x-chat 2.8.1 ключик нужен или кряк...
простое форматирование
* Scrolling with a background image is now much faster.
* Fixed underscore ('_') in the nick-name right-click menu being drawn as an underline.
* ut2004:// URLs are now underlined too.
* /set gui_tray_flags 4 will now enable a "Minimize to tray" feature. Clicking the window minimize button will minimize to tray instead of the task-bar.
* Fixed bug: [1680762] Notify fails if network name contains spaces.
* Fixed a crash if your clock was accidently set beyond 2038.
* XChat now handles multi-monitor and resolution changes more gracefully, so that menus arn't drawn off-screen etc.
* Script and Plugin related changes:
o /SETTEXT with no argument now clears the input box.
o Returning 0 from an FD hook now unhooks it (C API and Perl).
o Python now has a xchat.strip method (to strip mIRC codes).
Options -> interface -> Userlist -> Execute command -> query %s
News for 2.8.7f (16/Aug/2009)
- Fixed a stability issue in the color text entry gadget.
- Improved the speed of reloading the scrollback logs from disk.
- Updated or added default server lists for: MintIRC, Rizon, Ustream, Xentonix.
Ребята кто подскажет скрипт для автовозврата на канал после кика?
* The balloon time is now adjustable via /set input_balloon_time <seconds>.
* The /Ghost command's password parameter is now optional.
* Updated the default IRC network list with various additions.
* When switching tabs, made the treeview only scroll if the selected item isn't visible.
* The Search/Find window can now be closed with the ESC key.
* Selecting an item in the nickmenu will now copy it to clipboard.
* New icons for notification area (systray).
* For the auto-join command, added an 'x' filler for empty keys. This works around a bug in ircd-seven.
* Lifted a limitation which only allowed the auto-join list to be 255 characters long.
* When a single channel-MODE changes, xchat will no longer re-issue a MODE request for the titlebar display, but figure the new modes intelligently.
* A favorite networks feature has been added to the network list.
* Various text event changes:
o Added "Private Action", "Private Action to Dialog", "SSL Message".
o Added "Identified text" parameter all the 'action' events.
o Added a $3 parameter to "Server Text".
* Plugin API changes:
o Added 'gtkwin_ptr' to xchat_get_info.
o Added DCC fields 'poshigh' and 'resumehigh'.
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