eXtreme Movie Manager 5.1 Build 9 (.NET Edition) READY!
Fixed some bugs of 5.1 Build 8 and added Conboboxes in Edit Window (Movies)
Fixed some bugs of 5.1 Build 8 and added Conboboxes in Edit Window (Movies)
Release (3 May 2006)
->Added possibility to click on Mini Statistic to filter movies
->Added Percentage to Mini Statistic
->Added some ComboBox to Movie Edit window
->Added Toolbar Style Configuration
->Added the possibility to Skip if NO DirectLinks are found
->Length in Mini Statistic is now in Days-hours-Minutes
->Mini Statistic Heigth is now Saved
->Now you can Mark/Unmark also Selected Episodes of a TV Serie
->Now the TVSerie picture is resized automatically in SerieCard
->Now the Episode picture is resized automatically in EpisodeCard
->Now Edit Window doesn't ask to save changes anymore if you have set it in configuration window
->Added _MOVIE_SEEN_ tag for MovieCards
->Updated the way XMM search for movies in grid when you press keys in Keyboard
->Fixed some Bugs in MovieCards
->Fixed a bug in CD/DVD import, now takes also Mesia Label
->Fixed a bug in Saving ScreenRatio (Movie Edit Window)
->Fixed Tab Order Sequence in QuickEdit and Edit window
->Fixed a problem in refreshing Mini Statistic
->Fixed a bug in Loading Status Combobox (Episodes)
->Fixed a bug in Multiple Edit window
->Fixed a bug in Saving Picture from Clipboard (TV Series and Episodes)
->Deleted Multiple Changes from TV Series and Actors because not ready yet
->Fixed a bug when you paste from clipboard a picture (all modifications where lost)