О, спасибо уважаемый! Как доберусь до домашнего ПК протестирую.
О, спасибо уважаемый! Как доберусь до домашнего ПК протестирую.
Packet Tracer Version 5.3 Software Downloads
Packet Tracer version 5.3 is a minor release that includes new protocol support and enhanced functionality: It replaces Packet Tracer version
Packet Tracer 5.3 supports activities authored in Packet Tracer 4.0, 4.1, 4.11, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2.x . Please note that the last two courses of the CCNA Discovery and CCNA Exploration curricula require Packet Tracer version 4.11 at a minimum, CCNA Security requires version 5.2 at a minimum, and the beta Packet Tracer Skills Based Assessments require version 5.2.1 at a minimum. The curricula are fully compatible with Packet Tracer 5.3
Packet Tracer now models these protocols not included in earlier versions: FTP, SMTP, POP3, PPPoE, VoIP, and BGP
Цитата:Packet Tracer now models these protocols not included in earlier versions: FTP, SMTP, POP3, PPPoE, VoIP, and BGP
Код:Router(config)#router bgp 1
bgp BGP specific commands
exit Exit from routing protocol configuration mode
neighbor Specify a neighbor router
network Specify a network to announce via BGP
no Negate a command or set its defaults
redistribute Redistribute information from another routing protocol
synchronization Perform IGP synchronization
timers Adjust routing timers
Router(config-router)#neighbor ?
next-hop-self Disable the next hop calculation for this neighbor
remote-as Specify a BGP neighbor
Я бы сказал, что поддержки скорее нет, чем есть.
А есть задания к Packet Tracer на русском языке? Если есть выложите куда-нибудь. И есть ли к нему руссификатор?
Packet Tracer Community Translations
The following translated versions of Packet Tracer have been translated by the Networking Academy community for use by instructors and students. Given that this is a community translation, the expectation to ensure and maintain quality of the translation is the responsibility of the community. Please refer to help and tutorial files in Packet Tracer for how to install and activate the language files.
есть ли какие нить шаблоны или типа примерыесть, если ставить полную версию (которая без приписки no_tutorials)
Cisco Packet Tracer
А есть подобные программы для оборудования HP/3Com ?
Предыдущая тема: SWR-Электрика 2.0