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Автор: avaris
Дата сообщения: 25.11.2010 11:31
Доброго всем времени суток!
Подскажите пожалуйста, можно ли настроить ZOC (6.26), так чтобы при сокрыти midnight commander по Ctrl+O, можно было сразу было видеть работу команд до запуска midnight commander, а не прокручивать скролбар, это увидеть, если да то как?
Заранее благодарен за помощь!
Автор: bugmenot121
Дата сообщения: 03.03.2011 20:23
ZOC 6.28
Автор: faridmif
Дата сообщения: 11.06.2011 15:11
ZOC 6.30

- NEW: support for IPv6 in telnet and SSH
- NEW: communication named pipe (unix domain sockets) (Mac OS X only)
- NEW: when busy tn3270 now buffers keyboard input
- FIX: increased max length of entry in Local Typing field to 512.
- FIX: quirk when switching folders/sections in host directory
- FIX: receving SYN or ETB characters in Xterm did overwrite chars on screen
- FIX: typing a key in tn3270 did not clear mouse-marked area on screen
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 06.07.2011 13:33
ZOC 6.31

- NEW: new SSH engine; now based on OpenSSH 5.6
- NEW: tested/fixed with latest Mac OS X Lion beta (Mac OS X only)
- CHG: color handling of QNX emulation more consistent with session profile colors
- CHG: dropped support of PPC processors (Mac OS X only)
- FIX: GDDM error message ADM0088 with 3270 emulation
- FIX: quirk with xmodem over serial connections without RTS/CTS
- FIX: quirk with moving entries in host directory to different section
- FIX: REXX ZocTerminate did not return exit code to calling process
- FIX: "remember password" checkbox did not work in ssh kbd-interactive (Mac OS X only)
- FIX: minor quirk with Wyse emulation
Автор: fimdiraf
Дата сообщения: 27.07.2011 14:17
ZOC 6.32

- NEW: complete support of OS X Lion (Mac OS only)
- NEW: support for copy/pasting parts of forms in 3270 emulation
- CHG: ssh now does not enforce file permission on private key files
- CHG: ssh now has more relaxed RSA modulus size requirement
- CHG: increased length of auto-login field in host directory
- FIX: REXX ZocGetFoldername ignored startupdir parameter
- FIX: session profile for TN3270 had bad key mappings
- FIX: ssh tunnels with priviledged ports (Windows only)
- FIX: memory leaks stuffed (Mac OS X only)
- FIX: error with ssh connect and known_host option enabled (Windows only)
- FIX: quirk when cancelling program-password in 2nd window (Mac OS X only)
- FIX: quirk when closing tab while logoff-sound is playing (Mac OS X only)
- FIX: quirk with file transfers over serial cables without CD signal
- FIX: ssh crash when disconnecting while connection was made but not yet logged in
- CHG: changed ssh options dialog (moved some options to advanced)
Автор: Y S Laurent
Дата сообщения: 15.10.2011 19:04
Здравствуйте ув. форумчане.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, способ корректной отправки ЮССД запроса с модема PANTECH UMW190 (оператор - У-тел.) с помощью ZOC (ОС ХР x32). На данный момент, в ответ на запрос *100#, *121#, как впрочем и на любой другой в окне ответа получаю: +CUSD: 0, "I(V)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...@",15, с последующим обрывом соединения. Предполагаю, что здесь нужен какой-то другой способ, но найти его в нете не удалось. Буду очень признателен за помощь.

П.С.: программа модем видит, а оператор мои запросы, отправленные из ЗОК Терминала, тоже нормально получает.
Автор: Nemersis
Дата сообщения: 15.05.2012 09:07
ZOC 6.39

Download of ZOC6 (Windows)

Тырц раз

Download of ZOC6 (OS X)

Тырц раз

Автор: Xatrix
Дата сообщения: 26.08.2012 11:29
уже версия 6.41
Автор: gazlan
Дата сообщения: 03.07.2013 21:00
Автор: nod430
Дата сообщения: 07.08.2014 15:22
ZOC 6.59

History of changes:

-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
09.07.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.59
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08.05.14 CHG: zocevent.zrx now added 'PREDISCONNECT' event
08.05.14 FIX: possible assert error downloading large files
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11.06.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.58
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08.05.14 FIX: possible error "getnameinfo failed" on ssh connections (Windows only)
16.05.14 FIX: possible crash with Zmodem downloads
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07.05.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.57
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06.05.14 FIX: problem with config-folder location in shared network installs (Windows only)
15.04.14 FIX: unnecessary 1-2 sec delay when making SSH connections
15.04.14 FIX: fix for possible heartbleed vulnerability (now based on OpenSSL 1.0.1g)
11.04.14 FIX: possible crash when using SSH agent authentification
04.04.14 FIX: Adobe font "Source-Code-Pro" was not recognized/used (Mac OS X only)
04.04.14 FIX: display quirks with high-dpi displays (Windows 8.1 only)
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09.04.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.56
-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
04.04.14 FIX: handling of Insert key when a PC keyboard was connected to a Mac (Mac OS X only)
01.04.14 FIX: visual glitches when resizing screen while tab-thumbnail view was showing
24.03.14 FIX: REXX command ZocGetScreen did not work reliably with TN3270 emulation
19.03.14 FIX: REXX command ZocSessionTabs SETBLINKING was broken
-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.03.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.55
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27.02.14 FIX: problem running tmux on unix with xterm emulation
27.02.14 FIX: now longer accepts xterm mouse mode activation in non-xterm emulations
27.02.14 FIX: possible crash when closing tabs
18.02.14 FIX: possible crash when entering scrollback on sessions with more than 512 columns
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04.02.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.54
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27.01.14 FIX: drag drop of filenames into terminal window did not work (Mac OS X only)
25.01.14 FIX: sometimes showed gray "***err" instead of tabs (Mac OS X only)
09.01.14 FIX: text did not go to scrollback on some cases in Wyse emulation
09.01.14 FIX: possible scroll wheel related crash fixed
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08.01.14 RELEASE: VERSION 6.53
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07.01.14 FIX: possible crash in Wyse emulation
31.12.13 FIX: REXX script ZocConnect command with format "Telnet!host:port" did not work
19.12.13 FIX: bogus "Error running background process for SSH" (Mac OS X only)
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16.12.13 RELEASE: VERSION 6.52
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12.12.13 FIX: TN3270 unicode keyboard input problem fixed
07.12.13 FIX: combination of command line args /RUN and /TABBED did not work
07.12.13 FIX: quirk in xterm emulation (rendering high intensity attribute)
05.12.13 FIX: parameter /TABBED was ignored when used with /RUN
26.11.13 FIX: possible hang at exit (Mac OS X only)
18.11.13 FIX: possible crash after file transfer
05.11.13 FIX: did not remember window position if placed on 2nd monitor (Windows only)
29.10.13 FIX: obscure vt220 glitch with terminal status request and eight-bit codes
19.10.13 FIX: possible hang on exit when using REXX ZocTerminate command
18.10.13 FIX: sometimes did not load correct session profile when making new tab
18.10.13 FIX: sometimes crashed when closing with telnet connect in progress
11.10.13 FIX: telnet connect sometimes gave weird connect error message (English only)
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07.10.13 RELEASE: VERSION 6.51
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30.09.13 NEW: keywords for window title %ZOCORHOST% and %ZOCVERORHOST%
30.09.13 NEW: can now pass pathname placeholders when calling the editor
22.09.13 FIX: text-sending/pasting bug sometimes ignored end of line delay
11.09.13 CHG: format change in storing working folder location (internal)
11.09.13 CHG: less border around the terminal window
12.09.13 FIX: crashed when asking to add new ssh host to known_hosts file
30.09.13 FIX: tiny memory leak fixed
10.09.13 FIX: tab title intermittendly changed to last host's prompt
10.09.13 FIX: possible problem with upcoming MacOS 10.9 (Mac OS X only)
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03.09.13 RELEASE: VERSION 6.50
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09.08.13 NEW: now works with telnet/ssh urls combined with /TABBED parameter
16.08.13 FIX: possible crash when exiting
05.08.13 FIX: possible crash when closing importing ASCII host directory
18.07.13 FIX: error when starting apple-script with no ZOC window open (Mac OS X only)
16.07.13 FIX: possible crash when closing scrollback while find-dialog was still open
10.07.13 FIX: ssh connection fallback to ssh v1 servers did not work unless forced to v1
03.07.13 FIX: ironed out some graphical glitches (window borders etc.)
-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Автор: f2065
Дата сообщения: 05.04.2015 13:24
А почему ZOC из варезника пропал?
Скачал вот новую версию 6.65 - она денег просит.
Я точно помню что ранее тут в варезнике была тема по ZOC.
Автор: andreik99
Дата сообщения: 28.09.2015 16:41
Подскажите это программа умеет создавать набор "горячих клавиш". чтобы наиболее частые команды не вводить каждый раз с клавиатуры, а например нажатием F2...F10 чтобы отсылался заранее подготовленный текст.
Автор: kit400
Дата сообщения: 26.02.2016 11:45
Присоеденяюсь к вопросу о варезнике.
Последнее что у меня работает 6.41.

Страницы: 12

Предыдущая тема: Private Bookmarks v3.2

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