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Автор: pop2ROOT
Дата сообщения: 13.09.2005 10:25
да просят-то они просят, но ведь и ставятся при этом безо всяких ключей и работают! Ключ влияет только на обновление и возможно, еще что-то - точно не помню, документацию прочти
Автор: Molt
Дата сообщения: 13.09.2005 19:22

да просят-то они просят, но ведь и ставятся при этом безо всяких ключей и работают!

Вопрос снят
Автор: pop2ROOT
Дата сообщения: 15.09.2005 23:11
поскольку здесь с завидной регулярностью спрашивают "переключалки" Home/Pro, привожу пару ссылок на утилитки, которые только этим и занимаются:

и другая, попроще
Имя файла: tmp.rar
Размер: 138 кбайт
Номер файла: 521296
Доступен до: 22.09.2005 22:28
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 20.09.2005 22:14
X-Setup Pro 7.2
Автор: shedow25
Дата сообщения: 21.09.2005 07:51

X-Setup Pro Version 7.2
- LICENSE: Changed License Manager so it will now try to detect what the entered serial is about (old S/N, new S/N, program update needed etc.) and automatically present the options to the user
- FIX: BartPE had an invalid call to the translation API and could not be translated because of this
- FIX: Restore Log Player had an invalid call to the translation API and could not be translated because of this
- FIX: Severals bugs inside the translation engine (thanks to GVG!)
- FIX: xqdcXSPInfo.exe couldn't be translated because of missing translation API call (=call the coder lazy)
- FIX: Setup has still created \plugins and \wizards folder although empty
- MISC: Updated translation API (Localizer) to newest version
- MISC: Rewritten translation support from scratch to better use the new features it now offers
- ENGINE: xqdcXSPRuntime.bpl is no longer used because of problems with the translation API
- START-CHECK: Removed check for xqdcXSPRuntime.bpl (D6)
- SETUP: xqdcXSPRuntime.bpl is now deleted on install
- ENGINE: Moved both direct registry access methods (that are not using settings.dll) into one file to support 64bit in the future
- SETTINGS: settings.dll and the hard coded registry access for translation do now share the same registry value
- ENGINE: Messages from the engine will now also be translated when used from external source using RegisterExternalAccess()
- MISC: Switched to full on-the-fly localization so no persitent language DLLs are needed, they will be created on the fly. This reduces the size of a language pack by 80%!
- INFO: Added new OS "Windows Vista"
- ENGINE: Added Windows Vista support into function GetWinVer(). It will return "8" in this case
- ENGINE: Added winVista inside block <xspitem-osversion> to support Vista in plugins also
- ENGINE: Added function GetModeDebugMessages(): Returns TRUE if Debug Messages are allowed or not (configured by user). Thanks to tmighill!
- ENGINE: Updated function GetWinVer(): If an unsupported OS is found, it will return the newest OS it knows (this would be Windows Vista in this release)
- CONFIG: When selected a different language, XSP will now notify the user of using the "Switch" button to change the language
- ENGINE: Update common plugin text elements (No plugin loaded, Disabled etc.) a little bit
- ENGINE: Updated common plugin text elements to resource strings so they can be translated
- MISC: The Favorites will now only contain two default items instead of six
- MISC: Temporary language files are no longer automatically deleted when the application exits but upon next start of XSP - this will speed up XSP when it is translated
- MISC: Temporary language files are now stored inside the folder "XSPLangFiles" within in the %TEMP% folder
- MISC: The temporary language files folder will be delete upon uninstallation of XSP
- SETUP: The reg path X-Setup Pro\CurrentVersion is now also delete from HKCU upon uninstall
- SETUP: If a serial number is detected, the setup program will automatically select "I already have a license" during install
- ENGINE: The cache file does now also include the fingerprint of the Items Translation path in case a translation has been updated
- ENGINE: The Localizer global variables were removed - they caused more problems then they solved
- LICENSE: The input field inside the license manager will now remove any invalid chars automatically (thanks to Frank!)
- ENGINE: The warning that is displayed when a user activates an system critical plugin will now use localized wording on the buttons
- LICENSE: The License Manager now displays the XSP version inside the title bar
- ENGINE: The button caption of MsgError(), MsgInformation(), MsgWarning() and DebugMsg() will be retrieved from Windows directly
- START: Updated invalid license message to note that the message is normal after an update
Автор: Romano
Дата сообщения: 22.09.2005 07:30
а по русски можно ? что нового появилось ?
Автор: NTUser
Дата сообщения: 27.12.2005 12:36
У меня с X-Setup 7.2.360 наблюдаются при запуске следующие глюки: вначале выдается ошибка "Класс не зарегистрирован", затем "Error while loading plugins: Access violation at address 00424975 in module `xqdcXSPUI.exe`. Read of address 00000000". Потом уже "Error while loading plugins: Access violation at address 0044343B in module `xqdcXSPUI.exe`. Read of address 00000000". Потом прога виснет, при попытке закрыть та же ошибка "Access violation at address 00424975 in module `xqdcXSPUI.exe`. Read of address 00000000". Получается закрыть только через Task manager. Помогите решить проблему.
Автор: pop2ROOT
Дата сообщения: 27.12.2005 15:34
запусти файл C:\Program Files\X-Setup Pro7\bin\xqdcXSPCompReg.exe
(путь к папке программы может быть другим - смотря куда ты ее ставил)

это известный глюк "разрегистрации" компонентов программы в реестре - эта штука зарегит их обратно не помню где прочел - то ли в хэлпе сабжа, то ли в ридми...
Автор: NTUser
Дата сообщения: 27.12.2005 15:56
Спасибо большое, Ваш совет помог.
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 02.02.2006 18:43
X-Setup Pro 8.0.100 Updated
- FIX: A plugin with the tag warning=0 caused XSP to incorrectly displaying a warning message (thanks to Rainer Brinkmann)
- FIX: Fixed a lot of spelling errors inside the plugins found by translators
- FIX: Running xqdcXSPStart.exe on Windows 9x when the settings library was not registered caused an IPF
- SETUP: Changed Setup script to allow language packs
- SETUP: The folder lang and lang_items will now be deleted upon uninstall, regardless if there are more items in it then created by install (because of Language Packs)
- SETUP: Changed some code to support InnoSetup 5.1.6
- SETUP: Resulting setup filename changed to Setup-[Version].exe
- MISC: Moved development from old 1 GHz [add bad word here] PC to a new 4,4 X2 machine - Finally!
- CONFIG: The message that the user needs to click on the Switch button to activate a language will now only appear once
- ENGINE: Updated Localizer (Translation Engine) to version 3.5
- INFO: Changed plug-ins to plugins inside Statistics window
- INFO: The info screen should now pop-up on active monitor on multi-monitor system
- ENGINE: All MsgXXX now have a translatable window caption
- UPDATE: The cancel button is now grayed out and renamed to "Please wait..." when clicked
- UPDATE: Cancel can now also be triggered by pressing ESC
- MISC: The name of the native translation (= no translation at all) inside the language list has been renamed to "English"
- UPDATE: List of plugins should now be sorted by date (newest first) which makes a lot of more sense
- UPDATE: Changed button placement and exchanged "Switch to Advanced View" in Basic View with link instead of button to not tangle normal users with thus button that was bigger than the important buttons
- COMPREG: Change the style of Component Registration from non-GUI window to a real window - some people thought XSP would use a DOS program
- ENGINE: The functions "FormatString" and "FormatTextString" now also support the build-in variables {CR} (line break) and {CR2} (double line break)
- UI: Updated to Toolbar 2000 2.1.6 to fix a minor toolbar bug
- UI: Added Display filter. A seach term can now be enter directly inside the toolbar and the tree view will only show items that matched this term
- UI: Renamed normal "Search" function to "Detailed search"
- UI: Display filter will no longer throw an error if a plugin can't be displayed because it is currently hidden (e.g. Wrong OS Version)
- UI: Changed ready message "Finished; ready to tweak!" to "Let's roll"
- RESTORE: The "Emulate changes only" option inside the Restore Log Player is now visible by default
- SETUP: The file information on Language Packs is now correct and does no longer just contain empty strings
- SETUP: The file-version field of the setup file is now correctly set instead of duplicating the description field
- ENGINE: Rewritten the search engine from scratch to improve search results
- ENGINE: The text-excerpt within the search result that spanned two lines will no longer cause two spaces within the excerpt
- ENGINE: If a search term is found several times in the same block (e.g. UI Paths) this block is returned only once
- ENGINE: Searching for multiple words (e.g. "html chm") will now trigger a search for each word and return those plugins that contain both words
- ENGINE: To search for an exact match for multiple words, use " " around the query, e.g. "html chm" will only find plugins that contain the exact word "html chm" and not, for example, "HTML file format is CHM"
- ENGINE: To trigger an exact match, users can use one " at the beginning of the search term, e.g. entering ["html chm] is the same as ["html chm"]
- EXEC: Added button for Seek&Tweak
- ENGINE: Changed windows messages for cross-application communication from WM_DC_XSP_* to WM_XQDC_XSP_*
- UI: Changed Display filter to use new search function
- UI: Results of Display filter will now appear in the same order as inside the full view
- UI: Changed Detailed search to use new search function
- ENGINE: Search results will now respect the preference of the user for hidden plugins and do no longer return invalid items
- UI: Results of Display filter will only appar once inside the tree to avoid having the same plugin visible several times
- ENGINE: Added function GetIsWorkstation() - Returns TRUE if the current OS is a client OS (Windows 2000, XP, 98 etc.)
- ENGINE: Added function GetIsServer() - Returns TRUE if the current OS is a server OS (Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 etc.)
- ENGINE: Added function GetIs64bit() - Returns TRUE if XSP is currently running under the control of WOW64 and thus the OS is 64bit (e.g. Windows XP Pro x64 Edition)
- ENGINE: Added function GetIs32bit() - Returns TRUE if XSP is currently running on a normal 32bit OS (means != GetIs64bit()
- ENGINE: All OS relevant GetXXX() versions do now use an internal cache to retrieve these values only once. It is unlikely that somebody updates the Windows version while XSP is running...
- COMPREG: The window of CompReg will now appear on the default position on the screen + 100 pixels left/right from the screen
- SETTINGS: Removed runtime dependencies of settings to VCL/RTL etc. This increased size by 400 kB but the library can now be loaded faster
- ENGINE: Removed runtime dependencies of engine to VCL/RTL etc. This increased size by 450 kB but the library can now be loaded faster
- CONFIG: The file filters for favorites and programs (select button) can now also be translated
- ENGINE: Fixed bug that caused search to return the same plugin several times if it has several UIPaths
- ENGINE: Accelerated loading of plugins for caching by bypassing the processing of tags that are not relevant
- ENGINE: Added support for code modules: Code modules are code fragments that can be stored beside the plugin so one code module can be used by several plugins to avoid having the same source copied into several plugins
- ENGINE: Code modules can be linked by using the tag mycodemodule 1
- ENGINE: Code modules must now have the extension *.XPCM and the extension will be added by XSP automatically to prevent any bad plugin to load the wrong file
- SETUP: Added XPCM file type to the registry so an user knows what is file is good for
- ENGINE: If a code module does not contain any source code (e.g. incorrect tags), a detailed error message will be generated
- ENGINE: Code modules loaded using xspitem-linked-codemodules tag will now have any path information stripped off to prevent any security issues with this feature
- ENGINE: The source code will now show from which code module source code was loaded by adding '--- [FILENAME].xpcm above each code module inside the source view
- SETTINGS: Expanded default config of external programs to also show itmes on Windows Vista - currently all programs running on Windows XP are for now enabled on Windows Vista
- SETTINGS: All references to "Tools" inside system.cfg have been renamed to "ExtPrograms"
- SETTINGS: External Programs (formerly Tools) can now also be translated on the fly, instead of only once during setup. If the "Name" for a program is empty, XSP will try to translate the name based on trans-extprograms.XXX
- SETTINGS: External Programs are now saved to the registry path ExtPrograms instead of Tools
- MISC: Switched to a new version schema: Major.Minor.Build, dropping the extra Description (e.g. Final1) field since this has confused some users
- UI: The menu commands inside the message about no plugins found will now be retrieved directly from the menu and thus appear translated
- EXEC: Added external programs directly to start screen to allow easier access for users that do normally not use "Classic"
- EXEC: Start does now display the complete program version in the title
- MISC: Added compmgmt.msc to the list of predefined external programs
- MISC: Added gpedit.msc to the list of predefined external programs
- MISC: Resorted the entire external programs since it will appear with this sorting on each installation of XSP (as the registry location has changed with this release)
- CONFIG: Removed user-configurable 3rd party update sites since nobody has ever used it
- UPDATE: Changed "Job done" message to "Done" of each component since some users thought Update should be finished after "Job done"
- UPDATE: Now code modules (XPCM) can also be downloaded and installed automatically, however they will only be installed if a plugin in the same archiv is selected for installation as well as the plugin is installed successfully
- EXEC: Removed old logo with version number with new logo from website
- UI: Make "Detailed search" window resizable (thanks Oyvind Randers-Pehrson)
- UI: Added statusbar to "Detailed search" to allow size grip to appear
- MISC: Finally updated IDE to Delphi 2006 - HURRAY!
- MISC: Updated to Localizer Engine 3.51
- MISC: Fixed several hard-coded "I DO NOT KNOW WHICH COMPILER THIS IS" errors inside packages
- ENGINE: Updated XMLParser to 1.0.17
- ENGINE: Renamed last "old" object: TXQXSetupOSVersion became TXSPOSVersion
- EXEC: Redesigned start application from the ground up and remove all "On Hover" effects
- EXEC: Added icons in front of each button to make it easier for the users to find the application they are looking for
- EXEC: Shortened all descriptions a lot to make it easier to read
- SETUP: Removed two runtime dependencies to BPL files, resulting in 800 kB smaller installation size
- START: Runtime packages are now only checked if the file exists and no longer loaded/unloaded which improves startup time of XSP
- EXEC: Added option to create a desktop link to Seek&Tweak
- SETUP: Replaced old runtime files (*70.bpl) with new versions. Old files will be deleted upon install
- MISC: Updated to Localizer Engine 3.52
- UPDATE: The report at the end of an update process will now also include installed code modules
- START: The message displayed in case a problem was found will now have localized button captions
- START: Even if the start check fails and thus there is no XSP Settings Objects, a localized version of CHKFAIL*.TXT will be displayed if available (thanks Jirka!)
- SETUP: Setup will now also install *NTV.lng files (lang folder) since this is the only method a translation will always work
- MISC: Included several plugins from Rainer Brinkmann (scooter) as XQ plugins.
Автор: Lavik
Дата сообщения: 20.03.2007 15:10
Может дадите адресок с ключиком для X-Setup Pro v.9.0.100?
Автор: ramzes6
Дата сообщения: 20.03.2007 16:03

Может дадите адресок с ключиком для X-Setup Pro v.9.0.100? [Image]

Ключики, крякалки, keygen-ы ищут и находят в ВАРЕЗНИКЕ.
Автор: TeeHa1F
Дата сообщения: 09.08.2007 19:36
Случаем никто не замечал, может где пробегал/примелькался русификатор для X-Setup_Portable_9.0.100?
Автор: CdX
Дата сообщения: 18.11.2008 21:33
X-Setup Pro 9.1 released!

2008-11-18 | X-Setup Pro 9.1 has been released with some minor bug fixes and internal component updates. The full list of changes can be found inside History.txt once you have installed it. Go and download it now!

[more=History]- FIX: Fixed BartPE can't find *.ini bug (thanks auron476 and DodgerG)
- FIX: Seek&Tweak had no Version Information whatsover, launching it in Vista only showed "xqdcXSPSeekTweak.exe"
- FIX: Windows XP x64 Edition was detected as Windows Server 2003
- FIX: Version compare of two versions that included both a build number (e.g. resulted in an error
- FIX: Statistics still showed wizards
- ALL: IDE updated to CodeGear Delphi 2007
- MISC: Updated to Localizer
- MISC: Updated Toolbar2000 to newest version
- MISC: Updated AdvToolbar to version 3.5.0
- MISC: Updated all runtime packages (*.bpl) to newest versions from CodeGear (fixing 0x138 bug)
- PLUGINS: Included all plugin update packages
- ENGINE: Changed type library from OLE Automation (1.0 - stdole32.tlb) to 2.0 (stdole2.tlb) for Engine.dll
- ENGINE: Completely rewritten the Windows version detection code to make future changes easier
- ENGINE: Removed all duplicate code for the Windows detection inside the engine and runtime
- ENGINE: Added support inside the engine for Windows Server 2008
- MISC: Updated Language Manager inside TranslationPack to v3.8, fixing glitches when using in Vista
- CONFIG: "System Properties" will now also list the Windows version detected by XSP to avid an version confusion like XP 64bit 2003 vs Windows Server 2003
- ALL: Tweaked several user interface controls (Tree view, List view etc.) a little bit to be fully compliant with the Vista style guide
- STATISTICS: Change text inside the window a little bit to since Wizards are no longer listed
- INFO: Changed text on several tabs a little bit to make it more clear what the tab shows
- MISC/FIX: Updated again to Localizer because of a strange bug appearing during tests
- SETUP: Updated to Inno Setup 5.2.3
- ENGINE: Added "Win2008" to XML item xspitem-osversion
- INFO: Added "Windows Server 2008" to OS Version tab
- ENGINE: Fixed a bug that crashed XSP when a plugin was only enabled on Windows Server 2008[/more]
Автор: TeeHa1F
Дата сообщения: 23.11.2008 15:02
Помнится кто то меня, как то спрашивал про Portable версию, так вот ищите на офф. сайте
Офф. сайт

Ну LangPack русский для 9-ки, насколько хорош не проверял, но брать ТУТ
Автор: strani
Дата сообщения: 19.03.2009 15:12

Ну LangPack русский для 9-ки, насколько хорош не проверял, но брать ТУТ

Это тот же русский пак, который лежит на офф. сайте, для 8-ой версии
Автор: fair3
Дата сообщения: 03.06.2009 14:39
X-Setup Pro 9.2 now available
Автор: Hiken
Дата сообщения: 03.06.2009 19:32
Самый большой недостаток программы - это продолжение ее же достоинств. Ну некрасивый этот интерфейс, генерируемый по скриптам!

ЗЫ: Жив курилка. А я уж думал, давно не развивается проект.
Автор: DimmY
Дата сообщения: 13.05.2010 10:21
Боюсь, курилка скорее мёртв...

Insolvency proceedings
Dear Customers,

we are very sorry to say that the Windmeier UG, which is the current exclusive licensee for X-Setup Pro, had to initiate insolvency proceedings. This has happened as the obligations are no longer covered by the remaining capital.

As the restructuring of Windmeier UG currently seems impossible, we are evaluating what will happen with X-Setup Pro in the future. Ultimately, it can happen that we are forced to shut down operations completely.

For now, the support for X-Setup Pro will be continued for at least a month, but we will stop selling Update Protections as we cannot foresee the outcome of all of this.

We are very sorry for the trouble this will cause to our customers and partners. Any new development regarding this topic will be announced on this website.
Автор: DimmY
Дата сообщения: 01.06.2010 09:56
Похоже, закончился X-Setup.

All comes to an end ...

Dear Customers,

Because of the insolvency of WUG all operations regarding X-Setup Pro have been shut down.
We thank all customers, partner and friends for their support during this time. We hope you had as much fun using X-Setup Pro as we had making it.

We wish you all the best,
TeX and Eric

P.S.: You can still download the last version from Major Geeks:

In case you lost your serial number use this one instead: XSA092-11TA9R-8K12YT

Автор: andranavt
Дата сообщения: 18.07.2015 00:20
Автор: AGrin
Дата сообщения: 19.09.2015 22:34
Русификатор = Language pack для X-Setup Pro 8.1.110
Иточник информации:
Русификатор X-Setup Pro 8.1.110 от yura

X-Setup Pro 8.1.110 для windows 98.
В сборке дистрибутив + апдейты + русификатор
X-Setup Pro 8.1.110 for windows 98.rar
Автор сборки Agrin
Выложена тут
X-Setup Pro является бесплатной программой.
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