Blat 3.00 (теперь и х64)
[+] Allow Unicode domain names, which will be made compliant with RFC 5890.
[+] Converted the source code to use Unicode throughout. As a result, I added
both MBCS and Unicode interfaces for the .DLL. Developers will need to
adapt or include blatdll.h into their projects so they can call the .DLL
properly. Blatdll.h is included in the release package.
[+] Blat will write to its log file in UTF-8 format when possible. This will
allow the log file to show Unicode filenames instead of showing a series
of question marks (?). The log file can still be opened with Notepad
without any issues. Thanks to Thomas Beutlich for this suggestion.
[+] Unicode filenames will be converted to UTF-8 before being included into
the message body and/or message headers.
[+] When storing login and password registry keys, Unicode values will be
converted to UTF-8 before encoding to base64. This makes Unicode login
and password values compliant with RFC 4616. Existing keys from Blat 2.xx
should continue to work just fine.
[+] Blat can be compiled as either 32-bit or 64-bit. The 64-bit version will
look for its registry keys first under SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Public Domain
before looking under SOFTWARE\Public Domain. This allows users to keep
their existing profiles should they change from using 32-bit Blat version
to the 64-bit version.
[+] The version of DLLs that are required for Blat will be included with the
release package. For example, building Blat with Visual Studio 2010 means
that MSVCR100.DLL will be called, and thus I will be including the required
version with the release package.
[+] Allow HTML in salutations. For example:
-to "1st <some@> \"<img src=\\\"cid:banner.gif\\\"><BR>Hey 1st,\""
Here's why -- the three backslashes and quotation mark are actually taken
as two different character sequences, the double backslash is first, then
the backslash and quotation mark is next. What you see above on the
command line will be initially seen in Blat as this:
1st <some@> \"<img src=\\\"cid:banner.gif\\\"><BR>Hey 1st,\"
Then when I go to parse this to look for a name, an email address, and a
salutation, the result will be these three parts:
Name: 1st
Email: <some@>
Salutation: "<img src=\"cid:banner.gif\"><BR>Hey 1st,"
The escaped quotation mark in front of the '<' is the tell Blat this is not
the next email address. Instead, '<' is to be taken as part of a
salutation. Otherwise, '<' is normally seen as the start of the next email
Note now that the salutation has internally to it an escaped quotation
mark. The next step is for me to remove the leading and trailing quotation
marks, to make it presentable in an email message. Lastly, I remove the
escape characters leaving this final text to be put into the outgoing
<img src="cid:banner.gif"><BR>Hey 1st,
During testing, I run Blat from .bat files with a variety of options. I
had to make a small change, or enhancement, to permit HTML in salutations
when using .bat and .cmd files to run Blat. The issue is that Windows 7
command processor does not like < or > in command lnes, except as used for
keyboard input and screen output redirectors. This is not a problem if the
< and > are used around email addresses, but it is a problem when used as
part of HTML. The workaround that I came up with is to allow square
brackets '[' and ']' to be used in place of '<' and '>', respectively, when
in salutations. In salutations, Blat will convert square brackets '[' and
']' to '<' and '>', expecting them to be used as HTML.
Applications that call Blat to send emails might be able to use '<' and '>'
properly. However, if you find a situation where these do not work, try
using square brackets instead.
Keep the server connection open until the email has been sent to all
recipients. Previously, the server connection was closed after each
message, even when sending to multiple recipients.
Changed how the command line is processed in processOptions(), so that only
options will have forward slashes (/) changed to hyphens (-) automatically.
This feature was introduced in version 2.5.
Комплект билдов с yahoo group.