Вышла 110 beta
Latest Changes:
The troublesome memory leak/slowdown problem is finally fixed
Вышла 110 beta
Latest Changes:
The troublesome memory leak/slowdown problem is finally fixed
Latest Changes:
- Fixed a bug causing the Hebrew version of the public Messenger 7 Beta to crash
- Uses less memory and less system resources
Ждём теперь русификатора от dadu
Latest Changes:
- The Misc section of the preferences now offers 3 methods to control the way Messenger Plus! hooks Messenger
- The Recovery Window has been modified
- The "HandleMessengerStart" registry setting has been documented and now also controls how the new attach mode operates
- A /notif command has been added which opens the Notification Configuration window for a given contact
- The /sendfile command has been fixed for the final version of Messenger 7
- Sound Pack files (with a plp extension) are now associated to Messenger Plus! in the Windows shell
- The custom emoticon problem for the Quick Icon panel and MSN Messenger 7 has been fixed
- In several windows of Messenger Plus! (like the event viewer and the floating windows), the status icons now use the Messenger 7 style (in MSN Messenger 7 only)
- Fixed a bug that stopped handwriting to work when a contact sent a message while drawing
- Wink messages are now properly logged and formatted in the chat window
Кого интересует перевод, то последнюю версию русификатора от dadu (Для Messenger Plus! 3.25.106) можно подогнать под Messenger Plus! 3.50.124 Final. Надо подправить в файле Lang_Russian3106.ini в строчке CompatibilityLevel цифры 3106 на 3117. И тогда в списке доступных языков перевода добавится русский. У меня почти всё переведено (за исключением пару новых функций)
- Added "DelayedSignin" registry setting. You can now use this setting to make Messenger wait the specified period of time before automatically signing in when it starts. Some people reported that letting Messenger 7 automatically sign-in after a reboot made their whole computer be very slow, this new simple feature of Messenger Plus! by-passes the problem.
- The Preferences Lockdown password is now asked when the Configuration Wizard is launched.
- Fixed a crash problem that could occur in very rare circumstances when using floating windows.
- Unicode Richedits were not enabled in version 3.52, causing Chinese/Japanese/... characters to be handled improperly by some of the Plus! features. That's fixed now.
- Bug fixed when sending more than 5,000 characters depending on the log settings.
- Fixed a bug in the scheduler when tasks are repeating every month or every year.
- Thanks to my new subscription to the Windows Error Reporting system, I've been able to locate and fix a couple of bugs affecting a percentage of my user base. Too bad the guys from the MS Anti-Spyware team are not as cooperative as the guys from the MS Winqual one as everybody would benefit from the results (because yes, MS Anti-Spyware still cripples the uninstallation program of the sponsor, preventing users from removing it from their system).
Latest Changes:[/more]
- 100% compatible with MSN Messenger 7.5
- New feature: Tabbed Chats
- New custom sound feature No "Messenger Plus! Extras" menu is displayed for "mobile number only" contacts
- Added "SideBarColor" registry setting for people who use skins
- Added a link in the Chat Logging preferences section to go to the encryption section
- The "Action message formatting" option has been removed from the preferences
- The auto-update window doesn't appear to frozen for long when the Messenger Plus! web site can't be reached
- The file sharing feature of Messenger Plus! was not that useful as is so it has been redesigned and file triggers have been added to it
- The action of playing custom emotion sounds is now logged in the Messenger Plus! chat logs
- The "Messenger Plus! Extras" menu for groups is back in Messenger 7 (useful to block/unblock groups). Note that if the width of your contact list is too small, the menu may not appear
- A new plugin function has been added called "AddEventEntry". This function allows plugins to add custom entries in the event viewer and event log file of Messenger Plus!. The version sent by the Initialize() function is now 7
- No more logging problems when an email begins with a system reserved word such as "com1"
- Two registry settings have been added, "AttachToWinMsg" and "AttachToMsnMsg" which allow users to ask Messenger Plus! not to add its functionalities in either Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger
- An important bug has been fixed that could prevent Messenger Plus!, in very specific occasions, to not attach to Messenger or a chat window properly
- Added a link to the sounds.msgplus.net page in the Sound Library window. This will help people get access to statistics and new sounds
Latest Changes:
- Bug fixed that caused detached tabbed chat windows to disappear
- Tabbed chats are not wrongly resized when closing an active chat containing an activity
- A "SideBarColor2" registry setting has been added to control the appearance of the Plus! side bar and the group bar (for tabbed chats)
- Due to many recent error reports related to third party Messenger Plus! plugins, upgrading from a previous version of Messenger Plus! to this one will automatically disable every installed plugin in every account
- An important bug was fixed that caused Messenger to crash at startup
- A couple of display glitches have been fixed
- This version is compatible with the forthcoming Messenger Plus! Live
- Auto-update now checks if a version of Messenger Plus! Live is available when running Windows Live Messenger
- If both this version of Messenger Plus! and Messenger Plus! Live are installed on the same system, this version of Messenger Plus! automatically disables itself in Windows Live Messenger but keep on working properly in Windows Messenger
- Due to various reasons, people using the Alternate Hooking Method will be prompted to reboot once the installation is complete and the Default Hooking Method will automatically be set back
- Log files are not auto-archived to the wrong directory anymore (happened in some very specific occasions)
- Probably nobody expected this but I've just released Messenger Plus! 3.63. This version fixes some last compatibility issues with the soon-to-come Messenger Plus! Live 4.00 (it still is not compatible with Windows Live Messenger). Those fixes couldn't be included in the previous 3.62 release as Messenger Plus! Live was still not mature enough at that time to do proper testing. You won't see any difference between this version and the previous one, however, if you plan on using Windows Live Messenger when it's publicly released (probably a month or less from now), then I highly recommend you to update to this version to prevent any kind of problem from happening.
- There's one other important thing included in this update. I wanted to keep that for Messenger Plus! Live but there's no reason why everybody could not enjoy this update sooner. The sponsor program is now distributed by Circle Development Ltd. They have reworked the package based on user's feedback and I'm happy to announce that you can now say goodbye to the home page change and the search bar in Internet Explorer. In case you would wonder, nothing has been added either and the sponsor is still as optional as ever. We just thought that the users who install the ads may appreciate a lighter package. Also, to make sure that everybody remembers where the ads come from a month or two after the initial installation, the entry in Add/Remove Programs now says "Messenger Plus! & Sponsor" if the sponsor is currently installed.
- This great new version of the sponsor program will also be part of Messenger Plus! Live and will be presented the exact same way during installation. The development of the new Messenger Plus! is still going pretty well. Version 4.00 is now scheduled to be released in a month from now, you can expect this update to be the last one compatible with MSN/Windows Messenger 4, 5, 6 and 7. Goodbye Messenger Plus! 3
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