Автор: Vimann
Дата сообщения: 25.04.2016 15:04
Taran2L87UA, в 10.3 много чего изменили в худшую сторону и на мой взгляд тоже. Например, для меня значительно менее удобен новый/другой синтаксис команд:
[more]Usage: DTAgent.exe -[Command [options]]
-add Adds an optical virtual device.
Syntax: -add <type>
type - "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
Example: DTAgent.exe -add ide
-add_hdd Adds and mounts HDD virtual device.
Syntax: -add_hdd <letter>,<path>
letter - device letter (**)
path - path to file
Example: DTAgent.exe -add_hdd K, "f:\test.vhd"
-set_count Sets quantity of optical virtual devices.
Syntax: -set_count <type>,<n>
type - "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
n - number of virtual devices to be set (***)
Example: DTAgent.exe -set_count ide, 1
-mount Mounts an optical virtual drive with an image file.
Syntax: -mount <type>,<n>,<path>
type - "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
n - device number (***)
path - path to file
Example: DTAgent.exe -mount ide, 0, "f:\test.iso"
-unmount Unmounts an optical virtual drive.
Syntax: -unmount <type>,<n>
type - "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
n - device number (***)
Example: DTAgent.exe -unmount ide, 0
-unmount_all Unmounts all currently mounted images of optical discs.
Example: DTAgent.exe -unmount_all
-remove Decrements and unmounts (if needed) number of optical devices.
Syntax: -remove <type>,<n>
type - "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
n - device number (***)
Example: DTAgent.exe -remove ide, 0
-remove_all Removes all virtual devices
Example: DTAgent.exe -remove_all
-remove_hdd Unmounts and removes HDD virtual device.
Syntax: -remove_hdd <letter>
letter - device letter
Example: DTAgent.exe -remove_hdd K
-get_letter Get a letter assigned to an optical virtual device.
Syntax: -get_letter <type>,<n>
type - "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
n - device number (***)
Example: DTAgent.exe -get_letter ide, 1
Note: Returns a letter number (0-A,1-B,2-C etc.) in case of success or -1 if any error occurred.
-get_count Get number of virtual devices.
Syntax: -get_count <type>
type - "hdd" , "dt", "scsi" or "ide" (*)
Example: DTAgent.exe -get_count scsi
* - IDE devices are availabe only Advanced Mount feature.
**- This command has optional parameter <letter>. If <letter> is not specified, the first free letter will be used by default.
***- Maximum number of allowed devices depends on "Unlimited Devices" feature state. [/more]