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo moving the PostProcessing files to the tempDir %PEUtilsPath%
echo ; moving the PostProcessing files to the tempDir %PEUtilsPath%>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
attrib -h -r -s %OutDir%\Postprocessing\*.*>NUL 2>&1
copy %OutDir%\Postprocessing\*.* %PEUtilsPath%\*.*>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
del %OutDir%\Postprocessing\*.* /Q>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
rd %OutDir%\Postprocessing>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo.%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; ----------------------------------------- >> %PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; wrapper.cmd finished at>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; Date: %DATE%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; Time: %TIME%>>%PEBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
echo ; now starting %PEUtilsPath%\custom_commands.cmd>>%PeBuilderDir%\wrapper.log 2>&1
call %PEUtilsPath%\custom_commands.cmd %PeBuilderDir% %PEUtilsPath% %OutDir% "%ISOFile%" 2>&1 | %PEUtilsPath%\mtee.exe %PeBuilderDir%\custom_commands.log