Наконец-то оффсайт разродился
Blindwrite 4.1 what's new ?
- Patin couffin layer has been updated, for improved performance, and better compatibility with Consumer windows versions (Win95, Win98, WinMe) . Now, the driver internal revision number is 6.
- Audio processing run faster.
- Various potential but not systematic crash causes has been fixed.
- The image / folder selection in Blindwrite has been corrected. Now, the last image file name or folder path is kept.
- Fine checking of the translation issues. More items are translated, including the patin-couffin configuration tool. Please note that the translation for a given language may or may not be available (depending of the person providing translation). Usually, English, German, French, Russian, Italian and Dutch are quickly available and up to date.
-Others bugs corrected reported by users.