The application is packaged in a single, self contained EXE file which can be used instantly. When the final EXE file exceeds a size of 10 MB a DAT file is automatically created as primary data container.
That allows you to use different applications without any installation on the host PC or servеr. The usage of virtualized software does not create entries in the registry and none DLL files are compiled on the host PC. All information which are required and the needed libraries are included in the EXE file...
Домашняя страница http://www.evalaze.de/
Приложение работает с установленным NET Framewоrk 2.0
<VMware ThinApp><Spoon Studio<>BoxedApp Packer><Enigma Virtual Box><JauntePE><Cameyo><MoleBox VS><Evalaze><P-Apps>