Цитата: На netlab.e2k.ru уже появилось описание нового бота версии lite и сам бот. А на официальном сайте pb33 пока молчат...
А теперь заговорили:
http://www.file-finder.com/files/eDonkeyBot-Lite-1.0-ENG.zip Mains features:
* Auto-updater of servers list file at eDonkey2000 startup
* Live-updater of servers while eDonkey is running (period fixed to 8 hours)
For these functions, an adress of servers list file (http, web based) should be entered in edonkeybot.
* Automated connection to servers with preference to availability (priority mode) or popuplarity (users mode)
* Filtering of servers with too few users (settings)
* Personal servers list (preferred servers) with DNS resolution
* IUA Mode (Intelligent Upload Adjustment) - for a maximum sharing experience
* Auto-Priority Mode: Automatic sharing of available connections between your downloads
(rare files have high-priority and well-shared files have low-priority)
* Bandwitdh easy control allow internet surfing while eDonkey is running
* eDonkey settings Automatic preset, depending of your connection (modem, dsl, cable ...)
* Transfers security: monitoring of your DL/UL speed, then avoid eDonkey crash, connection loss.
Restart eDonkey2000 if problems with your settings
* 'On Top' Mode allow permanent monitoring of your speed transfers
* Tray Icon. Quick access to eDonkeyBot features, DL speed indicator in tray icon (graphic)