Друзья, спасибо всем за поддержку! Мы своего добились, спасибо вам.
Всё-таки мой пост возымел на автора действие, и угроза подействовала. И ваши письма, безусловно, помогли.
Пишу отчёт о нашем диалоге на форуме:
Kinno wrote: Цитата: poiko
Why you have removed items on my authorship of translation in a language file? ([1], [2]) it is not fair of you, I in fact have fairly executed translation. Why you so act? I did not break conditions of the license agreement. Two previous e-mails you have ignored, why?
Explain, please, a situation. Such attitude has very much offended me. Also I ask to return original .lng a file with my authorship.
Deleting posts and ignoring - you will achieve nothing. As you see, I wish to settle all in an amicable way. Or you want, that I have published how meanly you have acted on many known projects, sites and forums? About your act learns a plenty of users and not only Russian-speaking. If it does not want, communicate with me and stop to ignore my e-mails/messages.
poiko wrote: Цитата: Kinno,
The e-mail addresses were removed from ALL language files because of the security reasons (to prevent the piracy of the software, which is a huge problem in the Russian area).
I have not received any e-mail from you.
Please e-mail me again via http://www.poikosoft.com/support.html
Kinno wrote: Цитата: poiko,
In that case, how you explain why you have cleaned from item [1] who is the author of russian translation? By mistake?
And why you have blocked my license?
At attempt to get in section for the registered users http://www.poikosoft.com/reg.html shows message: " Sorry, but your e-mail address is not registered for Easy CD-DA Extractor. "
As it is impossible to get on your site with Russian IP address. The big range is blocked. Therefore it is possible to get on a site and a forum only through a proxy.
Quote (poiko wrote):
>> I have not received any e-mail from you.
Please e-mail me again via http://www.poikosoft.com/support.html
I wrote from several e-mail addresses, the answer have not followed. If you insist, I can write, remind again mine e-mail the address on which the license was sent?
poiko wrote: Цитата: Quote (Kinno wrote):
>> poiko,In that case, how you explain why you have cleaned from item [1] who is the author of russian translation? By mistake?
As far as I can see only e-mail addresses were removed. I admire your work, I think your russian-translation is great.
Quote (Kinno wrote):
>> At attempt to get in section for the registered users http://www.poikosoft.com/reg.html shows message: " Sorry, but your e-mail address is not registered for Easy CD-DA Extractor. "
As it is impossible to get on your site with Russian IP address. The big range is blocked. Therefore it is possible to get on a site and a forum only through a proxy.
It seems like your login still works. Some of the russian IP-addresses have been blocked due the pirary of the software product, most of the russians are infringing the copyright of the Easy CD-DA Extractor software.
Kinno wrote: Цитата: poiko,
Whether I can hope, what in the following version of the program I shall see in dialogue "About" the authorship of translation, as probably it has been by mistake removed?
А теперь заметьте, автор, после того как якобы мы друг друга поняли, правит тихонько мой первый пост, убирая мои угрозы. Выглядит он теперь так:
Kinno wrote: Цитата: poiko
Why you have removed items on my authorship of translation in a language file? ([1], [2]) it is not fair of you, I in fact have fairly executed translation. Why you so act? I did not break conditions of the license agreement. Two previous e-mails you have ignored, why?
Explain, please, a situation. Such attitude has very much offended me. Also I ask to return original .lng a file with my authorship.
Ну не низко ли? Псих, вот и всё. Особенно позабавило, что ответил на счёт забаненного диапазона русских IP. В общем, видите, как низко пал автор и как испугался угроз, и то, что запятнают его репутацию, мда, такие дела. В общем, сделали вид, что друг друга поняли и на этом грязи разводить не будем, лицензию он вернул (утверждая при этом, что она по-прежнему работает, и работала соответственно), поддержку перевода на русский язык я продолжу

, теперь автор мне и слова поперек не скажет, понял, что с русскими лучше не связываться, и такие выходки, как он устроил, не пройдут.
Хоть автор и прикинулся шлангом, наши должны знать, что это за человек. Для буржуев его манипуляции, конечно, прокатят, никто и не поймет, что совершил автор. Но мы то знаем
Оставайтесь с нами, друзья. Спасибо всем за поддержку!