Total Commander Plugin Writer Edition Информация от автора - Christian Ghisler:
Because the release of Total Commander 5.51 is nearing, I want to give plugin writers the possibility to test their plugins with the new and improved plugin interface. Since I don't want to make the beta test open to everyone (for the safety of your data), I have created a special version of Total Commander where most functions are disabled (copy, move, delete, zip, unzip etc).
This special version is meant only to test plugins: packer plugins, file system plugins, and lister plugins. Don't download it if you aren't a plugin writer! It's absolutely useless for you! Important note: You also need to allow the referer field of your browser, otherwise you will not be allowed to download this file. Some personal firewalls may block the referer field. To download the file, you need to go to the firewall configuration and allow the field for the site This is done so others cannot link to this file. If there are too many downloads, I will have to remove the plugin writer edition anyway.
The program should be installed to the same directory as TC 5.50. It's called TCPLUGIN.EXE and can be used in parallel to an existing Total Commander. You will need to start it manually.
With it, you can now unload all plugins without closing TC! Just create a button with the command cm_UnloadPlugins and click it. You may need to run the included unloaddll.reg file so Windows will really unload your plugin when it's freed. After unloading it, just recompile your plugin and re-access it in TC.