это где нельзя ?
И нельзя сделать шрифт больше.
это где нельзя ?
И нельзя сделать шрифт больше.
Ver2.10.02 -> Ver2.10.03
- Made it possible to choose SSL/TLS protocol for incoming or outgoing
server independently.
- Made it possible to reedit HTML message with attachments from
Sent/Draft folder.
- BUGFIX: When connected with SSL2.0 protocol, it returned error 0x80090301.
Ver2.10.03 -> Ver2.10.04
- Made it possible to modify the address property from the search result
in the address book.
- Let Import command to select the first address group (or create it if
there is no group) automatically when the address book is selected in
the tree view.
- Made it to create a dummy folder whose name itself is a warning message
("Do not save here") in the temporary folders. (You can see it when you
"Explore" in the right click menu of attachment files.)
- BUGFIX: Abnormally terminated on some IMAP server when logging out.
Becky! supports the following command line options.
mailto:mail@address Opens the compose window for the address. It supports RFC2368 scheme.
You can also use the following special keywords.
/F folder Makes the <folder> as the current data directory. It is useful if you want to share the same computer with other people.
/D Opens the address book immediately.
Ver2.10.04 -> Ver2.11
- Becky! now can browse unread HTML messages by Space bar. (You do
not have to press Ctrl key to go to the next unread message.)
- S/MIME plug-in is released. Get it from the following site.
- "Three vertically divided panes" layout is supported. (Repeat "Change
Layout" in "View" menu until you see it.)
- GB18030 character set is supported on Windows2000/XP.
Microsoft's "GB18030 Support Package" is required.
If you already have GB18030 character set in your "General Setup",
modify the following settings to get it to work properly.
Font name: SimSun-18030
"UNICODE font": On
Code Page: 54936
- "Mail Query" and "Close Query Result" commands are added to the right
click menu of the tree view.
- The performance problem when Query dialog was activated after searching
huge amount of messages is fixed.
- An option for auto indent on Multibytes spaces (those in East Asian
languages.) is added.
- Becky! will reset the periodical mail checking interval when manually
- An option "Obtain only vCard compatible attributes." is added to LDAP
property, and checked it as default. If you want to see "X-500-blahblah"
attributes like in the past version, uncheck this.
- Becky! will delete B2Temp temporary folder when it exits. !!!Ух ты!!!
- An option "'To read' only" is added to "What's New" list. If you check
this, messages that are sorted to folders of "Ignore Unread" attrubute
will not show up in "What's New" list.
- An option for warning that an outgoing message contains executable
attachments is added to "General Setup" > "General".
- BUGFIX: When auto forwarding mail without specifying "To", a wrong
warning message came up on simple HTML mail.
- BUGFIX: When a shortcut file (*.lnk) is attached, if you overwrite to
another shortcut file by "Save As" command, an original file was
- BUGFIX: Right after saving attachment files by "Save As", the target
folder was not able to be deleted.
- BUGFIX: SSL connection was aborted sometimes when large amount of data
was received.
* This version contains a new splash image file. But it will not be
automatically loaded if you install the new version over the existing
The new file is named B2default.bmp. If you want to see the new
splash, you have to delete the original B2.bmp file in the folder where
B2.exe is installed.
Ver2.11.01 -> Ver2.11.02
- BUGFIX: Ver.2.11.01 had a bug that some characters were erased on auto
Ver2.11 -> Ver2.11.01
- The compatibility problem with Powerful Customizer plug-in is fixed.
- An option for auto indent on Multibytes spaces (those in East Asian
languages.) is improved to work with auto formatting.
Мой личный, сплэш, рекомендую, самый лучший.
шапку включил
вроде про Becky говорим
линк на nntp плагин
а в шапке про фоксмайл
Этот имеется ввиду?
Spark, у меня всегда koi8-r, никаких проблем, настройки такие...
А есть ли в Беке автозаполнение поля "Тема"
От Эксченджа приходят письма с From: Пупкин, Вася <> (без кавычек!) При ответе часть до запятой трактуется как отдельный адрес и соответственно одно письмо отправляется на Вася <> нормально, а второе на Пупкин возвращается с ошибкой.
где хранятся настройки почтовых ящик
виртуальные папки
програмка bkybk.exe
виртуальные папки. Для чего?
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