Ну не то чтоб совсем перестал, просто отдача стала очень постепенная =)
~# httping -g http://www.icq.com/
PING www.icq.com:80 (http://www.icq.com/):
timeout connecting to host
connected to www.icq.com:80, seq=1 time=17153.12 ms
timeout connecting to host
connected to www.icq.com:80, seq=3 time=1435.86 ms
~# httping -g http://www.icq.com/
PING www.icq.com:80 (http://www.icq.com/):
timeout connecting to host
connected to www.icq.com:80, seq=1 time=17153.12 ms
timeout connecting to host
connected to www.icq.com:80, seq=3 time=1435.86 ms