What is PhonerLite?
PhonerLite is a clearly arranged application for Windows. PhonerLite enables your PC to use it for internet telephony (VoIP , Voice over IP ). Pre-conditions are a full-duplex sound card , a microphone and speakers (alternativelya headset), an internet connection and a registration at a provider supporting the protocol SIP .PhonerLite supports several SIP profiles, each configurable independently. In thesame way the integrated phone book and call log are easy to use.
Why is "PhonerLite" the right name?
* Phoner: There is an application called Phoner , with that PhonerLite shares common code and the file "sipper.dll". All VoIP specific configurations are thesame and can be exchanged between Phoner and PhonerLite without any transformations.If Phoner and PhonerLite are installed in the same directory, they use the same DLL and configuration data (sipper.ini). Basically PhonerLite uses only a different GUI than Phoner.
* Lite: Like in Coke light the name affix suggests a light version of the original product. PhonerLite doesn't save any calories but resources - in this special case space and memory requirements.Usability is much easier than for Phoner. This advantage got some disadvantages: there is no answering machine and no support for TTS .
Is PhonerLite free of charge?
YES! PhonerLite is freeware. PhonerLite can be used, copied, and offered for downloadagain without any fees in private and business environments. But PhonerLite is no open source.
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