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Total Commander, Version 7.04
http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Total_Commander/945901171/1 Добавлено: Фиксы:
29.07.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 final
29.07.08 Fixed: Properties of zipped file: Show pack methods 12=bzip2, 98=ppmd and 99=AES
29.07.08 Fixed: WinXP focus problem: Switch to network share where user has to enter a password -> no file panel seems to have the focus
27.07.08 Added: Unpack from AES-encrypted ZIP, overwrite file, wrong password -> keep target file
27.07.08 Fixed: On Windows 9x, revert to the old drag&drop code to bring TC to the foreground for password input
27.07.08 Fixed: Could not unpack archives with space at the end of the name like "test .zip" when unpacking each archive to separate directory -> remove the spaces
27.07.08 Fixed: Change attributes: Do not jump to date edit box when editing plugin options and plugin checkbox wasn't checked yet
23.07.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 RC1
23.07.08 Added: Wipe TEMP directory (e.g. after re-packing an archive to another) now also supports overwrite with 0 bytes (for encrypted archives)
23.07.08 Fixed: Compare by content of read-only files from an archive didn't delete the temp files after compare finished
22.07.08 Fixed: Files-Split function failed when splitting to a removable medium > 2GB, and user specified "automatic" or a size larger than the free space on the medium
22.07.08 Fixed: View or edit file from an archive -> pressing Skip is now treated the same way as Cancel (file not opened for viewing)
22.07.08 Added: Edit or view a file from an archive (with Enter, F4, or F3) and confirm to overwrite an already existing target -> the last viewer/Editor takes possession of the temp file. It will be deleted only when that last viewer/editor is closed
20.07.08 Fixed: Call AttachThreadInput before calling SetForeGroundWindow when showing password dialog during OLE drag&drop from archive to Explorer
20.07.08 Added: When viewing multiple selected files from an archive in lister, unpack them to their own empty subdir, which will be wiped completely in case of an unpack error
18.07.08 Fixed: Unzip file, click on "Background" -> background dialog box was no longer closed when done
16.07.08 Fixed: Test RAR files: TC didn't re-ask for password if user entered empty password (reason: unrar.dll reports error=0!)
16.07.08 Fixed: Password dialog when unpacking a single archive with Alt+F9 had become modeless by mistake
15.07.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 9
15.07.08 Fixed: View RTF file with F3, switch to plugin with '4' key, resize window - it could be seen that the RTF control was NOT closed
15.07.08 Fixed: ZIP packer: correctly add files to archives containing backslashes in names instead of slashes
13.07.08 Fixed: When the user tries to delete a file on both sides in a zip when both sides show the contents of the SAME archive, combine the two delete operations into one
09.07.08 Fixed: Read only, hidden and system attributes lost when moving a file between two different remote computers (UNC paths)
09.07.08 Fixed: Drag&Drop from encrypted archive to Explorer - entering a bad password sometimes left the archive open (locked)
09.07.08 Fixed: Update panel header of quick view window only when quick view contents changed
09.07.08 Fixed: Call SetForeGroundWindow before showing password dialog during OLE drag&drop from archive to Explorer
09.07.08 Fixed: Alias command with parameters %A1, %A2 returned 1, 2 when user didn't pass any parameter after the alias on the command line
08.07.08 Fixed: Also show invalid password dialog when user enters no password when unpacking, and the file is encrypted
08.07.08 Fixed: With option zipansinames=1, a file could be added twice to an existing archive (add without paths, file exists in 2 different subdirs AND the original archive)
08.07.08 Added: When overwriting a file in an archive and the original file cannot be read, the user can choose "Skip". In this case, the original file is now kept in the archive.
08.07.08 Fixed: Re-pack files (Alt+F5) within archive with no file selected, press ESC -> file under cursor selected
08.07.08 Fixed: Pack - Multi-volume ZIP -> split dialog was not modal
06.07.08 Added: Pack files: User must confirm also empty password
06.07.08 Fixed: Better errors than "medium full" when drag&drop with Explorer fails
06.07.08 Fixed: View in search dialog or compare by content didn't work with files in multi-volume zip files
06.07.08 Fixed: Show unpack error also when unpacking fails in search dialog - F3
06.07.08 Fixed: Password dialog when unpacking multiple archives was modal to the main window instead of the progress dialog
04.07.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: When using the tree button, the archive type was lost when the archive didn't have an extension length of 3 letters
02.07.08 Fixed: View, Edit or double click file in encrypted archive, enter wrong password, then correct one, modify file -> it was re-packed with wrong password
02.07.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: Switch back to ZIP when user chooses multi-volume for LHA or plugin
02.07.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: Uncheck multi-volume for plugins and LHA
02.07.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: Checking ACE, then self-extracting, and finally encrypted unchecked self-extracting by mistake
01.07.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 8
01.07.08 Added: Re-ask for password also when testing archives
01.07.08 Added: Re-ask for password in normal unpack function in case of an unpack error of an encrypted file
01.07.08 Fixed: Unpack from partially encrypted RAR: Don't ask for password for unencrypted files if archive not solid
01.07.08 Fixed: Main menu didn't support grayed (disabled) text when showing icons (owner-drawn mode)
29.06.08 Fixed: Cancelling password dialog could lock the archive (archive not closed)
29.06.08 Fixed: Entering wrong password twice when viewing files in search dialog or in sync dialog could hang the dialog for a while instead of showing the password dialog again
27.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with unencrypted zip file could result in access violation if not all files of the archive were shown
25.06.08 Added: Use only old ZIP2.0 encryption and do not support AES if old ZIP crypto dll present
25.06.08 Added: Drag&Drop from outside of TC to an archive now also supports encryption
25.06.08 Added: Drag&Drop from TC to Explorer: Also allow unpacking of encrypted archives
24.06.08 Added: Synchronize dirs with a ZIP archive, by content: Show name of currently unpacked file during comparison
24.06.08 Added: Show name of archive also in password dialog of the functions "Unpack specific files" and "Test archives"
24.06.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: Multi-volume options were shown after archive name in password request dialog
24.06.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: User could check self extract, encrypted and ZIP together (by checking these for RAR first), although this combination isn't supported
24.06.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: To create an encrypted self-extracting RAR, the user had to check encrypted first, then sfx
24.06.08 Fixed: Pack dialog: User could check TAR,GZ or TGZ together with multi-volume or self-extracting, all unsupported combinations
24.06.08 Added: Password dialog: If user enters empty password, do not show "Re-enter password" dialog, just pack without a password
24.06.08 Added: Re-enter password dialog: OK button initially disabled, enable it only when user enters the correct password
23.06.08 Fixed: Removed Tabstop property from ZIP2.0 option in password dialog and ZIP option in pack dialog for better Shift+Tab handling
22.06.08 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: Turn off this function when change directory in the other panel fails (e.g. insufficient rights). Unfortunately the dir change in the active panel cannot be prevented
22.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Show "Files found: 0" when comparing two empty dirs
22.06.08 Fixed: Archives in archives: Temporary file was no longer deleted after closing inner archive
22.06.08 Fixed: Change single button via right click, try to add subbar in directory with dot in name -> name was cut incorrectly
19.06.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 7
19.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with encrypted archive: Only confirm password when packing, not when unpacking
18.06.08 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, branch view: Could not rename files if the target name already existed, e.g. dir\file01, dir\file02 renamed to dir\file02, dir\file03
18.06.08 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, branch view: Keep sort order from main window (by name, not by folder). A click on the "Name" column header restores the old sort order by directory, then name
18.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Just show CRC error when user enters wrong password when viewing (F3) or comparing (via double click) files
17.06.08 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: Turn off this function when change directory in the current panel fails (e.g. insufficient rights). Unfortunately the dir change in the other panel cannot be prevented
16.06.08 Fixed: Packing encrypted ACE archives stopped working
15.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, "by content": checked: Abort comparison when user clicks on "Cancel" when asked for archive password
15.06.08 Added: Built AES-CBC encryption+decryption into wcmzip32.dll in preparation for TC 7.5
13.06.08 Added: Also show progress for deleting directories (count them just like files)
13.06.08 Fixed: Delete files, count directory size: Pressing ESC still aborted the entire delete operation in some cases
13.06.08 Fixed: Lister: F2 sometimes didn't update vertical scrollbar (last line re-read)
13.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Re-request of password didn't work with RAR files (e.g. when viewing or comparing)
13.06.08 Fixed: Line break missing in some password dialogs, e.g. F3 in search
11.06.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 6
11.06.08 Added: Only ask once for the password when adding encrypted files to an encrypted ZIP archive when the password is the same as used for the first encrypted file in the archive
11.06.08 Fixed: On multi-core systems only: F5-F2 leaves focus on background transfer manager and doesn't return it to the main window
11.06.08 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] XPMoveMethodAdmin=0 sets old behaviour when moving files as administrator
11.06.08 Fixed: XP/Vista: When moving a file "As administrator" with tcmadmin.exe on the same drive, the file kept its rights. Now give it the rights of the parent directory.
10.06.08 Added: Windows 2000 and later: Tray icon tooltips support up to 127 characters and line breaks
10.06.08 Fixed: Update of tray icon progress bar flickering when unpacking -> update percent only when needed, and tip text only when mouse over tray icon
10.06.08 Added: Check AES password verification bytes before unpacking a file to detect a bad password more quickly
10.06.08 Fixed: Could not decrypt AES-encrypted multi-volume ZIP files if the AES verification value (SHA1) was stored across two parts of the archive
08.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could not re-pack files after viewing in Sync when the base directory was a subdir within an archive
08.06.08 Fixed: Delete files, count directory size: When user aborts counting with ESC, wait until the ESC key has been released to avoid that the delete function itself is aborted too
06.06.08 Added: Synchronize dirs: Support archives with multiple passwords
06.06.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When viewing file with F3 from encrypted archive and user pressed Cancel in password dialog, the progress dialog wasn't closed
06.06.08 Fixed: Catch access violation within SFTP plugin if user changes transfer mode after disconnect (e.g. in normal ftp)
06.06.08 Fixed: Re-pack file after sync compare with external tool not possible if archive NOT encrypted
04.06.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 5
04.06.08 Added: Put password parameter in double quotes "" when calling external packer, e.g. "-ppass word"
04.06.08 Fixed: Clear password after re-packing to ZIP, and before using GZIP packer
04.06.08 Fixed: Windows Vista: Network drives in "My Computer" were sorted at the end instead of putting them between the other drives
04.06.08 Added: Tray icon: Show 100% when the normal progress bar would show it too, e.g. for very long downloads or when the source file is larger than reported by the server
04.06.08 Fixed: Right and bottom border of tray icon incorrect when showing progress bar (percent done)
04.06.08 Fixed: Files - Print - File list (dialog not maximized), minimize (not to system tray) and restore the dialog -> the parent window became active
03.06.08 Fixed: Couldn't abort copying or deleting of just folders (without files)
03.06.08 Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] WipeEncrypted=1/0 turn overwriting of (previously encrypted) temporary files with zeroes on/off
03.06.08 Added: Overwrite temporary file with zeroes before deleting if the file was encrypted
01.06.08 Fixed: Always delete temporary files, even if "Keep damaged files" is checked when unpacking fails and the user clicks on "Cancel"
01.06.08 Added: Verify that wcmzip32.dll is signed by "C. Ghisler & Co." before using AES encryption functions, because of Swiss crypto export restrictions that the user may not easily modify crypto functions.
30.05.08 Added: Moved selection of the ZIP encryption method from the pack dialog to the password input dialog
30.05.08 Fixed: Cursor wasn't placed in source window when testing of multiple archives failed in external unpacker
30.05.08 Fixed: Compare by content: After re-packing the saved file to the archive, delete also the .bak file from the TEMP directory
30.05.08 Added: Support re-packing when viewing single file from archive in synchronize dirs with F3 or Shift+F3
30.05.08 Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] WarnTooBig=0 -> do not warn that a ZIP file >2GB could be unreadable in some packers
30.05.08 Fixed: Couldn't add directories when creating AES-encrypted ZIP file
29.05.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 4
29.05.08 Added: Verify that wcmzip32.dll is signed before using AES encryption functions
29.05.08 Added: Copy files from archive to archive: If the source is encrypted, check the "encrypt" option in the pack dialog. If it is unchecked, do NOT encrypt the files
28.05.08 Added: Internal AES encryption in ZIP files (compatible with WinZIP 9.0 and newer)
28.05.08 Added: Compare by content: Clear any selection when using the search function, to make copying of found lines to other panel easier
28.05.08 Fixed: Compare by content: If a compared file needs to be re-packed to an archive, set the TC main window or sync window as parent, not the already hidden compare dialog
27.05.08 Added: Internal decryption of AES-encrypted ZIP archives (e.g. from WinZip)
27.05.08 Added: Packer plugin interface: Signal to TC that a file is encrypted by setting the "Flags" member of the tHeaderData(Ex) structure. Set it to 8 when encrypted, and add 0x12345600 to signal that the Flags field is valid
27.05.08 Fixed: Compare by content: Keep cursor in sync when searching even if the text isn't found in the other panel, so TAB doesn't jump to a completely different location
27.05.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs (compare only) with two encrypted archives, compare two files in them, enter wrong password for file on right side -> temp file on the left wasn't deleted
25.05.08 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with an encrypted archive didn't work by content, and calling the viewer or compare editor didn't work either
25.05.08 Fixed: Compare by content with file(s) from encrypted archive(s) didn't work at all
23.05.08 Fixed: Re-pack of encrypted file to archive after editing didn't use internal ZIP packer
23.05.08 Fixed: F3 view file in encrypted archive, edit file with plugin, repack -> file was re-packed without password
23.05.08 Fixed: F3 on file in archive in search dialog: Delete temp file already when closing Lister, not only when closing the search dialog
23.05.08 Fixed: F3 on file in archive in search dialog: Delete temp file if unpacking fails
23.05.08 Fixed: F3 on file in archive in search dialog: Ask user if target file (in TEMP) already exists
23.05.08 Fixed: Search could hang or crash when trying to search for incomplete UTF-8 character with hex chars, e.g. for F0
23.05.08 Fixed: Move function: When moving files within the same drive, and the operation is aborted (Cancel) for the file under the cursor, keep the cursor on that file and don't jump to the next
21.05.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 3
21.05.08 Fixed: When closing TC while the active tab was in the root of an ftp server, the tab was restored with tab text "0:" although the panel was reverted to c:\
20.05.08 Fixed: Search for hex text in UTF-8 files didn't work (lister+search function)
20.05.08 Fixed: Access violation in synchronize dirs with large RAR archive when user clicks "Compare" while list update active
18.05.08 Fixed: External rar.exe called when unpacking just selected directories from encrypted RAR archive
18.05.08 Fixed: Search function: F3 view didn't work with encrypted files (zip or rar)
16.05.08 Fixed: Move function: When moving files within the same drive, and the file under the cursor is skipped, keep the cursor on that file and don't jump to the next
15.05.08 Fixed: Copy function: Truncate file if its size was set at the beginning of the copy operation (NTFS targets), and the size was reduced while it was copied, to avoid 0 bytes at the end
14.05.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 2
14.05.08 Fixed: Unpack encrypted RAR files also via "Files" menu, except when the file names are encrypted too (will need to use external winrar.exe)
13.05.08 Fixed: Wrong overlay icons shown for shared drives in "My Computer" due to a Windows bug (GetOverlayIconIndex always returns 1)
13.05.08 Fixed: Do not uncheck "Archive on multiple disks" when checking "Encrypted"
13.05.08 Fixed: Install.exe still made unnecessary copy of ftp ini file in some cases
13.05.08 Fixed: ZIP packer, overwrite dialog auto-rename copied chosen -> two or more files with the same name could be added under very special circumstances (fix from TC 7.5 was not yet backported)
12.05.08 Added: Use CryptGenRandom Windows function to generate better random data for ZIP encryption
11.05.08 Fixed: Custom columns view: also allow to sort by tc.attr field in archives and on ftp servers
11.05.08 Fixed: XP/Vista: Going up one level from an UNC server shown in the form "Comment (Servername)" didn't place cursor on server name, except when double clicking on [..] in file list
11.05.08 Fixed: Pack files, dual screen: Dialog asking for password was always shown on the primary screen
11.05.08 Added: Again thanks to changed Swiss crypto export laws, unpacking of encrypted RAR archives is now supported by the internal unpacker (via unrar.dll)
11.05.08 Fixed: Internal unpackers: Do not allow to overwrite an archive with an unpacked file from inside of it
09.05.08 Fixed: F4 edit of files in archives -> TC always passed the short DOS name to the editor. Now the long name will be passed if the editor is recognized as 32-bit, or "%1" with double quotes is given as parameter
07.05.08 Release Total Commander 7.04 beta 1
07.05.08 Fixed: FTP download from list: Local paths like in put:, copy: or move: commands didn't work if surrounded by double quotes ""
04.05.08 Fixed: Also scale the following dialogs when they are used for the first time: Choose internal commands, sync, custom columns, multi-rename, connect, print file list, tree
04.05.08 Fixed: Correctly scale configuration dialogs for file system, lister and content plugins when OverrideDPI option is used
02.05.08 Fixed: install.exe changed ftp ini name to default wcx_ftp.ini in some cases, and/or copied existing ftp ini file to that name
01.05.08 Fixed: Search function: Uncheck "UTF-8" when Regular Expression is checked (the combination isn't supported yet)
01.05.08 Added: Thanks to changed Swiss crypto export laws, the ZIP packer dll supporting ZIP encryption is now included. U.S. review is not required, see Sec. 740.17: (ii) Exemptions from the review requirement. Foreign products (with) U.S.-origin encryption .. provided that the U.S.-origin encryption has not been changed. TC uses standard ZIP encryption.
01.05.08 Fixed: Uninstaller wasn't signed, didn't start with highestAvailable on Vista, and created wrong shortcut "Total Commander 32" in the start menu
30.04.08 Fixed: When moving a directory to another drive, and this dir contains junction, do not delete the files inside the junction. Instead copy the files, then delete just the junction.
30.04.08 Fixed: Lister: Search of accents in ASCII (OEM/DOS) text no longer worked
30.04.08 Fixed: Lister: Text on second line in UTF-8 or UTF-16 Unicode text copied incompletely if selection starts at line start
30.04.08 Fixed: Folder tabs on one line (scrolling horizontally): When starting, scroll tab into view if it would be outside of the visible area
30.04.08 Fixed: Lister with Russian font only: Window caption showed debug messages while selecting text
29.04.08 Fixed: Drive panel: When a drive was chosen which was hidden with DriveBarHide= option, the previous drive remained selected
29.04.08 Fixed: Drive panel: Wrong height when all drives were hidden with DriveBarHide= option
29.04.08 Fixed: Lister: Missing lines or characters in large Unicode files. Reason: Buffer sometimes started at non-even offsets
29.04.08 Fixed: Archive view: Detect different archives not only by checksum of name+date+size, but also by full name
29.04.08 Fixed: Typo "Downlaod" in hardcoded error message
29.04.08 Fixed: If no crypto-zip dll present, re-packing files from encrypted RAR to ZIP "encrypted" files with fake key. Please contact us for a special unpacker if you have this problem and no longer have the original files.
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