Попробовал я ее - не получилось. Кстати, доку (англ.) можно взять по ссылке на форуме на офсайте
http://www.r00t3d.org.uk/docs/bouncer-0.9.x-readme.html - к сожалению, для версии 0.9.
У меня она выдала ошибку "502 bad gateway"; вот что об этом пишет автор:
Q: Error 502 bad gate way- what does this mean? I can get to ssl sites through our HTTP proxy on port 80, so I ran bouncer with the --port 2222 --destination --tunnel www:80 options
then when I try to ssh into port 2222 I get the above error. any ideas on why?
A: It basically means your proxy will not allow you to tunnel to port 22. This is default behaviour for most proxy servers and will only allow tunnels to port 443 or 563.
The solution then is to run a Socks 5 server on an external machine on port 443 or alternatively run another web proxy on port 443 which does allow tunnelling to any port.
The way I prefer, which is a lot more secure is to run an ssh daemon on port 443 on an external box and then use SSH tunnelling to create tunnels to any machine on any port. This way you can tunnel to a Socks 5 server on port 1080. For doing this I would recommend PuTTY.
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