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» FeedDemon - RSS клиент

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 17.02.2006 16:47
FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 2 Build

- Confusing placement of "Show news items" and "Browser Position" items
- Changes to newspaper filter aren't reflected in filter toolbutton (53001)
- Can't use Ctrl+C to copy URL of synched feed from feed properties dialog (52999)
- Removed animation of tray icon - should resolve bug where tray icon doesn't reflect when new items have been downloaded
- Startup wizard doesn't display, so there's no way to import from FD1.5
Автор: sattan
Дата сообщения: 18.02.2006 11:43
вопрос - может ли FeedDemon следить за обновлениями тех сайтов, на которых нет RSS ?
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 10.03.2006 05:54
FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 3 Build
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 16.03.2006 05:48
FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 4 Build
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 17.03.2006 06:34
FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 4a Build

- Added: Synchronization options now enable checking for changes to your NewsGator subscriptions with every update
- Changed: The default polling frequency in FeedDemon's synchronization options has been changed from five to 10 minutes
- Fixed: Hitting the back button when the subscription overview first loads results in an "Action Cancelled" message
- Fixed: Invalid characters in cached feeds may prevent newspaper from showing correct items
- Fixed: Exception when closing FeedDemon if desktop alert has been created but never displayed
- Fixed: Timed desktop alert fails to remove feeds whose posts have all been individually read
Автор: Sish
Дата сообщения: 17.03.2006 06:38

Вот уже на протяжении долгих месяцев уважаемый Nick 2003 чётко отслеживает появление новых версий

Sorry за
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 22.03.2006 19:25
FeedDemon 2.0 RC1 Build

- Added: Option to permit access to all enclosures, regardless of type
- Added: If a feed failed to update due to an HTTP error, the HTTP status code is now included in the feed's tooltip
- Added: Statistics page added to folder properties
- Added: "Copy News Item to Clipboard" added to "Send To" menu
- Added: Newspaper filter added to all styles
- Changed: the "Edit blog publishing tool" dialog now includes a list of tokens
- Fixed: "Canvas does not allow drawing" error at startup
- Fixed: Incorrect handling of MediaRSS <media:group> elements
- Fixed: "Move feed" doesn't handle multiple feed selection
- Fixed: Right-clicking a feed when a watch is selected still shows "Watch properties" in the context menu
- Fixed: FeedDemon uses its own "hand point" cursor instead of the one defined by Windows

Sish, ну так
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 27.03.2006 07:12
FeedDemon 2.0 RC2 Build

- Added: "Outland" newspaper style (best for viewing one item at a time, like Microsoft Outlook)
- Added: Newspaper options moved to status bar
- Changed: When an item is added to a news bin, it's now marked as unread in that news bin
- Changed: The option to permit access to all enclosure types has been changed to permit access to all non-executable enclosures
- Changed: After downloading an FDLANG2 language file, FeedDemon asks whether to apply it (previous versions applied it automatically)
- Fixed: Watches aren't automatically saved after every update (54826)
- Fixed: News bins allow adding duplicate item (54956)
- Fixed: Auto-update settings in folder properties remain disabled after changing from synched to non-synched folder (54060)
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 27.03.2006 18:51
FeedDemon 2.00.20 Final
* Added: Advanced synchronization with NewsGator Online
* Added: Subscriptions are now shown in single-level treeview rather than in a dropdown list
* Added: Subscription overview, including which feeds you pay the most and least attention to
* Added: All feeds update based on their schedule regardless of whether they're in the active folder
* Added: "Surfer," "Outland" and "Prince" newspaper styles
* Added: "Photo Strip" newspaper style - great for Flickr feeds (such as {this one})
* Added: "Unread folder view," "Unread feed view" and "Flagged feed view"
* Added: Significant performance improvements when news item list (middle pane) is kept hidden
* Added: Significant performance improvements when displaying filtered newspaper of feeds with a large number of posts
* Added: FeedDemon now remembers the login for secure feeds between sessions, so you're no longer prompted every time you update a secure feed. Note that you can edit stored logins by clicking the "Passwords" button in FeedDemon's options.
* Added: Desktop alert can now be configured for timed display so it "bundles" new item alerts and only displays after a certain number of minutes. In other words, if you're subscribed to a lot of feeds, you no longer have to be interrupted by an alert every few minutes
* Added: Marking an item in a watch as read also marks the source item (ie: the item in the original feed) as read. Note that this will not work for items added to a watch prior to this release, since watches in previous versions didn't store source information.
* Added: Subscription wizard redesigned - integrates previous "search channel" feature and includes ability to search for new feeds
* Added: "Copy" item added to feed's context menu
* Added: Option (disabled by default) to permit access to all non-executable enclosures, regardless of type
* Added: Statistics page added to feed and folder properties
* Added: "Copy News Item to Clipboard" added to "Send To" menu
* Added: A feed's properties can now be edited immediately after it has been added (52317)
* Added: Clicking the header above the news item list shows the newspaper for the active feed
* Added: The cleanup wizard has been redesigned and now enables choosing a max # of items.
* Added: Items removed by the cleanup wizard won't return if they still exist in the feed (provided that each item has a pubDate).
* Added: Every 30 days the subscription overview includes a reminder to run the cleanup wizard.
* Added: FeedDemon now supports drag-and-drop of multiple feeds to different folders
* Added: Support for IE7's tabbed browsing shortcuts and context menu items
* Added: Newspaper options moved to status bar
* Added: "Import the Windows Common Feed List" added to Import wizard (requires IE7 or Vista)
* Added: "Feed Properties" now includes a separate tab for notes about the feed
* Added: Options|Sounds now includes the option to play a sound when the desktop alert is shown (disabled by default)
* Added: Improved OPML export based on tests with the {OPML Validator beta}
* Added: The first time FeedDemon is run after installation, before loading your subscriptions it makes a backup named Subscriptions.opml.prev
* Added: News Bin popup menu now includes "Create News Bin" item
* Added: FeedDemon now checks your feed cache for errors when it detects that it wasn't shutdown correctly (30509)
* Added: Improved searching within subscriptions. Examples:
* Mozilla Firefox = items containing the words Mozilla and Firefox
* Mozilla -Firefox = items containing the word Mozilla but not Firefox
* "Mozilla Firefox" = items containing the exact phrase Mozilla Firefox
* Added: Watches now support negative keywords, enabling the exclusion of items that contain a specific word
* Added: Easter egg
* Added: Quick toolbar customization by clicking the arrow at the far right of each toolbar (this replaces the "undocumented" toolbar customization from earlier versions)
* Added: "Automatic unsubscribe" added to Advanced page in feed properties - enables automatically unsubscribing from feeds that haven't updated within a certain number of days (useful for comment feeds and other short-term subscriptions)
* Added: "Exclude from watches" added to feed properties
* Added: "Rerun watch" added to watch context menu
* Added: Separate color for unread items
* Added: "Remember tabs between sessions" added to browsing options (note: applies only to external URLs - newspapers won't be retained)
* Added: "Post to" added to news item context menu
* Added: Feed auto-discover of clicked hyperlinks is skipped when the Ctrl key is pressed
* Added: Secure icon shown in bottom left of status bar when browsing HTTPS
* Added: "Don't export secure feeds" option added to OPML export dialog
* Added: "Show Link in External Browser" added to news item context menu (31772)
* Added: Desktop alert options now available from system tray icon's context menu (31657)
* Added: "Internet Options" added to options menu
* Added: Welcome wizard now enables importing initial subscriptions from an OPML file (27622)
* Added: Import dialog now enables adding from recommended feeds
* Added: "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" checkbox added to connection settings
* Added: "Print" added to Browse menu
* Added: "Mark all watches or news bins as read" added to Options | Confirmations
* Added: "Enable this feed" added to feed properties, which may be used to turn off updating of a feed or re-enable a feed that was disabled during a previous update
* Added: Initial support for Atom 1.0
* Added: "Folder Properties" dialog which enables changing settings for all feeds in a specific folder
* Added: Redesigned "Expando" newspaper style
* Added: Auto-discover list includes the feed title (if it exists in the page)
* Added: "Reset feed URL on permanent redirect" checkbox added to connection settings
* Added: "Minimize to system tray" added to FeedDemon's options
* Added: "Mark all watches as read" and "Mark all news bins as read" added under Edit > Mark As Read
* Added: Watches now have an "auto-purge" setting (the default is 300 items)
* Added: Individual watches may be disabled
* Added: "User interface style" added to Options | Appearance
* Added: Drag-and-drop arrangement of browser tabs
* Changed: Right-clicking no longer makes a feed or folder "active"
* Changed: After downloading a new language file, FeedDemon asks whether to apply it (previous versions applied it automatically)
* Changed: the "Edit blog publishing tool" dialog now includes a list of tokens
* Changed: FeedDemon now automatically increases a feed's auto-purge setting when more items exist in the actual feed than are allowed by the auto-purge setting (28776)
* Changed: FeedDemon shows the subscription wizard when a URL is drag-and-dropped from another application (previous versions would only show wizard when dropped onto the "Subscribe" toolbutton)
* Changed: Auto-discovered feeds icon moved from status bar to browser toolbar, and now shows only feeds detected in the current web page
* Changed: The "New Keyword Subscription" feature has been integrated into the main "New Subscription" dialog
* Changed: FeedDemon's search definitions now have the extension FDSRCH2 and use the {OpenSearch description format}
* Changed: "Maximize browser" has been renamed "Show News Items" (52966
* Changed: Removed animation of system tray icon
* Changed: Significantly simplified UI by re-organizing toolbars, menus and options
* Changed: News item list is now hidden by default
* Changed: "Validate Feed" now uses the {W3C Feed Validation Service}
* Changed: Performance improvements in newspaper rendering
* Changed: Performance improvements when searching in subscriptions
* Changed: Feed title is now shortened so that unread count isn't scrolled (49649)
* Changed: The "Feed Defaults" button has been removed from options now that feed defaults are defined at the folder level
* Changed: Properties set at the folder level are now inherited by feeds that are later added to that folder. Note, however, the folder properties defined prior to this release will not be inherited, so you may need to redefine the folder properties. (38473)
* Changed: When "Create News Bin" is selected from the "Copy to News Bin" menu item, the selected post (or URL) is automatically added to the new news bin
* Changed: Simplified the news item context menu by moving several actions to a "Send To" submenu
* Changed: Newspaper styles now use special "fdaction:" protocol for downloading enclosures - this won't impact end users, but it may impact third-party newspaper styles
* Changed: After a folder is deleted, the next folder is made active
* Changed: UFT8 byte-order-mark no longer added to exported OPML
* Changed: All previous/next actions (previous feed, next feed, etc.) now skip to the next/previous folder (31776)
* Changed: The dialog that appears when you try to subscribe to a feed you're already subscribed to now shows the name of the existing folder (32961)
* Changed: Options | Confirmations now has separate checkboxes for "Unsubscribe from feed" and "Delete watch or news bin"
* Changed: Long titles in browser tabs are now truncated
* Changed: Watch keyword entry field now receives focus after clicking "Add" (31615)
* Changed: The tutorial has been separated from the welcome wizard
* Changed: In previous versions, enlarging the main window would widen the news item list and leave the browser size the same. This has been reversed so that the browser now resizes.
* Changed: Keyboard shortcut for "Close Browser Tab" changed from Ctrl+F4 to Ctrl+W
* Changed: Previous versions of FeedDemon enabled having multiple feeds with the same title in different folders (groups), but this is no longer permitted. My apologies if you're affected by this change - I know some FeedDemon customers liked this feature - but I'm afraid the change was necessary. I believe most (but not all) FeedDemon users who had the same feed in multiple groups did so due to previous versions being limited to updating only feeds in the active group, so hopefully this change won't have a huge impact now that all feeds in all folders are updated. Note that to support this change, FeedDemon will rename duplicate feeds the first time that beta 2 is run.
* Changed: "Group By" changed from textbox to dropdown list
* Changed: "Import Feeds" now always hides feeds that you're already subscribed to
* Changed: HTML is now stripped from item titles in the newspaper
* Changed: "Channels" have been renamed "Feeds" and "Channel Groups" have been renamed "Folders" for consistency with other RSS readers
* Changed: The "Synchronized Channel Group" feature has been dropped due to the changes in NewsGator synchronization. Note that subscribing through Bloglines is still possible through the "Import Feeds" feature.
* Changed: Unsafe (blocked) enclosures may now be downloaded by holding Ctrl while clicking the paper clip icon in the news item list
* Changed: Auto-discovery no longer displays feeds that you're subscribed to in inactive folders
* Changed: Previous versions displayed a large red "X" for feeds that could not be retrieved (ie: HTTP 404, etc.). This has been changed so that a small red "x" is overlaid on the normal icon.
* Changed: When testing newspaper styles with 'NewspaperDebug' enabled, the debug XML output is now formatted for easier reading (note: this may incur a performance hit with newspapers containing a large number of items). Note that the registry key for this setting has been changed to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bradbury\FeedDemon\1.0\EnableNewspaperDebug
* Changed: "Default" newspaper style renamed to "Classic"
* Fixed: FeedDemon uses its own "hand point" cursor instead of the one defined by Windows
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to clean up its temporary files when restarting after a crash (54139)
* Fixed: Titles aren't escaped when grouping by title in the newspaper (54133)
* Fixed: Performance problem when parsing feeds containing a large number of XML errors
* Fixed: Invalid characters in cached feeds may prevent newspaper from showing correct items
* Fixed: Exception when closing FeedDemon if desktop alert has been created but never displayed
* Fixed: Newspaper doesn't always remove JavaScript that contains HTML in strings
* Fixed: Titles containing entities continue to display incorrectly in the news item list (53045)
* Fixed: FeedStation doesn't use shell dialog font
* Fixed: Source element displays incorrectly when title contains HTML (53093)
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to reflect changes to items with GUIDs
* Fixed: "Shift" is incorrectly read as "Alt" in keyboard shortcut dialog (51436)
* Fixed: FeedStation's maximize window button is disabled (51558)
* Fixed: Next/previous news item causes endless loop when news item list not displayed (51506)
* Fixed: "Open in new window" leaves empty tab when used with fdaction: URL (51528)
* Fixed: Statistics on feed properties clipped when using large fonts (51530)
* Fixed: Wasted space to the right of the search address bar (51567)
* Fixed: FeedDemon minimizes to tray instead of closing after cache folder is changed (51612)
* Fixed: Clicking the envelope on an unread item in the news item list doesn't mark item as read when auto-read is enabled(51569)
* Fixed: OPML import handles nested folders incorrectly
* Fixed: Can't create keyword subscription when no folder is considered "active"
* Fixed: Color changes made on Appearance tab in options aren't reflected in newspaper after hitting Apply button
* Fixed: Next/previous item do nothing when no feed selected (51398)
* Fixed: Disabled IE Add-ons are not disabled in FeedDemon (52302)
* Fixed: Extra whitespace in feed is displayed incorrectly in news item list (52563)
* Fixed: Unsubscribe confirmation dialog doesn't display Unicode characters correctly
* Fixed: Updating a feed causes the first grouped item in the news item list to marked as read (51628)
* Fixed: When grouping in the news item list is set to "(none)" and "Hide read items" is enabled, switching between feeds automatically marks the first item as read (51039)
* Fixed: FeedStation fails to save its queue when Windows shuts down
* Fixed: FeedStation's "Resync to media device" menu item operates only on first selected item (52778)
* Fixed: Sort indicators missing from FeedStation's queue (51555)
* Fixed: Deleting large number of items from the news item list is extremely slow
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to detect when MSXML is incorrectly installed, resulting in numerous errors at startup
* Fixed: Can't check checkboxes in import feeds dialog when scrolled horizontally (49791)
* Fixed: Newspaper doesn't expand relative URLs in feed image (49800)
* Fixed: Problems creating folder names with Unicode characters (32698)
* Fixed: Performance problems when displaying very large news items which contain hundreds of HTML tags
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to start when attempting to parse an invalid FDSRCH file
* Fixed: Can't subscribe to feeds containing undefined XML namespaces
* Fixed: Subscription wizard doesn't auto-populate URL when clipboard contains a feed: URL (39698)
* Fixed: Feed titles wrap in feed bar hints
* Fixed: Problems displaying Windows-1255 feeds
* Fixed: Untranslated text on feed login dialog when first login attempt fails (37778)
* Fixed: Sporadic exception when closing if desktop alert is still visible and is fading
* Fixed: Ampersands show as accelerators in status bar text
* Fixed: Tray icon reset to show no unread items when switching feeds/folders regardless if doing so marked anything as read
* Fixed: Enclosure URLs are URLEncoded in newspaper output
* Fixed: If number of flagged posts equals the number set in auto-purge, newer posts aren't displayed (41998)
* Fixed: Problems adding multiple GMail feeds (42230)
* Fixed: Tray icon doesn't reflect when unread count changes (27850)
* Fixed: Small (28 byte) memory leak with each browser tab
* Fixed: Long browser tab captions not always truncated
* Fixed: Plus/minus icons missing from news item list when using "Office 11" UI style (34953)
* Fixed: Auto-purge removes the number of items set instead of retaining (34719)
* Fixed: Cache folder isn't recreated if renamed or deleted outside of FeedDemon (35822)
* Fixed: Sort order isn't retained in the news item grid (33171)
* Fixed: Corrupt news bin or watch prevents FeedDemon from starting normally (35937)
* Fixed: Unclosed centered elements in news items affect subsequent items in most newspaper styles (32700)
* Fixed: User profiles with apostrophe in the name cause FD to fail to render newspapers (36213)
* Fixed: Feed containing unescaped adjacent > and < characters cause 100% CPU usage
* Fixed: When a filter results in one item in the news item list, selecting it doesn't display it in the newspaper (35674)
* Fixed: Unsupported embedded Mozilla displays "fdaction is not a registered protocol" message when clicking newspaper action links
* Fixed: Browser address history doesn't include "[Clear this list]" (36395)
* Fixed: External FDSRCH files fail to download
* Fixed: Flagged posts are removed when auto-purging feeds (32002)
* Fixed: "Hide Read News Items" function in toolbar marks the first unread item as read
* Fixed: News item and browser panes don't retain their size (31787)
* Fixed: Tray icon menu shows two cancel items
* Fixed: Slow performance when descriptions are shown in the news item list
* Fixed: Feed, news bin and watch titles don't accept Unicode characters
* Fixed: FeedDemon isn't correctly handling Unicode feed titles when importing subscriptions from NewsGator Online (28858)
* Fixed: News item filter doesn't have "[Clear stored items]" (28712)
* Fixed: Clicking news bin icon in newspaper fails if feed not already loaded
* Fixed: Items added to watches and news bins don't retain their <source>
* Fixed: "This feed's news items have been hidden" message is overlapped by toolbar when toolbar wraps to multiple lines
* Fixed: System tray icon disappears after returning from hibernation (28176)
* Fixed: Install doesn't create associations (27829)(26289)
* Fixed: Ampersands in folder names appear as underscores in feed bar (28498)
* Fixed: Can't create a synched folder with an ampersand in its title (28500)(29001)
* Fixed: Popup windows that resize themselves through scripting sometimes leave a blank browser tab
* Fixed: Subscribe dialog doesn't translate URLs with "feed:" protocol (28904)
* Fixed: Can't add a feed with the same name as an existing feed even after deleting the original feed (28924)
* Fixed: System Tray icon indicates unread posts when all posts in all feeds are marked as read (27850)
* Fixed: Context menu shows "Mark as read" after right-clicking an item that has automatically been marked as read (29468)
* Fixed: Incorrect links shown for Atom feeds whose entries use a relative xml:base
* Fixed: Failure to connect to SSL-enabled feeds (28950)
* Fixed: Delay between the time the animation shown when downloading a feed stops and new items appear in that feed
* Fixed: Feeds whose update frequency is less than 30 minutes are only updated every 30 minutes
* Fixed: Untranslated text appears on watch dialog when called multiple times in rapid succession
* Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't display content:encoded descriptions (26593)
* Fixed: Author name not copied to news bin (26600)
* Fixed: Ampersands in cache folder result in missing style images (26607)
* Fixed: Duplication of items that have whitespace around their titles
* Fixed: Firefox stays loaded after being called from FeedDemon, even when closed by the user (26672)
* Fixed: Tabbed browser shows underscores for ampersands in tab caption
* Fixed: Folder newspaper doesn't sort feeds by their titles
* Fixed: "Import Feeds" gives no indication of success
* Fixed: Crash when returning from hibernation (26827)
* Fixed: Importing matches on feed title rather then URL (26841)
* Fixed: Filter search box disappears if news item list is too narrow (26842)
* Fixed: Feed bar doesn't redraw after returning from XP login or screensaver (27132)
* Fixed: When called multiple times from an external application, FeedDemon's "Add Channel" wizard may not display correctly
* Fixed: Enclosure URL attributes preceded by line feeds incorrectly parsed (seen with a Virgin Radio podcast feed)
* Fixed: Hitting F8 in rapid succession causes "Options" dialog to appear twice, the second time with untranslated text
* Fixed: Feeds that have no declared encoding but have a UTF16 BOM won't display
* Fixed: Mishandling of single-quoted attributes when importing OPML
* Fixed: OPML import skips feeds with encoded angle brackets
* Fixed: Favorites menu doesn't reflect changes to the selected language
* Fixed: Items deleted from a watch or news bin may re-appear if Windows crashes before FeedDemon is closed
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to resize the browser when it detects a switch between portrait and landscape mode on a Tablet PC
Автор: Mexx
Дата сообщения: 29.03.2006 18:04
Пару вопросов:
а) как сделать чтобы во всплывающих окнах при появлении новостей показывались заголовки этих самых новостей?
б) как сделать чтобы новые сообщения (скажем заголовок жирный и т.п.) выделялись в режиме двухколонном? Именно заголовки сообщений, а не в списке фидов.
Автор: vayu
Дата сообщения: 03.04.2006 04:37
есть пара вопросов:
1. указываю в качестве кеша какую-либо папку. feeddemon хранит данные там. при переустановке начисто системы, ставлю feeddemon, можно ли в нем восстановить все ленты, которые сохранились в этом кеше4
2. сколько новостей он сохраняет в кеше? хочу вести архив новостей, чтобы старые новости не удалялись.
Автор: Aleks78
Дата сообщения: 09.05.2006 07:27
При установке версии пропал анимированный значoк из трея
Кто скажет, где засада ???
Автор: jata
Дата сообщения: 13.05.2006 17:52
я указал (создал) свою папку "The FeedDemon", а потом просто rar'ом заархивировал и перенес на другой ПК, где также указал такую же папку, а потом просто разархивировал, все хорошо, читал (там нет интернета) ... Программой пользуюсь только 3-й день (версия Документацию еще не скачивал, думал здесь доходчивей...
По поводу глубины сохранения.. щелкаешь правой кнопкой на всей группе каналов - Свойства группы - Вкладка Обновление - пункт архивация - пишешь число хранимых в кэше новостей, авторы советуют не больше 200 ставить. Это что касается просто Новостей, а вот если копируешь нужные новости в Сборники новостей - там похоже число хранимых не ограничено

Забавно другое, я тут вчера перед чтением новостей удалил все новости из каналов, а они скачались снова! Причем, когда еще раз обновлял загрузились еще новые и вдруг более старые! Как же так? Выходит новости совсем чистить не надо? Или это такая реакция на удаление новости, а надо флагами отмечать прочитанные, чтобы они заново не грузились?
Автор: jata
Дата сообщения: 17.05.2006 04:14
сохраняем html страницей все новости канала, причем с пометками FeedDemon'а!
1 открываем - смотрим канал
2 правой кнопкой "Просмотр в виде HTML" ("View Source" на англ - простая команда из меню браузера ) - открывается текст страницы в вашем редакторе по умолчанию
3 в редакторе нажимаем "Сохранить как", даем название и место куда
Итог: просто, быстро, удобно для скармливания какому-то любимому локальному поисковику и независимо уже от FeedDemon'а
Автор: GJ77
Дата сообщения: 18.05.2006 09:23
Пользуюсь достаточно времени данной программой.
Есть только одна проблема.
Когда я просматриваю в ней странички, то все хорошо, но вот когда я нажимаю открытие в дефолтной браузере, то ссылка (открывшаяся в браузере) не рабочая, т.е. ее приходится выделять и в строку адрес скармливать.
Если установлен режим открытия вкладок во внешнем браузере, то при нажатии ссылке Открытся в новом окне - она запускается в internet explorer, хотя не он дефолтный.

В общем прога хорошая (перепробовал кучу, но в этой стабильности больше), но не адекватная по настройке работы с внешним браузером...

Если у кого есть варианты что подправить, чтобы она забыла ie то буду рад услышать
Автор: jata
Дата сообщения: 20.05.2006 15:19
GJ77, может дело в самом канале новостей? Я, например, на одном канале делал "скопировать новость в буфер", так скопированная ссылка содержала вредные символы "amp;", когда просто "копировать ярлык" - все в норме! А на других каналах - все отлично (у меня их пока с десяток)...
Ну и конечно укажи уж какой браузер рядом с IE поставил
Автор: GJ77
Дата сообщения: 06.06.2006 06:38
Разобрался наконец
FireFox прописывая себя дефолтным не все в реестре менял. Прописал его до конца.
И еще выяснился прикол, что многое зависит от используемой "шкурки".
Пришлось выбирать менее косячную. Хотя косяк с русским языком остался
Автор: Orval
Дата сообщения: 09.08.2006 20:46
Столкнулся с такой проблемой.
Подписался на новости ru-board в формате RSS, читаю feeddemon-ом, приходит одно. Подписался на обновления ряда тем на ru-board-e - получаю другое. На почту приходит гораздо больше обновлений, чем поступает черех rss-ленту. В чем причина?
Автор: GJ77
Дата сообщения: 11.08.2006 06:19
Замечал такой прикол на некоторых RSS лентах (может ATOM, не проверял), что использование разных feed reader`ов приводит к разному количеству новостей.
Имхо просто нестабильность ридера или оформление новостей (формат)
Просто FeedDemon самый стабильный в работе и использовании ресурсов
Опять же имхо.
Автор: cwll
Дата сообщения: 11.08.2006 12:05

Подписался на обновления ряда тем на ru-board-e - получаю другое.

Аналогично. Дело не в ридере. Я пробовал местных боссов в известность ставить - им, похоже, поуху.
Автор: Orval
Дата сообщения: 13.08.2006 05:22
cwll, GJ77
Спасибо за ответы. Подозреваю, что дело действительно в устройстве форумов, сам ридер здесь ни при чем.

Автор: mikar
Дата сообщения: 29.08.2006 06:41
Автор: Trumpeter
Дата сообщения: 05.10.2006 00:19
Кто-то может помочь разобраться? У меня такая проблема начиная с версии 2 FeedDemon. В обічном процессе обновлення лент процессор резко начинает грузиться приактически до 100%. Хотя на версии 1.5 такого никогда не было. Для эксперитмента сносил версию 2 (сейчас у меня и ставил 1.5 и все работает ОК! В чем тут может быть дело? Может кто подскажет? Благодарю!
Автор: Trumpeter
Дата сообщения: 05.10.2006 23:30

Может кто подскажет?

Повидимому, никото не подскажет...
Автор: Prince Corvin
Дата сообщения: 08.10.2006 12:32
На вопрос jata у кого-нибудь есть ответ. Почему прога снова загружает уже удаленные новости? Можно это как-нибудь победить?
Автор: mikar
Дата сообщения: 18.10.2006 06:29
FeedDemon 2.1 beta 2
Автор: BeerLion
Дата сообщения: 18.10.2006 16:48
В 2.1 beta 2 когда включен Unread Feed View и делаем Mark Feed Read, содержимое фида помечается прочитанным и всё. Во всех предыдущих версиях фид после этого убирался из дерева и фокус переходил на следующий непрочитанный фид, что было жутко удобно. Сейчас нужно ещё доп. кнопки ткнуть.

Аналогично. До 100% на время обновления. Но я на это забил ибо не сильно напрягает, т.к. лент у меня не больше 200 и одновременно они обновляются только при старте, а в процессе рабочего дня вообще не заметно ничего.
Автор: spike
Дата сообщения: 19.10.2006 08:25
под Vista не пашет ни одна версия, какие-то проблемы с работой Internet Explorer 7, причем в WinXP с IE7 все прекрасно работает

после ребута системы, заработало
Автор: BeerLion
Дата сообщения: 26.10.2006 13:23

В 2.1 beta 2 когда включен Unread Feed View и делаем Mark Feed Read, содержимое фида помечается прочитанным и всё. Во всех предыдущих версиях фид после этого убирался из дерева и фокус переходил на следующий непрочитанный фид, что было жутко удобно. Сейчас нужно ещё доп. кнопки ткнуть.
Ура! В beta3 всё вернулось.
Автор: mikar
Дата сообщения: 30.10.2006 06:23

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