CyberDemonLord Короче это IE x64 падает. IE x32 нормально работает.
16:51:28.037 | PlayClaw5.exe | Detected Windows 8.1 x64 (6.3 build 9600)
16:51:28.037 | PlayClaw5.exe | Exe path: C:\Program Files (x86)\PlayClaw 5\
16:51:28.037 | PlayClaw5.exe | Config path: C:\ProgramData\PlayClaw5\
16:51:28.040 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: clock.txt
16:51:28.041 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: cpu.txt
16:51:28.041 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: fps.txt
16:51:28.042 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: gpu.txt
16:51:28.042 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: image.txt
16:51:28.042 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: recstat.txt
16:51:28.043 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: stopwatch.txt
16:51:28.043 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: text.txt
16:51:28.044 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: timer.txt
16:51:28.044 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: voice.txt
16:51:28.146 | PlayClaw5.exe | Plugin desc loaded: webcam.txt
16:51:28.150 | PlayClaw5.exe | Set interface language: Русский
16:51:28.152 | PlayClaw5.exe | Software version: Сборка 3038 (07 ноя 2013)
16:51:28.173 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | PlayClaw launcher is starting
16:51:28.174 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | PlayClaw build date Nov 7 2013
16:51:28.175 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | Detected Windows 8.1 (6.3 build 9600)
16:51:28.178 | playclawhook32.exe | PlayClaw launcher is starting
16:51:28.179 | playclawhook32.exe | PlayClaw build date Nov 7 2013
16:51:28.180 | playclawhook32.exe | Detected Windows 8.1 (6.3 build 9600)
16:51:28.190 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | PlayClawHook64.DLL build date Nov 7 2013
16:51:28.196 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | [Error] Error sending message to DWM
16:51:28.209 | playclawhook32.exe | PlayClawHook32.DLL build date Nov 7 2013
16:51:28.213 | playclawhook32.exe | [Error] Error sending message to DWM
16:51:28.221 |x64 lwemon.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 00007FFEA8000000
16:51:28.225 |x64 taskmgr.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.3 build 9600) 00007FFEA8000000
16:51:28.242 | networx.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 6A050000
16:51:28.269 | iexplore.exe | ! Blocked process iexplore.exe
16:51:28.278 |x64 iexplore.exe | ! Blocked process iexplore.exe
16:51:28.306 | origin.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 6A050000
16:51:28.343 | iron.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.3 build 9600) 6A050000
16:51:28.373 | playclaw5.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 6A050000
16:51:28.380 |x64 rtkngui64.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 00007FFEA8000000
16:51:28.388 | punto.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 6A050000
16:51:28.450 | iron.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.3 build 9600) 6A050000
16:51:28.484 | totalcmd.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 6A050000
16:51:29.812 | PlayClaw5.exe | License type: ПРОБНАЯ
16:51:29.814 | PlayClaw5.exe | <CPU> ***************** init *****************
16:51:29.970 | PlayClaw5.exe | <CPU> GenuineIntel detected
16:51:29.970 | PlayClaw5.exe | <CPU> CPU Name Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
16:51:29.971 | PlayClaw5.exe | <CPU> Num logical CPUs: 4
16:51:29.971 | PlayClaw5.exe | <CPU> CPU ID 306A9
16:51:29.971 | PlayClaw5.exe | <CPU> CPU with Thermal control MSR
16:51:29.971 | PlayClaw5.exe |
16:51:29.971 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> ***************** init *****************
16:51:29.973 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> Getting NVidia GPU information
16:51:29.974 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> Num logical GPUs : 1
16:51:29.974 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> Num physical GPUs: 1
16:51:29.974 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> Driver version: 331.58, branch r331_54
16:51:29.974 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> GPU 0: GeForce GTX 660 Ti
16:51:29.975 | PlayClaw5.exe | <GPU> Thermal Sensor 0 type 1 target 0x01 temp 32
16:51:29.976 | PlayClaw5.exe |
16:51:42.526 |x64 iexplore.exe | ! Blocked process iexplore.exe
16:51:49.965 |x64 werfault.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.3 build 9600) 00007FFEA8000000
16:52:00.380 |x64 iexplore.exe | ! Blocked process iexplore.exe
16:52:00.434 | iexplore.exe | ! Blocked process iexplore.exe
16:52:15.842 | ccsvchst.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.3 build 9600) 6A050000
16:52:21.700 | iron.exe | <dx9> Set hook
16:53:37.030 |x64 iexplore.exe | ! Blocked process iexplore.exe
16:54:10.510 |x64 notepad.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.3 build 9600) 00007FFEA8000000
16:55:05.079 | PlayClaw5.exe | END
16:55:05.091 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | Shutting down...
16:55:05.097 | playclawhook32.exe | Shutting down...
16:55:05.135 | iron.exe | <dx9> Kill hook
16:55:05.136 | iron.exe | <dx9> Release resources
16:55:05.193 |x64 taskmgr.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.196 |x64 lwemon.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.197 | ccsvchst.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.201 | networx.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.202 | totalcmd.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.203 | punto.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.204 |x64 rtkngui64.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.205 | iron.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.206 | origin.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.207 |x64 notepad.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.208 | originclientservice.exe | + Attached (winver: 6.2 build 9200) 6A050000
16:55:05.237 | iron.exe | - Detached
16:55:05.309 | originclientservice.exe | - Detached
16:55:06.194 |x64 playclawhook64.exe | Shutdown completed
16:55:06.201 | playclawhook32.exe | Shutdown completed
Добавлено: CyberDemonLord Вроде разобрался. Надо и IEx64 и IEx32 запускать от имени администратора. Тогда всё работает, и без "Чёрных списков".
P.S. Надо в win7 так попробовать, может тоже чёрный список не понадобится.
Добавлено: Только в свойствах файла iexplore.exe почему то нет вкладки "совместимость" и, как следствие, нельзя задать опцию "Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора". Приходится каждый раз через контекстное меню.
Странная эта win8.1 какая то .......