HxD v1.7.6.4 (August 8, 2008)
Version history
- New feature: VB.NET and C# exporter
- Enhancement: Files stored on a drive that doesn't support file change
notifications (e.g. Novell NetDrive) are now monitored for file
changes using a timer.
- Minor enhancement: Compare dialog is now resizable.
- Minor enhancement: New shortcuts: Shift+Insert to Paste, Ctrl+Insert to Copy
and Shift+Delete to Cut
- Minor enhancement: HTML-exporter now creates a central CSS in the head-section
instead of adding inline styles on each tag. This change
allows to easily adapt the formatting.
- Minor enhancement: Statistics use user code page to display characters and
doesn't try to display unprintable characters.
- Fix: Several issues with the open and save dialogs, were files were not found
or the wrong files were opened under certain circumstances.
- Fix: Opening a file using the command line didn't work with relative
filenames (relative to the working directory) and multiple instances.
- Fix: File-shredder asked to confirm the deletion of only one file, even if
several files were selected.
- Fix: When a file was changed externally and HxD was closed and thereby
reactivated, MessageBoxes kept coming up infinitely causing focus
- Fix: Under certain conditions two MessageBoxes were displayed when a file was
changed, renamed or deleted.
- Several small fixes/enhancements.
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