На кнопку или сочеталово клавиш или на средний клик (middle caption anywhere) мыши навесь:
*Menu Show WindowInfo
создай список/панель WindowInfo
один из его элементов:
имя (Name

: *Info expr(Caption)
команда (Enter Command...): Clip.Set
Command Parameters: (Caption)
или импортируй всё меню (сохрани в txt-файл и импортируй через Setup > Import from text):
Format1 = IconSize: 16 Position: Floating
Format2 = MaxText: 127
Format3 = Flat
Format4 = TopMost Border Tooltips AllVDesks BarSize
Label = Caption:
Format = Width: 60 Disable
LCmd1 = *Format
LParam1 = Drag
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
Label = *Info expr(Caption)
Tooltip = Copy caption to the clipboard
Format = Width: 482
LCmd1 = Clip.Set
LParam1 = (Caption)
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
Tooltip = Close
Icon =C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/shell32.dll,131
LCmd1 = *Bar
LParam1 = Close WindowInfo
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
Tooltip =
LCmd1 = *Format
LParam1 = NewBarRowLine
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = (none)
Label = EXE:
Format = Width: 56 Disable
LCmd1 = (none)
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
Label = *Info =expr(EXEFileName)
Tooltip = Copy EXE file name to the clipboard
Format = Width: 500
LCmd1 = Clip.Set
LParam1 = ("=" ++ EXEFileName)
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
LCmd1 = *Format
LParam1 = NewBarRow
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = (none)
Label = Handle:
Format = Width: 56 Disable
LCmd1 = (none)
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
Label = *Info expr(Win.Handle("Active"))
Tooltip = Copy handle to the clipboard
Format = Width: 500
LCmd1 = Clip.Set
LParam1 = (Win.Handle("Active"))
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
LCmd1 = *Format
LParam1 = NewBarRow
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = (none)
Label = Class:
Format = Width: 56 Disable
LCmd1 = (none)
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo
Label = *Info C=expr(Win.Class("Active"))
Tooltip = Copy class name to the clipboard
Format = Width: 500
LCmd1 = Clip.Set
LParam1 = ("C=" ++ Win.Class("Active"))
MCmd1 = (none)
RCmd1 = *Bar
RParam1 = Hide _Bar: WindowInfo