Thanks for the follow-up and information.
One thing to note is that System Errors are Microsoft Operating System errors, not DameWare errors. With that said, I have done a little digging in our archives regarding something interesting from your screenshot of the error messages within DNTU's Information pane, both of which mention the inability to retrieve counter indexes as well as the performance indexes.
Unfortunately, this specific error message (System Error: 1814) is not directly related to the DameWare NT Utilities program, and it implies that some or all of the Operating System's Standard Performance Indexes (counters) are either missing or corrupted on that machine. We have also found that installing certain third-party software can cause this type of behavior to occur (corruption of the performance indexes).
Here is a couple of knowledgebase articles that we have found on Microsoft's Website related to the issue.
PRB: Performance Object Is Not Displayed in Performance Monitor
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;248993 Monitoring and Tuning Your Server
http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/en-us/default.asp?url=/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/en-us/iisbook/c05_the_system_performance_monitor.asp One other user reported to us the following feedback, that may help you out as well:
"For some reasons of performance we disabled the perfos.dll and the perfproc.dll. After enabling these it works fine."
I cannot make you any promises, but you may also want to try running Microsoft's EXCTRLST.EXE (Extensible Counter Listing Tool) from the resource kit (see the link below for download) and verify which performance counters are enabled/disabled within the Operating System.
Exctrlst.exe: Extensible Performance Counter List
http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/existing/exctrlst-o.asp As per Microsoft: "The extensible counter list utility (EXCTRLST.EXE) is used to obtain information about the extensible performance counter dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) on a computer running Windows NT/Windows 2000. This utility lists the applications, drivers, and services that are registered to provide performance data through the performance registry. You can use this utility for finding information and for troubleshooting"
Also, based on the other specific error message (System Error: 52), which is also not a very common one, is it possible you have a duplicate name on the network? Are you logged into this machine with local Admin credentials? Lastly, is this machine currently a member of the Domain?
I hope this information helps, but if you have further questions, please let us know.
Marty Bonvillain
Support Engineer
DameWare Development, LLC.