Windows Live Messenger 2011 v15.4.3502.922 FiNAL | 157 MB | Free

# Integration with social networks: The usuary ones now count on a single place to talk with all friendly.
# previous Views in Photographic Gallery. The capacities search that use several filters have improved to allow the consumers to organize and to find their photos with more rapidity. The consuming ones now obtain a previous view when placing the cursor on these filters to see the results right away.
# the power of the PC and the cloud to do more with Windows. Windows Live Mesh is a way simple to stay connected through the Web and its devices. It is possible to synchronize archives between devices and, when one is of trip, to have remote access to anyone of his PC through Internet. Also it is possible to synchronize mail, contacts and calendars in all PC, devices and in the cloud with Hotmail and Exchange Active Sync (EAS).
# Photos in social networks. With Photo Gallery and Movie Maker, they allow the users to publish photos and films in social networks like Facebook, and to maintain the synchronous labels between his PC and the Web.
# Integration of videos of Flickr: The fanatics of the popular site to share photos, Flickr, now can raise content of video their accounts of Flickr to share their videos in more places of the cloud.
# a faster Messenger - the time that takes to register itself and to update the social contacts and sources, as well as the speed of the animation, is now much more fast that in the previous versions of hotmail Messenger or msn.
# more efficient Conversations with video - the conversations with video through Messenger use 30% less resources of the CPU, since they lighten the service load of the GPU. # Better face recognition - the face recognition of Photo Gallery has improved of significant way and now it works with greater rapidity.
# greater Loads of films - Movie Maker will load films with higher resolution to SkyDrive (480×640 versus. 320×480 previous).
# Films with higher speed of bit - Movie Maker now supports content of greater quality (speed of bit).
# Better orthographic correction - Writer has significantly improved the quality of its orthographic corrector.
# Better integration in Office - Writer has improved the retention of the format when copying and to beat from Word and of other programs of Microsoft Office.
# Better handling of other accounts, including Gmail - Windows Live Mail or hotmail, now handles automatically the folders of mail nonwished and sweepings in correct form.
# Filtrate faster Web - the filtrate Web of Family Safety is 35% more express than in the previous version.
Requirements of the System
# Operating system: Editions of 32 and 64 bits of Windows Vista Service Pack 2 with the update of platform of Vista Windows, Windows 7, Server Windows the 2008 with 2 Service Pack and update of platform of Windows Server 2008, Server Windows 2008 R2.
# Processor: 1.6 GHz or more
# Memory: 1 GB of ram or more
# Resolution: 1024 xs 576 like minimum
# Connection to Internet: The functionality of Internet needs telephone or broadband access (it is provided separately). Local tariffs or of long distance can be applied.
# graphical Card or of video: Windows Live Movie Maker requires a compatible video card with 9 DirectX or superior, and Shader 2 Model or superior.

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