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» Editpad pro

Автор: dosya
Дата сообщения: 26.12.2003 08:11
Разработчик тотже, что powergrep.
По числу модулей расцветки опережает все (есть для скриптов программ maitraq, autoit, getright, maya и многих других)
Список схем -

Легенько грузится как нотепад, но MDI, работает с блоками и закладками.

Нет мышиного скрола, проверки русской орфографии, русского фейса. Потому и не популярен.
Автор: Horbak
Дата сообщения: 14.01.2004 20:39
EditPad Pro v.5.2.1
Автор: Horbak
Дата сообщения: 07.03.2004 01:03
EditPad Pro v.5.3.0
Автор: Horbak
Дата сообщения: 22.05.2004 22:39
EditPad Pro v.5.3.2
Автор: zhelezka
Дата сообщения: 23.07.2007 17:42
Интересно, как в Editpad перенастроить курсорные клавиши. По нажатию вверх-вниз скроллится документ, а не двигается курсор. Курсор же двигается по Ctrl+Up\Down, а согласно справке и предпочтениям должно быть наоборот.
Вот так выругаешься на людях и всё само собой работать начинает. Только скролл лок отключить надо.
Автор: plazzmex
Дата сообщения: 23.07.2007 17:55
Один минус - он платный..
хотя есть куча бесплатных аналогов сбольшим количеством функций
Автор: BrainOff
Дата сообщения: 23.07.2007 18:10
"There are 0 custom syntax coloring schemes available."
Автор: Basur
Дата сообщения: 16.08.2007 22:39
EditPad Pro for Windows 6.3.1 | BetaNews (6,046 KB)
Автор: KChernov
Дата сообщения: 22.11.2007 16:22
Такой хороший редактор и без подсветки парных скобок
Или как-то можно настроить?
Автор: aslav
Дата сообщения: 10.04.2008 10:30
коллеги, вы с макросами его работали?

есть желание сделать такое:

выделяем строку


жмем кнопку макроса и получаем


как такое соорудить?
Автор: KChernov
Дата сообщения: 11.04.2008 16:02
Основной(если не единственный) плюс этого редактора - продвинутая работа с регэкспами в поиске/замене.
Но учитывая, что у них есть RegexBuddy, такая поддержка уже не кажется достаточной - все равно в сложных ситуациях приходится использовать RegexBuddy, а это уже напрягает - получается, что есть 2 недоделанных инструмента, вместо одного
Ну или бы интеграцию между ними сделали совсем прозрачную, причем в обе стороны...
Автор: alexicus
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 05:04

Кто-нибудь знает, как перенести Favorites, которые в Поиске и замене, на другую машину? И где вообще настройки хранятся?


секции [SearchFavoritesIxx]

А где найти файл настоек EditPadPro.ini ?
Автор: Rush
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 05:32
А теперь понял.
Ты ставил не портабельную версию. Хотя лучше бы ее, если у тебя возникает необходимость переноса на другой комп.
Тогда открой ветку реестра HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JGsoft\EditPadPro6 и там ищи разделы SearchFavoritesIxx.
Сохраняй в рег-файл и переноси...
Автор: alexicus
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 06:19

Тогда открой ветку реестра HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JGsoft\EditPadPro6 и там ищи разделы SearchFavoritesIxx.
Сохраняй в рег-файл и переноси...

Дык вроде так и делал.. Данные в реестр перенеслись, а открываю EditPad, а в фаворитах всё так же пусто..
Автор: Rush
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 06:34

открываю EditPad, а в фаворитах всё так же пусто

А ты открывал Search Panel?
Заметил такую хню - открываешь редактор, смотришь в фаворитах - нет ничего. Открываешь панель - появляются. Потом можно закрыть ее, они останутся.
Автор: alexicus
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 11:20

А ты открывал Search Panel?

Да конечно.. чтобы проверить, есть ли фавориты в поиске, это нужно сделать в первую очередь..
Автор: Rush
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 14:15
А здесь менял?
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JGsoft\EditPadPro6\SearchFavorites параметр ItemCount выставить в нужное количество пунктов (равное количеству фаворитов).
Обязательно при незапущенном редакторе.
У меня работает...
Автор: alexicus
Дата сообщения: 05.07.2009 14:51

Обязательно при незапущенном редакторе.

О! Запускать сам рег-файл с параметрами нужно было при незапущенном редакторе! Спасибо!
Автор: neZlodey
Дата сообщения: 17.06.2010 17:25
EditPad Lite 6.6.4
- Synchronizing the spell checker's user word list is now done only as needed rather than each time when activating/deactivating EditPad Pro.
- EditPad now cleans up obsolete history item registry keys or ini sections when saving its state.
- EditPad now retries opening the clipboard several times instead of immediately showing a "cannot open clipboard" error if another application such as a clipboard monitor is interfering with EditPad's ability to access the clipboard. This is a likely occurrence when you repeat a macro that copies and paste things thousands of times.
- File Types, Syntax & Navigation: PHP file navigation scheme that makes all braces foldable, as an alternative to the existing PHP file navigation scheme that makes only classes and functions foldable.

Bug fixes:
- Favorites: Paths that are too long were trimmed at the right instead of the left, chopping off the file name in EditPad 6.6.x.
- Pressing Ctrl+Del (to delete a line break and whitespace at the start of the next line) with the cursor placed beyond the end of the line did not insert spaces to extend the line like pressing Del (to delete just the line break) does. This caused the first word on the next line to be positioned to the left of the cursor instead of at the cursor.
- Search: Syntax coloring for regular expressions was disabled in hexadecimal mode.
- Search: If a file other than the active file needed to be reloaded from disk while searching through all files, an access violation occurred if the file is larger than 64K.
- Double-clicking URLs such as file://\\server\share\file.txt did nothing.
- Windows 7: When the File Open dialog is shown, clicking on Libraries in the left and then on the icon in the address bar triggers an access violation error.[/more]
Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 17.02.2011 14:57
EditPad Lite 6.7.0
[more=ChangeLog:]Bug fixes:
- Drag and drop: Dropping large amounts of text on EditPad sometimes caused EditPad to crash.
- Print: Printouts were truncated if the file was edited without word wrapping and the printout required lines to be wrapped and nothing was changed in the print preview that triggered a refresh of the page count.
- Search: Replace & Find Next resets the search range to the match that was replaced if it occurred right at the start of the search range (i.e. the selection being seached through with the "selection only" option).
- Tabs: Opening and closing a file with a name longer than fits on the tabs could cause the tabs to become invisible.[/more]
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 16.05.2011 10:12
EditPad Lite 7.0.0
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 30.05.2011 12:25
EditPad Lite 7.0.1
[more=ChangeLog:]New features:
- Forum: Attach file being edited.
- Forum: Attach search panel settings.

- File Types: Ignore unquoted spaces before and after each file mask in the list of file masks.
- Forum: Forum window stays enabled when EditPad's main window is showing a modal dialog box.
- Search: Preserve state of the Highlight option when restarting EditPad.
- Search: Take the whole search match (selection) into account rather than just the end of the search match (cursor position) when scrolling the text to put the search match into view.

Bug fixes:
- Double-clicking on whitespace at the start or end of a line should not select the line break and any whitespace on the previous or next line.
- Extra|Delete Duplicate Lines failed with an access violation in EditPad Lite. The file being edited was unaffected by this.
- Open and save dialog boxes did not appear when "disable visual themes" was turned on in the compatibility settings for EditPad. Since EditPad is fully compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7, you should not turn on any of the compatibility settings.
- Options|Font: If only one file is open, changing that file's font and then closing it does not use the default font for the new blank Untitled 1 file, even though it uses all other default settings for that file.
- Proxy settings were not saved unless you changed other preferences too.
- Search: Hiding the search toolbar, using the full search panel, closing the full search panel, and showing the search toolbar again did not update the search toolbar with the search term last used on the full search panel.
- Search: Line by line searches using regular expressions did not restrict the full regex match to a single line.
- Search: Pasting into the search and replace drop-down lists failed with a beep if the text on the clipboard included a line break; now it will paste the first line.
- Search: Pressing Enter in the Search drop-down list on the search toolbar (when not using the full search panel) always moved keyboard focus to the main editor, even when that option was disabled in the Search Preferences.
- Text Layout Configuration window now has scroll bars when the whole window doesn't fit on the screen.[/more]
Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 08.06.2011 09:09
EditPad Lite 7.0.2
•File|Reload from Disk: Do not clear out the file in EditPad if it no longer exists on disk; prompt to retry reloading the file; do nothing if canceled.
•Menus: When using Alt+letter keyboard shortcuts to access menu items that have submenus but are also commands in themselves, holding down Alt will open the submenu while releasing Alt will activate the command. For example: holding down Alt, pressing F, pressing O, releasing Alt will open the File|Open submenu with recent files. Holding down Alt, pressing F, releasing Alt, pressing O will activate the File|Open command and show the open file dialog.
•Text Layout: Ideographs are now exactly twice as wide as ASCII characters when using the "monospaced left-to-right" text layout with the option to use full-width ASCII characters turned off.

Bug fixes:
•Editor: Lines containing tabs were not displayed correctly when using a right-to-left text layout.
•EditPad could not be minimized after clicking the taskbar button twice (but don't double-click) while the icon next to the system clock and the option to hide the taskbar button are enabled. Clicking on the icon next to the system clock allowed EditPad to be minimized again.
•EditPad could not be restored by clicking the taskbar button directly if it was minimized while the Clip Collection panel was open and AceText was running. Starting a new EditPad instance did restore the running instance and shutting down AceText made the problem go away.
•File Types|Colors and Syntax: Selecting "Clickable URLs" syntax coloring significantly slowed down EditPad 7's handling of files with extremely long lines.
•Forum: The Help|Forum menu item now restores the forum window if it was minimized.
•Forum: With the EditPad icon next to the system clock enabled, clicking on one of the forum links in the help file to discuss a help topic caused EditPad to try to connect to the forum each time EditPad was restarted after closing it but not fully exiting it.
•Options|Text Layout: Changes made to the text layout configuration via Options|Text Layout were not preserved when restarting EditPad Pro unless other preferences were also changed after changing the text layout configuration.
•Search: The Loop Automatically option fails to loop if there is only one file open and the All Files search option is turned on.

Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 27.06.2011 12:32
EditPad Lite 7.0.3
•Editor: Full double-buffering of all edit controls to eliminate flicker.

Bug fixes:
•Editor: Changing the font size with Ctrl+wheel, switching to another file, and then switching back displayed the file with the original font but spaced as if it was still using the changed font size.
•Editor: Lines containing tabs were not displayed correctly when using a right-to-left text layout.
•Editor: The text cursor was positioned incorrectly on lines containing both tabs and ideographs when using the "monospaced left-to-right" text layout.
•Editor: Typing or pasting into an empty file and then Shift+Clicking somewhere selected the text from the start of the file until the click instead of from the end of the file (where the text cursor is) until the click.
•Options|Stay On Top causes EditPad to stay on top of some of its own dialog boxes.
•Search: Incremental search was not reset when you moved the cursor, causing incorrect incremental search results, or errors if you closed the file and then changed the search term (Lite only).
•Tabs: Right-clicking on the tabs now shows the context menu when the mouse button is released rather than when it is pressed.
•Windows 7: If the icon next to the system clock was enabled, maximizing EditPad, minimizing or closing it, and clicking on the icon next to the system clock restored EditPad but did not maximize it.
•Windows 7: If the icon next to the system clock was enabled, restoring EditPad (so it's not maximized), closing EditPad with the X button, then right-clicking the icon next to the clock and selecting Exit caused EditPad to pop up briefly before closing, instead of closing without showing itself.[/more]

Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 28.06.2011 12:33
EditPad Lite 7.0.4
[more=ChangeLog:][b]Bug fix:
•Options|Stay On Top causes EditPad to stay on top of some of its own dialog boxes.[/more]
Дата сообщения: 15.08.2011 12:32
EditPad Lite 7.0.5
[more=Изменения]New feature:

•Editor: Ctrl+Left Shift and Ctrl+Right Shift toggle the direction of the text to left-to-right or right-to-left when a keyboard for a right-to-left language is installed (though not necessarily active).

•Search: Auto-completion of the Search drop-down list on the search toolbar (when using it without the full search panel) is now case sensitive when the Case Sensitive search option is turned on; the Replace drop-down list is now always case sensitive.
•Search: Pressing Esc while the search or replace drop-down list has keyboard focus (while using the search toolbar without the full search panel) moves keyboard focus back to the main editor.
•Text Layout|Cursors: Cursor shape now has two flag options. One makes the flag indicate the direction of the input language (as in Notepad), the other the direction of the text the cursor is at (as EditPad 7 did previously).
Bug fixes:

•Convert: Convert menu commands inserted an extraneous space when converting a rectangular selection that spans only a single line.
•Editor: Characters were squished together when using a bold proportionally spaced font and the first file you opened with that font had word wrapping set to a specific line length.
•Editor: Pasting while a rectangular block is selected does not correctly replace the selection unless the cursor is in the upper left corner.
•Editor: When line numbers are being shown and word wrap is off, the left hand gutter does not expand to accommodate line numbers beyond 9,999 when adding lines to the file if it previously had fewer than 10,000 lines.
•Forum: Editing a message and then deleting the edits instead of sending them incorrectly decremented the message count for the conversation.
•Help|Create Portable Installation did not copy over the layouts of the toolbars and side panels.
•Keyboard: Pressing F10 activated the main menu instead of invoking the command it was assigned to (View|Files Panel by default).
•Options|Text Layout: Pressing F1 or clicking the Help button on the text layout configuration window did nothing.
•Preferences|Save Files: Saving backups in a specific folder should be disabled when the "hidden history folder" option is selected.
•Search: Alt+Letter keyboard shortcuts that aren't used on the search toolbar but are used by main menu items don't work when the search or replace drop-down list has keyboard focus.
•Search: Replacing with the %MATCH% placeholder triggered an access violation when a regular expression found a zero-length match.
•Tabs: Right-clicking on the X when close buttons are shown directly on tabs caused a "list index out of bounds" error.
•Text Layout: The strictly monospaced left-to-right layout now correctly spaces the full-width variants of ASCII characters as ideographs even when the option to space all ASCII characters as ideographs is off.
•Toolbars: The Large Icons item in the right-click menu for toolbars did not change its checked state when changing the same option via the Customize item in the right-click menu.
•Undo and redo should not work on files that have been marked as read-only after saving the changes.
•View: Switching between custom layouts or restoring the default layout sometimes failed with a "cannot focus disabled or invisible window" error, causing further errors when trying to interact with the toolbars and/or side panels.
•Windows 7: Maximizing EditPad, then minimizing it, and then double-clicking a file in Windows Explorer brought up EditPad's window in its restored size (not maximized).
Дата сообщения: 19.08.2011 12:04
EditPad Lite 7.0.6
Автор: SergeS
Дата сообщения: 30.08.2015 05:10
EditPad Lite. Version 7.3.8

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