VobBlanker v2.1.3.0
Бесплатная и удобная программа (с открытым кодом) для удаления из DVD-video дополнительных материалов, предупреждений и прочего ненужного "хлама", возможность восстановления IFO файла после обработки Instant Copy и пр. Программа удобна в работе, есть функция предварительного просмотра. Более подробное описание приведено на языке оригинала.
Из недостатков - не умеет редактировать элементы меню и не может работать с защищенным DVD-video, но вопрос защиты можно решить с помощью DVD Decrypter или аналогичных ему программ.
Подробное описание:
Brief description
- VobBlanker is a tool able to blank, replace, cut and strip titles, more specifically, program chains or individual cells. From release 1.5 VobBlanker is also able to work (blank, preview, delete..) in the menu domain.
It also has special features like reduce to still with or without audio complete PGCs or single Cells, or splitting cells capability
How VobBlanker works
- VobBlanker needs a FILE mode, unencrypted backup of the DVD to be processed. This backup can be done using a ripper in FILE mode or mounting in a virtual drive an unencrypted DVD image.
- VobBlanker uses the info stored in the IFOs to access the Cells inside the VOBs.
- When the VIDEO_TS.IFO file is selected, VobBlanker reads automatically all the IFOs in the same folder and stores in memory all the required info.
- Now, the user is allowed to configure how the DVD is going to be processed, which PGCs are going to be blanked, etc. The user has to select the output folder where the processed DVD will be stored.
- Project settings can be saved/loaded from Menu.
- VobBlanker will NOT modify any file of the input folder. It opens these files for reading.
- Using different physical drives in input and output folder will increase a lot the processing performance.
- Processing in Input folder the desired VTSs and skipping the others is the fastest method to blank.
- CLI support: VobBlanker [-log] [-scan] [-min] [-run] [-exit] project_file.ini
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Ближайший аналог DVDReMakePro.