Sawmill for Windows 6.4 Beta 1 Changes in Current Version:
-Extended support of OpenwaveIntermail Server Logs to capture bandwidth information
-Extended support of Postfix Mail Server Logs
-Changed language module version numbers to match Sawmill version numbers
-Added support for War FTP logs
-Added date range filtering-- the current shown date range now appears at the top of the statistics, in the Filters bar, and you can choose the starting and ending year/month/day to zoom in on a particular date range
-Added a "safe update" feature (on by default) which backs up the database before updating it
-Added an "If A, then do B followed by C" filter type
-Optimized database updating in the case where the is no new data in the log source
-Added support for Apache Combined with Server Name after Agent
-Added support for Cisco IOS (Unix syslogd) as well as created language variable IOS_PARSING_FILTERS logs
-Added support for Cisco CE Common logs
-Changed sort order to list directories first in the Browse... window
-Added support for Cisco PIX SL4NT logs
-Added a new "paths through a page" view, which shows all paths through a particular page by showing the immediate predecessors and successors in the clickstream
-Added support for a LOGANALYSISINFODIR environment variable which, when set, determines the location and name of the LogAnalysisInfo folder
-Added a number_thousands_separator option, which is a comma (,) by default, and which is used to separate thousands inlarge numbers
-Extended support for SonicWallKiwi logs
-Extended support for Netegrity Siteminder logs
-Added support for OpenwaveIntermail logs
-Extended support in CiscoIOS log format to support AUDIT_TRAIL information
-Added support for SonicWallKiwi (yyyy-mm-dd) log format
-Added support for Firebox log format
-Added support for Sambar Server log format
-Added support for Cisco IDS IOS log format
-Added support for Net-Acct log format
-Added support for PostOfficeMailServer log format
-Added support for IISFTP log format
-Added a new option to make graph bars non-clickable (by default, they are clickable)
-Added support for Sidewinder log format
-Added support for InterscanEmailViruswall log format
-Extended support of TinyPersonalFirewall to include a new variety of log
-Added support for TomcatAlt log format, also Greg modified Sawmill so that it can collect and carryover
-Added support for SquidGuard log
-Added an accept_collected_entry_regexp_carryover filter, which works like accept_collected_entry_regexp except that it carries the collected values over rather than resetting them
-Added support for MailerDaemon log
-Improved Performance for Cisco PIX KIWI ISO
-Added support for Cisco PIX KIWI ISO
-Added support for Whistle Blower Performance Metrics Log
-Added support for Nescape Directory Server log format
-Added "numerical ascending" and "numerical descending" table sorts
-Improved W3C formats to support x-datestamp fields
-Added support for MailMax SE POP log format
-Added support for NetCache NetApp log format
-Added support for MailMax SE SMTP log format
-Added support for Atom Mesge log format
-Added support for RealProxy log format
-Added support for ColdFusion Web Server log format
-Added support for ColdFusion Application log format
-Added support for Microsoft SQL Profiler log format
-Added support for "m/d/yy h:mm" date/times
-Added support for files (like CSV files) which can have line breaks in the middle of a field, as long as the field is quoted
-Added support for WhistleBlower log format
-Added support for Windows Event log format
-Added support for FedEx tracking log format
-Added support for FastHosts log format
-Improved Postfix log format to handle some different types of log entries
-Added support for Network syslog format
-Added support for Merak SMTP Log Format
-Added support for Merak IMAP/POP3 Log Format
-Improved IPTables format to handle a slight variant
-Added support for WebShield SMTP log format
-Added support for Webtrends Extended log format
-Added support for Zyxel/Kiwi log format
-Improved session IDs so they contain the visitor id, for easier identification of the source of the session
-Added a new type of session filter, which lets you zoom in on particular session using its ID
-Improved the Sessons view (now called "Individual Session(s)" so the session IDs are clickable, and apply a session filter to show only that session
-Improved the Sessons view (now called "Individual Session(s)" to show a click-by-click listing of the session, if there is only one session selected
-Added support for Cisco VPN Concentrator (Comma-separated) log format
-Improved iMail log format to track local domains and "ldeliver" messages
-Added support for log format
-Added support for Cisco PIX (NT Syslog, With Hostname) log format
-Added support for NetScreen log format
-Added support for X-Stop log format
-Added support for Microsoft Proxy logs with m/d/yyyy dates
-Added support for ProFTP log format
-Added support for URLScan log format
-Improved error messages to eliminate the ugly traceback information; on a related topic, you can now click Report It to email any error message to our support email address
Sawmill Sawmill for Linux 6.4 Beta 1