Loafer Цитата: SibD вопрос скорее к тебе - в чем "адаптированность" заключается ?
Ritlabs поменял назначение нескольких иконок и добавил новые (иконки для папок со спамом и chat folder, также появилась иконка для пункта Chat в настройках ящика + косметичекие изменения)
А если не секрет, то это откуда? Или это перевод с
www.thebatworld.de ?
Добавлено Вышла очередная бета версия
The Bat!:
The Bat! 2.12 Beta/1 -
15 июня 2004.
[+] Watch and Send files action in the Scheduler
[+] While-you-type spell checker in HTML editor (incomplete yet)
[-] HTML Editor: 'Insert table' font
[-] MicroEd: Spell check language in status-bar popup menu
[+] MicroEd: Ctrl+Del deletes word on the right
[-] Filtering by AGE does not work
[-] Connection Center was always bringing TB! main window on the top after it's finished
[-] IMAP Trash used incorrect image
[no] [/no]IMAP Requests -> Connection Center
[no] [/no]IMAP Requests available for translation
[-] Spell check language in status-bar
[+] Support of multiple .msl files located in images directory
[-] When searching on LDAP server which was returning empty entries for user certificates, error messages were popping up for each addressee.
[-] IMAP hanging
[no] [/no]IMAP synchro progress in IMAP requests
[no] [/no]Usability improved in the Sorting Office window: for the input fields with accompanying buttons, Enter emulates first button click, Cltr+Enter is used for the second button (if any); tab stops set more correctly now.
[-] It wasn't possible to save attachments which had directory component in their filenames.
[-] Could not create virtual folder - AV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[-] Sometimes content of letter in virtual folders not displaying in prewiew pane
[-] X-Mail-Chat: Yes header was added to all automatically created messages
[-] IP address was provided in non-literal form in the SMTP's EHLO/HELO command
[-] AB header titles were not changed immediately upon language switch
[-] AB's "File|New message using template" commands were using AB entry's personal template if any.
здесь. Размер:
2 376 355 Б Добавлено P.S. Ну и глючная вышла бета
Снёс после 1-ого запуска.