Автор: isssx
Дата сообщения: 20.04.2008 10:25
First,forgive my poor expression(I'm not very sure that my presentation is exactly what I want to say).
I'm using Regshot unicode now. And I've found something seems like a bug(or something need to improve). The problem exist in the inf file which converted from reg file.
The case is:
Regshot converts reg key like below:
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\foobar2000\\foobar2000.exe\" \"%1\""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\foobar2000.play\Command","",,""C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" "%1""
in inf file.
Yeah,it seems there's no problem. But there is. That occurs while you use this inf file to add this reg key. The reg key it added in fact is:
@="C:\\Program Files\\foobar2000\\foobar2000.exe %1"
See the different? Perhaps you may say it is nothing matters. But again, it does. When this %1 contains a space(like "a single song.mp3"), it will be interpreted to three parameters, though it is just one parameter in fact! And certainly, this causes error.
And I think we should convert the literal " to "" while processing reg key's value when converting reg file to inf file(I say literal ", which means quotation marks in reg key's value,not the one used to surround reg key's value in reg file format, and which you can only see through regedit.exe's value column.), for that it seems inf file format interpret "" to " while processing reg key's value(I've experimented it).
That means:
Reg key like this:
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\foobar2000\\foobar2000.exe\" \"%1\""
should be converted to
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\foobar2000.play\Command","",,"""C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe"" ""%1"""
in inf file.
I can't find any source code of Regshot, and also I don't know where I should report the case. That's why this post is here. If someone knows, tell me please. And if I've figured something wrong, please tell me too. I'am here just a few minutes ago,so forgive my careless.
And finally, thanks for this super tool, thanks for you lovely guys!