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» AccessDiver

Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 07.04.2006 18:33
AccessDiver 4.230 (build 5045)
Last-Modified: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 04:42:45 GMT
1.65 MB

What's new in v4.230 April-7th-2006

1) [Proxy Analyzer] Bug fixed with AutoDeletion system. When doing an Anonymity test, autocompletion was incorrect.
2) [Proxy Analyzer] Special modes problem with auto-deletion fixed. oops. I've found this one 5 minutes after posting 4.220.
3) [Bot engine] As I said for 4.220S (see below), some servers are very sensitive to the HTTP headers you send. The enhancement made in kernel for speed can alter quality of queries. That is why I prefferer to send more common headers so more servers can handle them. That will mostly ruin the optimization made in 4.220. but....
4) ... You have the ability to set your own HTTP headers this time. So if you wish to send very short headers, and you know it's enough, then go further with this new option. You can set groups of specific headers, or simply send RAW headers of your choice for each query done by a standard search BOT (Expert guyz only and only if they need it for optimization).
5) Interface in Settings reviewed a bit. Added an [HTTP Headers] tab there. I've moved the URL referer option from "/Settings/Misc" to [/Settings/HTTP Headers]
6) Special HTTP header feature included in snapshots. (see point 4 above)
Автор: Sidan
Дата сообщения: 20.04.2006 02:25
есть у меня 4.172, 4.173 но как ими пользоваться до меня видимо недоперло. ничего, нигде, не подобрал, только трафик ест. где можно почитать инструкцию или факи на Русском?
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 20.04.2006 03:17
На Форуме в Школе. Там много об этом рассказано.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 21.05.2006 04:27
AccessDiver 4.240 (build 5106)
Last-Modified: Sat, 20 May 2006 12:41:15 GMT
1.66 MB

What's new in v4.240 May-20th-2006

1) [Settings/HTTP-Headers] section enhanced. Click the [MENU] button to use extras usefull functions. You can now load/save HTTP headers to files, pre-build headers to assist you and even make your own headers as the default prebuilding list...
2) [Settings/HTTP-Headers] you can check if your HTTP headers are working by using the "Test ... into HTTP debugger". That surely can help some of you.
3) [Exploiter] : The engine now allows you to use defined HTTP headers from the [Settings/HTTP-Headers] section. The way I've coded it should work, but not as accurate as I wished. Your feedback is welcome though.
REMEMBER: using your [settings/HTTP-headers] will decrease speed performance since extra work is done.
4) [Settings/HTTP-Headers] corrected the engine to avoid sending incorrect/uncomplete/empty headers you've type in the "[x]USe my own headers..." section.
5) Fixed a bug that can destroy your Configuration file when quitting the software if Headers saving failed. (4.230 bug)
6) Minor fix, text on button in "Settings/HTML Settings" was uncomplete.
7) [Exploiter] annoying beep sound removed when adding exploit through keyboard.
8) [Settings/HTTP-Headers] fixed a problem when a line is OwnHeader is too long. Inccorect headers could be sent.
9) [HTTP Debugger] if specifying your own http headers, if the GET/HEAD or POST method wasn't typed, the function will build it up then launch the debug test.
10) [Settings/HTTP-Headers] Now using your own HTTP headers is EXCLUSIVE. Only the headers you will type in the "Own headers" will be sent. So make sure you sent everything correctly. Ommit to add "GET/HEAD/POST" headers, "Host:", "connection:", "authorization: " headers in your own headers. Since this will be automatically added...
Автор: obtim
Дата сообщения: 04.07.2006 09:17

What's new in v4.241 July-3rd-2006

1) [HTTP Debugger] Fixed a parsing problem when the URL contains hardcoded exotic user:pass.
ie: http://zdjfojzp:zeji/@@/@fjк$$ . AccessDiver always returned a DNS resolving error. FIXED!!!
2) Fixed a bug when quitting AccessDiver. It raised an accessViolation window.
3) Annoying visual bug when a proxy testing has finished. There was always a message saying nothing was deleted. fixed!!!
4) [Proxy Analyzer] False alert when using Url above setting for (No Protection) : "Fake proxy" were mostly OK ones.
5) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity] Some anonymity scripts can return IP like So if your proxy is,
Accessdiver thinks anonymity is respected (but that's wrong). Fixed!!! NB: This will slow a bit the anonymity engine though.
6) [Proxy Analyzer options] If using autodeletion function, if nothing was deleted auomatically, then no alert will popup.
I'm sure you know how boring it is to see the 0 proxies deletion alert each time.
7) [Dictionary/WordLeecher] Added an option to store each downloaded page into a file on your disk. You need to specify
a working directory so files will be stored there. Warning! this thing can eat your disk space fast. Files are
store in the "c:\program files\accessdiver\cache\WleechStorage\" directory by default.
8) Debugger extra options introduced in 4.240 were never stored for your future sessions. Just fixed!
Автор: obtim
Дата сообщения: 10.07.2006 15:11

What's new in v4.241+ July-9th-2006

1) [HTTP Debugger] A basic authentication header was always sent in each standard debugging query with
login = . Just Fixed!!!

2) Fixed a medium bug in the HTTP kernel which can send extra useless symbol in some rare cases. That can lead to
fool the software with false-invalid replies.

3) [Dictionary/used] If you are in SINGLE wordlist mode, when clicking the filename of a wordlist (blue link), it didn't
open the file in notepad.. Bug fixed

4) [Dictionary/used] In SINGLE wordlist mode, right-clicking filename didn't reload the wordlist. Bug fixed
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 14.07.2006 21:56
Build обновился до 5184.

AccessDiver 4.241+ (build 5184)
Last-Modified: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 23:12:36 GMT
1.67 MB
Автор: Ogeris
Дата сообщения: 18.07.2006 02:57
Sidan писал%:
"На Форуме в Школе. Там много об этом рассказано."

На этом форуме у меня почему-то вообще все темы кроме спама высвечиваются ноликами.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 18.07.2006 03:26

Sidan писал

Это не Сидан писал, а Сидану писали

На этом форуме у меня почему-то вообще все темы кроме спама высвечиваются ноликами.

Так и будет, пока Вы не авторизуетесь.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 19.07.2006 18:56
AccessDiver 4.250.b2 (build 5244)
Last-Modified: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 16:04:36 GMT
1.64 MB
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 21.07.2006 03:46
AccessDiver 4.250.b6 (build 5267)
Last-Modified: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 13:09:53 GMT
1.64 MB

What's new in v4.250 BETA-6 (Work in Progress)

1) [Proxy Analyzer] NEW: Added country information column for each proxy. So your proxy testing will be more accurate.
2) [Proxy list] NEW added Country information for each proxy.
3) AccessDiver windows width has been increased. So AccessDiver will no more be usable under a 800x600 screen. Minimum requirement is now 1024x768. The increase of size was need to room country information in the proxy analyzer... All items in Accessdiver has been updated to this new size.
4) [BOTs Kernel] Some code portion were written to handle CODEEN proxies better. In previous versions, you surely got lot of 200-OK replies not counted as weak login. These 200-OK are most of the time CODEEN META redirection alerts. AccessDiver treats them as bad replies now!
5) [BOTs Kernel] You surely had multiple "#400-Bad request" errors when using proxies. These are now analyzed to see if they are not due to a CODEEN proxy which has blocked your requests.
6) [Progression \ Proxies] Added 2 new information columns. They are stats for CODEEN proxies. (See legend)
7) [Progression \ Proxies] Added Country column for each proxy.
8) [Proxy analyzer] Many proxies were tested as FALSE fake proxies in earlier versions. Fixed!!!!!
9) [History / URLs used] Bug fixed when selecting a new url in list. If that url keyword(s) is not valid it raised an error.
10) when clicking the sunglasses on top of the HTML/FORM tester button, a new option is available: ability to open the directory where all HTML patterns lay. That can be usefull if you deal with HTML pattern, and when some patterns can't be visible easily from AccessDiver...
11) [HTML/FORM detection (Ctrl+H)] An alert will show now the proxy that will be used during the test and the proxy country too.
12) [HTML/FORM Pattern finder] Now when detecting new pattern no bip will be heard.
13) [HTML/FORM Pattern finder] Update made for Firefox browser when viewing patterns. With Firefox/mozilla, it was impossible to open a pattern correctly, which made the PATTERN viewing feature unusable.
14) [BOTs Kernel] Memorystreams were not reset after each BOT work. That lead to BOTs could keep testing same old data. FIXED!!!
15) [Proxy \ MyList] Function "Change proxy on specific keyword(s)" was always tested whenever it was ticked or not. That killed too many proxies for nothing when working with HTML/FORMs. Just Fixed!!!
16) [HTTP Kernel] Added extra coding to handle header: "Refresh: 0;". that should track more kind of protections.
17) Minor update in testing loops for basic-authentication and FORM/HTML test. AVS (=single words) method was not fully correct. fixed!!!
18) [HTML/FORM tester] A proxy option was badly implemented: "Retry the user:pass again after skipping". Just fixed!!!
19) [HTML/FORM tester] Bug fixed in mechanism to move to next usable proxy. it tended to completly stop the whole test when proxy were still available.
20) [HTML/FORM tester] There was a bug which made the selected proxy in MyList of proxies not the one which was used when starting the testing engine.
21) [Basic-authencation tester] same problem as in (20).
22) [BOTs kernels] Fixed an access-violation error when too many errors where signaled. After the alert, a crash occurred. Fixed!!!
23) [BOTs kernels] Fixed a false alert saying : "Search stopped....too many forbidden replies". In fact the "don't use proxy" feature was still active even when not needed. that's what made the bug. Just fixed!!!
24) [Proxy Analyzer] Bug fixed when using the special proxy testing "URL can be accessed normally (No protection)". The logic was not correct in this method. Most of the time, proxies were reported as "FAKE" ones for false. It's okay now!!!

Note on CODEEN proxies: Codeen proxies are nodes from the ProxyLab network of proxies. These kind of proxies are spread everywhere and they are as usefull as useless. The idea is to use them but not very often. Since they tend to send false replies most of the time then fool AccessDiver.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 24.07.2006 00:14
AccessDiver 4.250 (build 5285)
Last-Modified: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:32:30 GMT
1.96 MB

What's new in v4.250 July, 23rd 2006

1) [Proxy Analyzer] NEW: Added country information column for each proxy. So your proxy testing will be more accurate.
2) [Proxy list] NEW added Country information for each proxy.
3) AccessDiver windows width has been increased. So AccessDiver will no more be usable under a 800x600 screen. Minimum requirement is now 1024x768. The increase of size was need to room country information in the proxy analyzer... All items in Accessdiver has been updated to this new size.
4) [BOTs Kernel] Some code portion were written to handle CODEEN proxies better. In previous versions, you surely got lot of 200-OK replies not counted as weak login. These 200-OK are most of the time CODEEN META redirection alerts. AccessDiver treats them as bad replies now!
5) [BOTs Kernel] You surely had multiple "#400-Bad request" errors when using proxies. These are now analyzed to see if they are not due to a CODEEN proxy which has blocked your requests.
6) [Progression \ Proxies] Added 2 new information columns. They are stats for CODEEN proxies. (See legend)
7) [Progression \ Proxies] Added Country column for each proxy.
8) [Proxy analyzer] Many proxies were tested as FALSE fake proxies in earlier versions. Fixed!!!!!
9) [History / URLs used] Bug fixed when selecting a new url in list. If that url keyword(s) is not valid it raised an error.
10) when clicking the sunglasses on top of the HTML/FORM tester button, a new option is available: ability to open the directory where all HTML patterns lay. That can be usefull if you deal with HTML pattern, and when some patterns can't be visible easily from AccessDiver...
11) [HTML/FORM detection (Ctrl+H)] An alert will show now the proxy that will be used during the test and the proxy country too.
12) [HTML/FORM Pattern finder] Now when detecting new pattern no bip will be heard.
13) [HTML/FORM Pattern finder] Update made for Firefox browser when viewing patterns. With Firefox/Mozilla, it was impossible to open a pattern correctly, which made the PATTERN viewing feature unusable.
14) [BOTs Kernel] Memorystreams were not reset after each BOT work. That lead to BOTs could keep testing same old data. FIXED!!!
15) [Proxy \ MyList] Function "Change proxy on specific keyword(s)" was always tested whenever it was ticked or not. That killed too many proxies for nothing when working with HTML/FORMs. Just fixed!!!
16) [HTTP Kernel] Added extra coding to handle header: "Refresh: 0;". that should track more kind of protections.
17) Minor update in testing loops for basic-authentication and FORM/HTML test. AVS (=single words) method was not fully correct. Fixed!!!
18) [HTML/FORM tester] A proxy option was badly implemented: "Retry the user:pass again after skipping". Just fixed!!!
19) [HTML/FORM tester] Bug fixed in mechanism to move to next usable proxy. it tended to completly stop the whole test when proxy were still available.
20) [HTML/FORM tester] There was a bug which made the selected proxy in MyList of proxies not the one which was used when starting the testing engine.
21) [Basic-authencation tester] same problem as in (20).
22) [BOTs kernels] Fixed an access-violation error when too many errors where signaled. After the alert, a crash occurred. Fixed!!!
23) [BOTs kernels] Fixed a false alert saying : "Search stopped....too many forbidden replies". In fact the "don't use proxy" feature was still active even when not needed. that's what made the bug. Just fixed!!!
24) [Proxy Analyzer] Bug fixed when using the special proxy testing "URL can be accessed normally (No protection)". The logic was not correct in this method. Most of the time, proxies were reported as "FAKE" ones for false. It's okay now!!!
25) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity] Some anonymity scripts can return IP like So if your proxy is, AccessDiver thinks anonymity is respected (but that's wrong). THAT WAS FIXED FOR 4.21. But it wasn't enough. I've done some extra work on it so it will avoid false anonymous replies.

Note on CODEEN proxies: Codeen proxies are nodes from the ProxyLab network of proxies. These kind of proxies are spread everywhere and they are as usefull as useless. The idea is to use them but not very often. Since they tend to send false replies most of the time then fool AccessDiver.
Автор: Zig_Hail
Дата сообщения: 24.07.2006 02:35
У меня AccessDiver работает нормально
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 26.07.2006 19:04
Build обновлён до 5286.

AccessDiver 4.250 (build 5286)
Last-Modified: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 06:49:45 GMT
1.96 MB
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 29.07.2006 17:03
Build 5287

AccessDiver 4.250 (build 5287)
Last-Modified: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 18:13:08 GMT
1.96 MB
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 04.08.2006 05:27
AccessDiver 4.260 (build 5340)
Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 17:08:00 GMT
1.96 MB

What's new in v4.260 August, 3rd 2006

1) [Proxy Analyzer] Added a test to avoid false anonymity test due to a codeen proxy reply. Same codeen test done as with the speed/accuracy proxy tester.
2) [Proxy Analyzer] Added a featuren option in settings to avoid importing codeen proxies from a file or from the clipboard. This way you will not bother verifying the existence of those proxies in your list... Note: most of codeen proxies come from ports 3127,3128.
3) [Proxy Analyzer] Added an option in settings\auto-deletion to automatically remove proxies based on port(s) you specify. That was mostly intended to remove codeen proxies from your list, in a raw. You must enter a port one by one in the required area.
4) [FORM login detector (Ctrl+H)] Added an option to let you optimize the detection when you are dealing with phpBB forums.
5) [Search] tab: Fixed the google engine . It gave no results for a while.
6) [Extras Tools\Net Toolikit] Added a new feature to let you test from what country an IP comes from. You can type one line or paste a whole list of ips from the list showb there. Hit then the "get country info" button to see instantly what country the ip(s) is from.
7) [BOT kernel] Medium bug when dealing with BOT queuing. Some bots were forcing their positions to start before others.
Автор: kosta1
Дата сообщения: 18.08.2006 22:40
А руссификатор к ней существует ..???
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 19.08.2006 01:08
На форуме есть раздел «Школа», в нём подраздел «Программы», в нём тема «AccessDiver - русская версия». Посмотри, нет ли там чего-нибудь подходящего.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 02.09.2006 17:14
AccessDiver 4.270 (build 5347)
Last-Modified: Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:03:18 GMT
1.96 MB

What's new in v4.270

1) Importing content to the weak history section is now less obscur. While clicking the import button (down-left) a menu will appear with al possible import function.
2) New iteration method added. In previous release there was the "Test all possible combination" which used to work this way: test user1:pass1, test user1:pass2, test user1:pass3... Now you can tell the base of the iteration will be the password. So you can try: user1:pass1, user2:pass1, user3:pass1, ... (user suggestion).
NOTE: This feature has a new name called "Iteration mode" and no more "test all possible combination". It is not back compatible with Snapshot files made with previous releases. So you will have to update your snapshots if you used to work with "test all possible combination".
3) [HTTP Debugger] When pressing [ENTER] key in POST / COOKIE / LOGIN or PROXY area, the debug will start (user suggestion). If you are under the HTTP Header area, you will need to use [ENTER]+[Shift] key combination to start debugging.
4) [HTTP FORM detection] memory leak fixed!
5) [HTML/FORM tester] Added a feature to retry a login multiple times before saying it is really a hit (user suggestion).
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 04.09.2006 04:09
AccessDiver 4.270+ (build 5362)
Last-Modified: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 21:36:58 GMT
1.97 MB

What's new in v4.270+ September, 4th 2006

1) Importing content to the weak history section is now less obscur. While clicking the import button (down-left) a menu will appear with al possible import function.
2) New iteration method added. In previous release there was the "Test all possible combination" which used to work this way: test user1:pass1, test user1:pass2, test user1:pass3... Now you can tell the base of the iteration will be the password. So you can try: user1:pass1, user2:pass1, user3:pass1, ... (user suggestion).
NOTE: This feature has a new name called "Iteration mode" and no more "test all possible combination". It is not back compatible with Snapshot files made with previous releases. So you will have to update your snapshots if you used to work with "test all possible combination".
3) [HTTP Debugger] When pressing [ENTER] key in POST / COOKIE / LOGIN or PROXY area, the debug will start (user suggestion). If you are under the HTTP Header area, you will need to use [ENTER]+[Shift] key combination to start debugging.
4) [HTTP FORM detection] memory leak fixed!
5) [HTML/FORM tester] Added a feature to retry a login multiple times before saying it is really a hit (user suggestion).
6) [ExtraTools/ DNS Resolver] Updated to show the country of origin when resolving Hostname/IP.
7) [ExtraTools/ DNS Resolver] Now you can press enter in the text field to run a DNS resolving.
8) [Proxy Leecher] Update made to leech the new format like the one used at :
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 11.11.2006 20:34
AccessDiver 4.280 (build 5380)
Last-Modified: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 18:36:09 GMT
1.97 MB

What's new in v4.280 November, 10th 2006

1) [HTTP Debugger] Simple text fix in [Pre-Build] button for "Pragma: no-cache"
2) [HTTP Debugger] Ability now to use login section in POST/FORM mode.
3) [Proxy analyzer] Ability to cleanify your proxy analyzing list by removing proxies which are already blacklisted. See new submenu item when right-clicking the list.
4) Added scrollbars to navigate the whole application area if your screen resolution is under 1024x768.
5) Future updates won't show up automatically anymore. A button will flash instead. You'll be able to see that in next update.
6) [HTML Settings] added a "Debug datas" link so you can check how the post data in the HTTP Debugger.
7) Added a popup menu in black list. Now ability to auto-remove black-listed proxies contained in "MyList" and proxy analyzer list.
8) [FORM tester] Problem with #404 errors incorrectly considered as weak logins. Fix done but I wasn't able to completly debug it.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 12.11.2006 22:56
Сегодня обновили build до 5381.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 18.11.2006 16:44
AccessDiver 4.281 (build 5402)
Last-Modified: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 05:10:10 GMT
2.01 MB

What's new in v4.281 November, 17th 2006

1) [Country information] I have updated the country database that shows with Proxy Ips. more than 15000 extra IP region added for more accurate country details, less empty country lines and less false-country errors.
2) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity script] List has been updated with latest found working script (PJ/AZ/CGI/TXT-envs).
3) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity script] Now you can add updated list without erasing all scripts. New popup menu called : "add updated scripts", this is same as "Reset list" function but without removing all.
4) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity script] Added 2 buttons to move up and now selected scripts.
5) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity script] Saving list default filename is now "anonymityscripts.txt" instead of "proxylist.txt".
6) [Proxy Analyzer / Anonymity script] If this is your first install, a list of scripts will be added automatically for you. So you won't need to search script in order to do anonymity testing. Nice for new users.
7) Tab Navigation: To navigate from a sub-tab to another you can use key combination CTRL+PAGEUP or CTRL+PAGEDOWN. This is handy to work faster, but mostly needed for people under 800x600 screen resolution.
8) [Bot kernel] A fix done in redirection engine should make thing faster.
9) String parser: That a general section which has been optimized. should be faster under certain chain condition.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 29.11.2006 02:15
AccessDiver 4.281 (build 5431)
Last-Modified: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 20:01:58 GMT
2.01 MB
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 30.11.2006 17:10
build 5500

AccessDiver 4.281 (build 5500)
Last-Modified: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 06:15:20 GMT
2.02 MB
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 01.12.2006 16:00
AccessDiver 4.290 (build 5526)
Last-Modified: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 21:38:54 GMT
2.02 MB

What's new in v4.290 December 1st 2006

HTTP kernel now handles HTTP 1.1 and keep-alive connections during attacks.
Good news for 800x600 users. AccessDiver has been corrected to work under your resolution. I recommend you to maximize the window for better usage though.
Fixed the annonying bug show "0 proxies found and deleted" while starting any attack.
Ability now to run more than one instance of AccessDiver for attacks. No more errors like "cannot create 2xx_log.ini"
Fixed a fatal crash during an attack when proxy rotation count=1, and port of next proxy is 3128. In some condition port was out of range and did crash AD. That's a rare case though (user feedback).
[Proxy analyzer] Ability now to remove duplicates by only taking the IP as the reference.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 11.12.2006 00:33
AccessDiver 4.291 (build 5572)
Last-Modified: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 19:51:17 GMT
2.02 MB

What's new in v4.291 December 10th 2006

[Proxies] Fixed a medium bug with Codeen proxy when testing if they block you. In rare cases, codeen are still used while asked to be dropped. It's okay now. *-)
[Proxy Leecher] Added a new parsing algorithm to collect even more proxies. (IPs only detection though).
[Proxy Leecher] Right tab out of range to click on options (from bottom-right). Fixed!
[Proxy Anlayzer] Sweep button to remove dups was not functional. Just fixed. Thanks to harry!
[FORM Attack] Cookie parsing fixed with ; symbol. The tool could ommit to get things after this char in some cases. Just fixed. *-)
[Exploiter] Fixed a bug when saving new entries you've typed then added in list. Some chars could be ommited while storing to disk. *-)
Some color changes in some sections.

Note: There still a damn bug with proxy skipping I haven't found yet. It's harrassing me!!! this one occurs mostly when a #403 reply is detected. Dropped proxies are kept being used when you told not to use them anymore. That leads to get your proxies forbidden by the server after a while. I'm working on it though. To counteract this a bit, the best way would be to use proxy rotation feature or/with temporization option. that will try to keep your proxies safe. That serious bug occurs in all releases of AccessDiver unfortunately since proxy skipping has been introduced. Another way would also be to manual tick/untick your proxies in the progression area then avoid using proxy skipping. I hope I can get my hand on this bug for v4.300.
Автор: Donatello
Дата сообщения: 26.01.2007 07:12
У меня последняя версия тормозит чуть ли не каждые несколько секунд, оплевался уже, достала. Лист с прокси на 1.5 Мб. я так и дождался когда она загрузит - ждал минут 15-20. На другом комп. не пробывал, а пробывал на относительно слабом. Понапихали туда всего - как новогдняя ёлка, хаЦкерская утилита, блин. И с чего это она вдруг стала безбаннерной? Текстовые ссылки, которые постоянно обновляются (кстати, в этот момент и тормозит также) - чем не баннер? После корректного завершения программы, из памяти она не выгружается, а продолжает висеть, а через некотрое время открывает адрес в том же IE. Если забыл её кикнуть, то несколько весёлых секунд обеспечено. А с чем она ещё соединяется х.з., смотреть даже не особо хочется.
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 29.01.2007 22:05
AccessDiver 4.292 (build 5605)
Last-Modified: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 16:23:26 GMT
2.02 MB

What's new in v4.292

[HTTP Debugger] Fixed a string problem with "https://". Do you know that some SSL sites (https://) can be accessed without encryption. So try first in the debugger, if you get standard text result, then you will know this server can be tested under AccessDiver. :-)
[Web Proxy Leecher]: As some of you have noticed, AccessDiver can freeze if it collected too many proxies. So to avoid this trouble I've added an option to tell how many proxies must be extracted at max. By default, limit is fixed to 7,000 proxies. But you can change that at any time.
[Bot Kernel] I've done some optimizations in the code. You won't really feel the difference but at least it will help me to update that section better in the future. *-)
[ProxyAnalyzer/Settings] forgot to show a message when clicking the "details" link.
[Socks Analyzer] Fixed a bug with server not running on port 1080. Sometimes the test occurred on port 1080 only *-)
[Socks Analyzer] Fixed a bug when reaching end of socks testing list. If remaining bot were too long to finish, a crash could occur *-)
[Snapshots] A minot bug fixed when auto-adding proxies. Fixed!!! *-)
[WebWord Leecher] A minor bug found when collected word is above 32 chars. In some cases it could remove the last char. Fixed *-)
Автор: almagestum
Дата сообщения: 01.02.2007 10:39
AccessDiver 4.300 (build 5634)
Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:16:22 GMT
2.02 MB

What's new in v4.300 January 31th 2007

Added a new feature: A way to log all your attack activity. So you can analyze what you've used to exactly made something work or fail! That's a new way to do your attacks I think. User suggested!
If I'm not wrong, v4.292 installer was showing v4.291 as the installed version. I've just updated the installation script to now show 4.300

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