dimiav Reason to create alternative plugs was to provide functionality necessary for CES - Captcha Exchange Server. It let`s user to earn points by recognising other user`s captchas and then to spend these points to recognize captchas, that are not yet automatically processed.
Now it needed only for several servers, such as Deposit_Files.
DVK-plug does the same thing as native plug, but realization is bit different. In general these plugs are the same, but there are some differences in options - DVK-plug gives little more flexibility. Yoг can take a look at its [more=options]Plugin RapidShareCom.plg version 1.04 (08.03.2008) by DVK
Plugin was written of own free will to automatize an input of captchas from Rapidshare.
Presently for complete automation it is required to choose a variant:
- or FineReader8.0 pro with options (or some other OCR program);
- or Captcha Excange Server - a place with pictures exchange system.
Parameters of plugin a few differ from official, therefore they placed in a section with other name.
Plugin has a bit other algorithm of work with pauses, to be less recognizable for RapidShare.
If there is a pause, for example, in 90 seconds, he does a pause in 75 seconds, then decrypts reference and gets a picture (add on it 5 more seconds), then goes to recognition or input of code, waits then 10 more seconds and start to download. As a result time on the selection of DownloadTicket is maintained very much strictly, not less than offered. Official plugin decrypts and gets a picture at once after it get the link and can be caught on this business easily (not for now, but things can change...)
Default option section in .ini file:
DebugLogInfo=1 – put debug info into log; 0 – dont put.
WaitTime=0 – USDownloader ignores messages like "Server report: wait 120 min."
WaitTime=5 – USDownloader ignores pauses less 5 min.
WaitTimeCMD=ChangeIP.bat - starts external bat file, if a server asks to wait.
RecogniseCMD="C:\USDownloader\FineOCR_RS.bat" – if string after “=” is non empty – runs command (wich get file
RapidShareCom.jpg) and get the result from file RapidShareCom.txt, only first 4 symbols, ignoring blanks and “^”.
It is possible to set unlimited quantity of different variants of commands of recognition in the form of:
The plugin will touch them consistently, yet will not receive 4 symbols (except for a blank and) from a file RapidShareCom.txt
It allows to make some variants of recognition.
ShowCommandWindow=0 – if we dont want to see black window, when external command runs.
TooManyUsersCMD=BuyPremium.bat - starts external bat file, when servers are overloaded. Scarcely will help now.
YourIPalreadyDownloadingCMD=ChangeIP.bat - starts external bat file, when someone is already downloading a file from your IP.
AccessCodeWrongPause=5 - how many seconds pause, if we entered an incorrect code. May little speed-up a process.
RecogniseWrongCMD=BadOCR.bat - if string after “=” is non empty – runs command when RapidShare.com report about incorrect code.
The first parameter of this command - one of the words: external, http, handwrite - it depended from code recognize path.
Wrong code is the second parameter of command.
EnableHAWindow=0 - if not handwrite code window need when no automatic code received.
FavoriteNetworks=Level(3)|Level(3) #2|Level(3) #3 - list of your servers in preference for downloading, from worst to the best, through a vertical line (Good|Very Good|Best). May be a fragment only, for example Lev.
If indicated server will be offered by RapidShare for current reference, they will be chosen in order of preference.
This option allows you to choose most rapid servers.
If not to specify this parameter, downloading will start from a server, offered by RapidShare (the least loaded).
NonFavoriteNetworks=Cogent|Telia - list of your servers, not preferred for getting, from the best
to worst, through a vertical line (Bad|Very Bad|Worst). May be a fragment only, for example Tel.
If indicated server will be offered by RapidShare for current reference, they will be moved to the end of the list.
This option allows you to specify most slow servers.
If not to specify this parameter, downloading will start from a server, offered by RapidShare (the least loaded).
If in this parameter write just four simple letters http, for recognition plugin will try to login to
Captcha Exchange Server with set below Nick and Pass.
If this parameter to leave empty - displays the dialog for handwrite recognition.
Default C.E.S options section in .ini file:
Nick=MyNick - here you should write the nickname that you get when register on Captcha Excange Server
Pass=MyPass – and here – password. Write down a password right after you get it! It shows only once and never repeats!
SavePoints=50 - set limit of 50 points on Captcha Exchange Server.
How to use Captcha Exchange Server
First of all, you have to register. Here is how it's done now:
1. Go to hosting site -
http://dvk.com.ua/rapid 2. Enter any nickname you choose, and use your invitation code as password.
As for now, its: RapidByeByeBye
3. In case of successful registration, write down the password you'll
get - IT WILL NEVER SHOW UP AGAIN! If the registration failed, try other nickname.
4. Enter your password in Pass, and logging in. The page is obvious and self-explaining.
If you want to recognize - enter the queue. You can leave it when you want (but if you
already got a picture to recognize, you'd better proceed with recognition, otherwise
you'll get 1-point pennalty) Check your ballance, read occasional messages regarding
bonuses and pennalties.
By the way, BONUSES!
As for now, there is one: if you have less of 1 points, and waiting for more then 5 minutes
in queue, and there is no captchas for recognition, you'll get 1 point automativcally.
5. Also, you have to fix your USDownloader.ini file:
That's all for now.
Read your log files, catch and report errors here:
http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=24035 Best regards, DVK, ICQ: 9860399.
I prefer DVK-plug for rapidshare - its way of choosing rapidshare`s subnets (teliasonera,cogent etc..) fits me the best.