REAPER 4.02 [more=Changelog]
Mouse modifiers: - support draw/edit/ramp CC events when starting the edit over a CC event
- added contexts for arrange view middle-click, middle-drag, edit cursor handle
- many new options for marquee zoom, restore zoom, browser scroll, scrub/jog behaviors
- better preservation of pre-existing user customizations
- behaviors to move item edge without changing fade-in end or fade-out start time
- better behavior when assigning mouse click to actions like "move item to cursor"
- control+right-click creates a time selection by default (as in 3.x)
MIDI editor: - fixed bad behavior when drawing over existing CC events with snap enabled
- fixed horizontal zoom with mouse cursor center, when using project-synced timebase
- avoid accidental time selections in ruler
- support negative swing quantize
- fixed possible oddness when editing CC with auto-select CC enabled
Project bay: - use file resolving when loading retained items
- show error message when move/copy file fails because the target file already exists
- list tracks by name
- fixed drag/render-drag of multiple items on OSX
Envelopes: - allow editing initial envelope point regardless of editing preferences
- option to add transition point when recording automation while playback is stopped
- clicking on an envelope point no longer seeks playback
MIDI: - fixed stuck notes when looping
- renaming one pooled take renames all pooled takes
Project settings: - reorganization, more sensible layout hopefully
- added track mixing bit depth configuration
Count-in: follow tempo and time signature at play start position, not prior to it
Directory cleanup: ignore files that are retained in project bays
Media explorer: added action to close media explorer
Nudge: actions to nudge item contents apply only to the active take (similar to slip editing)
ReaSurround: continue to increase FX IO count when dragging IO from tracks
Render queue: fixed display of time-selection renders
Samplitude EDL: support for offsets/lengths greater than 2 billion samples
Scrub: avoid senseless jogs after edit cursor moves
Slip editing: fix for possible hang
Stem rendering: faster, does not process irrelevant tracks, option in prefs/rendering for old behavior
Volume displays: fixed display of certain gain values in default theme
VST: fixed preset selection when there are multiple factory presets with the same name
Windows Aero: keep always on top pins out of window list when REAPER non-responsive
Zoom: fixed display of item backgrounds with very zoomed in and long project times
Zoom/scroll: now has a stack of recent zoom/scrolls, added actions to restore previous/next[/more]
Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit