...версия 4010.
И читает,и удаляет и пишет отовсюду:из конт.меню послать,копировать,перетаскиванием,проблем нет.
...версия 4010.
Before you update, please read following information:
With InCD 4 you will get a completly rewrited version of our popular packet-writing solution. InCD 4 is not based on InCD 3, but was developed by Aheads engineers to raise the bar on packet writing. One part of InCD 4 is the 'SmartDetect' technology.
This technology "sniffs out" your CD/DVD drive and supports it automatically no matter how new your CD/DVD drive is.
At the moment we are testing 'SmartDetect', that's why there are still some untested recorders, especially older ones. If you are fully satisfied with InCD 3, we recommend to wait with the upgrade until we finish the tests.
If you have a new recorder, just test InCD 4. We are sure, you will love it.
A final version of InCD 4 will be ready in the next weeks.
InCD почему-то перестал записывать на диски.
как можно в 4-ом InCD поменять язык?
Под XP действительно проблема чтото записать - стереть,
Отсюда вывод-не вседа новое луче железом проверенного старого
InCD 4.0.17
Cannot copy the file: Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only.You cannot move or copy files over to this CD-ROM drive.
This device cannot write to the currently inserted disk. For writing please choose a write-capable drive and a compatible disk type.
В составе Easy CD Creator есть Direct CD
Действительно отличный продукт и хорошая замена InCD
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